Ugly Woman vs Evil King


An ice-cold pain instantly gripped Tang Qing's heart.

At this moment of death, being so close to her, Tang Qing's pupils suddenly shrank. As she turned her body with all her might and fell to the side, she suddenly smelled a sweet fragrance that was almost indiscernible.

Almost subconsciously, she called out, "Feng Jiu Li!"


The sharp and nimble blade seemed to suddenly stop at the side of Tang Qing's neck, Tang Qing even thought that she heard the sound of air exploding.

Warm blood flowed down her neck, causing her entire body to freeze. After a long while, she slowly let out the breath she had been holding in for so long.

"Little Fatty Tang."

The deep and pleasant voice was currently very hoarse and somewhat ambiguous. However, there was a greater sense of vigilance within it.

His tone was still as if he was smiling, and didn't seem to be intentionally asking: "How did you know it was This King?"

Tang Qing stood there unmoving, closed her eyes and slowly relaxed her breathing, after a long while, she finally said in a low voice: "You should not be asking me how I knew it was you, but you should have clearly thought of a way to escape right now."

Just as she said that, an extremely sharp killing intent burst out from the darkness, even Tang Qing could feel a bone piercing chill.

The cave was very dark, and the two could not see each other's faces clearly. They could only judge each other's position through their voices.

Tang Qing who did not have any martial arts undoubtedly had no advantages, but it was also because of her harmless nature that she was still alive at the moment.

Feng Jiu Li was on guard against her. It was likely because of some reasons that he had no choice but to hide in this fake mountain, and the moment she yelled out his name, this man completely suspected that he was following him.

Feng Jiu Li was injured, and this kind of man would definitely be like a cautious wild beast if he was injured. No matter who approached him at this time, their neck would be snapped by the defenseless fierce beasts!

Tang Qing moved very slowly, she raised her hand and slowly covered the wound on her neck.

"I just happened to pass by. I just called your name to stop you. That might have caught their attention. Sorry."

Her voice was soft and soft. In a situation where she could not see anyone, such a sweet and obedient voice like this was undoubtedly very easy to get a good impression of. It made people subconsciously feel that the owner of this voice was a soft and cute person.

It was just that, if she was to apologize in a completely unconcerned manner, Feng Jiu Li might feel that he would be happier.

Feng Jiu Li squinted in the direction of Tang Qing, and could barely make out a little of his silhouette.

Although he really wanted to continue pressing the little fatty about how she had recognized him, he didn't have enough time.

He could already hear that the group of people who were rushing him over had already gathered with the people from the Red Lotus Church at the north side and were heading over here.

This girl was right. She called out her name, it was indeed a big trouble.

Feng Jiu Li pursed his lips, his long fingers carelessly stroking the black Tang Dao at his waist, thinking that if not for him giving the Hundred Revolutions Pill that his royal brother gave him to this girl as a gift, he would not have been in such a miserable state.

"Walk forward. Turn left and you will reach the northwest courtyard."

Tang Qing said in a low voice. After she finished speaking, she did not care if he was willing or not, and stretched out her hand to grope her way through the darkness, grabbing onto a piece of the clothes.

She did not care if this person shook her off in disgust. After wiping away the blood on her neck, she led him forward.

No matter what purpose Feng Jiu Li had in helping him, she still owed this person a favor, even if this man was truly as Feng Qiu had said, there was no enmity between them, so he could just treat it as a clean up.

The two of them purposely took light steps, and Tang Qing was especially familiar with the situation of the road, so her speed was extremely fast.

However, after turning a corner, what he saw was clearly not the northwest courtyard. Instead, it was a abandoned well that had been abandoned at the foot of the fake mountain for a long time.

Before Feng Jiu Li could even raise his guard, he was abruptly pulled by Tang Qing. Then, he kicked off the ground and pushed towards's chest, pushing him into the well!

Feng Jiu Li's face became extremely ugly. He never thought that he would be plotted against by a fat little girl like Tang Qing, but he quickly realised that something was amiss, because inside the well, there was a familiar smell — — bones! Phosphorite!

He had seen too many of these abandoned wells in the imperial harem that were used to throw corpses to cover up the truth!

He suddenly raised his head, only to hear Tang Qing's screams from above, followed by the sound of flustered footsteps that were getting further and further away.

"KILL, KILL!" "Help!"

This silly girl!

Feng Jiu Li immediately understood Tang Qing's intention. Was she actually trying to attract other people's attention for him?

Feng Jiu Li's mind was distracted, and unknowingly, he used some strength to support his palm against the wall of the well. Unexpectedly, the space beneath his palm suddenly became empty, and he instantly fell into a pitch black hole …

Tang Qing naturally would not be that stupid, she would not look down on her life just for the sake of others.

Coming out of the fake mountain, they would indeed arrive at the northwest corner. The difference was only because of a fork in the road. To the right was a dried up well, and to the left was the northwest courtyard.

Tang Qing didn't know why Feng Qiu wanted her to guard against him so much, but she understood that if she didn't know the truth, then she would just do something that would make Feng Qiu unhappy.

There were definitely people from the Red Lotus Church among the black clothed men.

Since those people dared to take such a huge risk to kill Feng Jiu Li, then, even if they ran to the Northwest Academy, Feng Jiu Li's life might not be safe.

When the imperial guards arrived in an hour, the people of Red Lotus Church had no choice but to retreat. If he came out again, his life would not be in danger.

As for her, the moment she arrived, she was already very close to the Northwest Courtyard. There must be a lot of guards, and she had started shouting halfway through her run. Other than attracting the killer's attention, most of them did indeed get help from the guards.

Secondly, she had to leave behind the erroneous information that Feng Jiu Li was still in the front courtyard, so as to pass Feng Qiu's intentions.

Everything was as she had expected. She quickly rushed to the entrance of the courtyard. The guards on the road had already broken off their guard for her.

"Qing Er! You, what's wrong with you! " A cry of surprise rang out, followed by a pinkish embrace.

Tang Qing trembled as she looked up at Feng Qiu, who was hugging him, tightly grabbing onto her arm and continuously squeezing.

"Mother! It's the King Su! He … he wants to kill me! "

"Sis!" Sis, are you alright? "

Just as Tang Qing finished speaking, Tang Su rushed over in shock, seeing the wound on her neck, her face immediately became pale, and she shouted out: "Doctor Li! Doctor Li, come over quickly and visit my sister! "

At this time, he clearly didn't have time to think about why his sister's attitude towards Feng Qiu had become so similar to before.

"Why did the King Su kill you?" Feng Qiu was shocked, seeing that the wound on Tang Qing's neck was deep, and was obviously close to death, her face immediately changed.