Ultimate Female President

Chapter 166

Hearing Hou Liang\'s question, black tiger immediately frowned and said, "brother Liang, there is no way to compare this! Dai Baotai is the real boss of Linhai. What is boss Cao? Don\'t mention seeing Dai Baotai, that is, seeing any one of Jin daze and Du Chunyu, it\'s called ancestor!"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang was also stunned for a moment. He knew that he had finally contacted the real bosses of Linhai. He didn\'t know how these bosses were contacted by Jiang Yingming. It was nothing more than spending money& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; This must be Jiang Yingming\'s business, and there is no one else. Jiang Yingming was mad by himself today, but this matter must have been taken over by Jia siren. Why not Jiang Yingming? This guy deliberately retaliated against himself& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang\'s character is here. Even if he knows that he can\'t be provoked, he can\'t watch his brother being beaten. He immediately asked, "black tiger, you are sure. Among these people, there are Jin daze\'s men?"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Black tiger nodded: "I will not be wrong, this big man is!"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang nodded and asked, "where can I find these people?"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Black tiger was stunned for a moment: "brother Liang, are you really going to have a hard time with Kim daze? Compared with others, our security company is really mischievous!"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang said with a gloomy face, "I know. We don\'t need to protect the people of the company. We\'ll meet them. If we can\'t, we can still go. We can\'t be so cowardly!"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Black tiger nodded, "brother Liang, since you said so, that brother will go with you! I know where I can find them!"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang then told Guo Lei, "brother Lei, this matter has nothing to do with other people. Our own people were beaten and we went to see a doctor ourselves. I want to see where these people are powerful."& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang knew that even if it didn\'t work, these people would be fooled if he found an opportunity in the future. After catching them, he would negotiate terms with them, and there would always be a solution& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Two people got on the car and rushed all the way to Hongqi Street. This is what Heihu said. You can find them here& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Seeing that it was getting late, Heihu also rushed all the way around the path to Hongqi Street. Unfortunately, there was a traffic jam on the path, and the cars behind him also drove in, making it difficult to reverse& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; There were some people surrounded in front. There should be something wrong. Heihu was also anxious. He immediately got off the car with Hou Liang, and the two walked into the crowd& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; I saw a taxi hit a Lexus. A man was talking on the phone not far in front of the taxi, and another man was beating and scolding the taxi driver& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; The taxi driver also kept apologizing. He was beaten to the corners of his mouth, bleeding, and dared not fight back& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang and Heihu couldn\'t see such a thing, so they immediately squeezed in. Then they saw that there was another person on the car, lying in the cab& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang was also stunned. He was injured. Seeing that the man\'s head was a little gray, he lay on the steering wheel motionless, and blood flowed from the middle of the gray head& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; This kind of situation still focuses on saving people, but it\'s a little strange that so many people surround and no one comes forward& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang couldn\'t help but pull Heihu and said, "don\'t mind your own business. Let\'s look at this man and say it again. It looks like an old man. I don\'t know whether to die or not."& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Black tiger also immediately said, "brother Liang, don\'t worry about this kind of thing. The old man is so old and still drives this kind of car. At a glance, it\'s tens of millions. This is not an ordinary old man! If there is really something wrong, we don\'t know!"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang heard what black tiger said and understood why so many people were watching, but no one caught up. He should also be afraid of this& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang smiled faintly, "tiger, don\'t be afraid of these things. If the old man is still saved, we also save people\'s lives. What do you say?"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Although Heihu didn\'t want to cause trouble, Hou Liang said, naturally followed Hou Liang, nodded, and the two men walked quickly& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; The old man\'s head was hit with blood, and it seemed that there was something stuck in it. The situation was very bad& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang tried, but the old man still had a snort, so he hurriedly asked Heihu to put the old man in the co driver\'s position, tied up his seat belt, sat in the driving position, and immediately moved the car& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; At this time, the big man who called saw this scene and immediately rushed over: "who is it? Come down quickly, you\'re not going to die?"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang also ignored him. He looked at the front and saw that there was not so much traffic jam. He immediately moved the car and rushed out with one foot on the accelerator& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Black tiger knew where there was a hospital nearby and told Hou Liang to drive to the left when he got out of the alley, that is, there was a hospital twoorthree kilometers away& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; It\'s really a traffic jam on the road. If you take the path, it may be better. This situation is also very critical. If you save the old man, it\'s OK to say. If you die in the car, two people are really dangerous, and some things are unclear& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Just as Hou Liang left the alley and turned to the left, several luxury cars, all of which are tens of millions, rushed to the right and directly entered the alley& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang didn\'t know this was the case. He was driving ahead. In the rearview mirror, he saw the car that had just been driven in reverse, and chased his car all the way with several luxury cars. Others put their hands out of the window and waved to Hou Liang to stop immediately& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang also hesitated and couldn\'t help asking, "tiger, what\'s the situation? Are these people going to be bad for the old man?"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Black tiger was also a little puzzled. After looking at it, he said, "brother Liang, I said it didn\'t matter. Now it looks like we\'re in big trouble! If those people are bad for the old man, we\'re also annoying others. If we want to save the old man, it depends on our luck. We can\'t stop!"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang also knows that what Heihu said is very reasonable. Now that he has caused this matter, don\'t stop and drive directly to the hospital. I hope this old man doesn\'t die on the road. Even if he saved someone and angered these trackers, there is no way& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; The car behind was even more crazy. If Hou Liang hadn\'t been skilled, he couldn\'t have run away& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Seeing the red light ahead, Hou Liang suddenly turned into a small alley. If he ran the red light again, it would be even more troublesome& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; A car stopped at the entrance of the Hutong in front. It was one of those luxury cars. It should have bypassed and stopped. Because it was also anxious, there was only an exit one meter and five wide. It was impossible to drive normally& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Two big men have come down from the car. One of them pointed to Hou Liang and wanted to scold. Seeing Hou Liang\'s car roaring and rushing over, he immediately fainted& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; In this case, it was too late to brake. Seeing that they were about to crash, the two big men couldn\'t ignore swearing and hurried to the car. In this way, if there was a car in the way, they wouldn\'t be directly hit by Hou Liang& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang really didn\'t stop and brake. He quietly told Heihu to help the old man and hit the rudder to the left. Then he leaned over and slammed the rudder to the right in an emergency& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; The car stood up sideways, and the wheels on the side passed in front of the blocked windshield of the car, and the whole car drove frantically in the gap of less than one meter and five meters& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; The black tiger was scared in a cold sweat and hurriedly said, "brother Liang, this skill is too beautiful for me to learn for several years!"& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang smiled: "there is no way. The situation is urgent. I don\'t know what these people are doing. Chasing us so frantically doesn\'t look good. We\'d better go to the hospital as soon as possible."& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; In fact, Hou Liang was also in a cold sweat. In this case, it was still very dangerous. At this time, he looked back and saw that the two big men on the car were still dumbfounded. Several luxury cars had been caught up in the alley, and the two big men also hurried to move the car again, and soon caught up& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; At this time, the distance has been opened a lot. Hou Liang also drove all the way fast and soon entered the gate of the hospital& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; The cars behind also caught up quickly. When Hou Liang and black tiger helped the old man out of the car and entered the hospital, a group of people came down from the car behind, but at this time, no one followed Hou Liang and black tiger and cursed, but ran over one after another, looking very anxious& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; Hou Liang immediately helped the old man to the emergency department and asked Heihu to pay the money. Whether he offended someone or not, it was important to save people& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; The two men finished all this and watched the doctor push the old man into the emergency room. They were relieved and sat on the chairs in the corridor& 1t; r/>& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp;& amp; nsp; At this time, the group