Two-faced: Doting Husband & Shameless Wife

Chapter 123 - Unfamiliar

Sometimes ... you have times in your life that question what your existence on earth is. Can living in this world make you happy? Or do we just live it without knowing the direction and purpose of life. Are people around us happy with our existence? Or are we just bullies in their lives? If we disappear from this earth ... will anyone cry for it?

Ling Yue always thought about this when people started to corner and bully her. As if her life was worthless in their eyes and her existence only made others more angry. She always wondered what was wrong? Does she have to suffer so they can laugh happily?


Some of the psychiatrist doctors she met secretly always said the same thing.

\'No one can change you but yourself. They can affect and injure your body but cannot lock your heart and mind. \'

That\'s right and Ling Yue changed. But now she was so tired. She always be the target object that even she himself does not know the reason why. Ling Yue was sick and fed up with all this.

Maybe if she die and disappears, these people will not bother her anymore. But ...


The words always appear when they grin mockingly. Will she die today? Will they kill her slowly? Or will they beat her to death? She thought about how various ways they would kill her. Never once did she herself thinking of dying. Because they are always there for her.

\'Yueyue ... I will sue them and put them in prison!\' Ah Sheng, who had not yet graduated school desperately persuaded her to imprison people who beat her. But Ling Yue refused. Why? Even if they are imprisoned, there would be others who copy them and take revenge on their behalf. Then this cycle will only repeat until she really dies.

\'My little sister ... tell me who they are and I will beat him up too!\' Feng Ge and Huang Ge who had just entered junior high school tried to get revenge for her and Ling Yue was silent. It was all in vain. She did not want his brothers affected by her problem.


Ling Yue looked at Xi Jian. \'What will you do for me so that I won\'t choose to die?\' Xi Jian said nothing, in return, he just stretched his arms and smiled softly. Xi Jian opened his mouth but Ling Yue did not hear any sound. Ling Yue moved toward him and Xi Jian\'s shadow reversed.

"Jian ... what are you saying? I do not hear you!" Ling Yue chased after him. "Jian! jian! Honey what are you talking about? Jian! Do not leave me! Jian help me! Jian .... sob ... "

"Miss...are you okay?"

Ling Yue blinked slowly. Bright glare began to hit her sense of sight and unfamiliar face appeared before her. A middle-aged woman looked down at her.

"Can you see me?"

Ling Yue nodded. Flashes of previous events flooded her memory. Ling Yue suddenly woke up and looked at the woman\'s in horror.

"Who are you?"

"Calm down, miss! Hey you call the doctor!" The woman ordered other people who were there. "You are at the hospital now. Your friend brought you here. You lost a lot of blood and your condition is critical."

When Ling Yue heard the word \'hospital\' she suddenly felt excruciating pain all over her body. Especially the stomach. The woman lay back Ling Yue again. A moment later a doctor entered Ling Yue\'s room with his ȧssistant and immediately examined Ling Yue.

"How do you feel?" He asked as he examined Ling Yue and the tools beside her.


"It must be. You were beaten up, got shot, lost a lot of blood and almost two days unconscious."

"WHAT?? Two days?!" Ling Yue asked disbelief.

The male doctor sat on the edge of Ling Yue\'s bed and clapped his hands. "You are hurt pretty badly, child. I wanted to report it to the authorities but decided to wait for you to wake up first. There is no identity whatsoever on you that made us confused. The person who brought you also only knew your name but we did not find any information in it." He looked at Ling Yue right in the eyeball. "Then I thought it might be a fake name. Is this your husband\'s doing? Is he the one who tortured you? There are so many cases of domestic violence these days. You and your prospective baby might not survive if you are found too late."

Ling Yue gazed at the doctor, frowning. "Sorry doctor ... what do you mean?"

The doctor looked surprised. "Miss, don\'t you know? You\'re two weeks pregnant! Thanks to God. Only with God\'s power you two can survive all of this."

Ling Yue\'s mouth dropped open. Her hand automatically touched her stomach. Her body trembled and her feelings were frivolous.

"R-Really? It\'s that true? Am I pregnant?"

The doctor nodded and she heard congratulation word from the nurse and his ȧssistant. Ling Yue remembered how bad things had happened to her without knowing that she had taken another life in her body. Her throat choked. If ... if at that time those people ... no! Ling Yue was unable to imagine what was happening. Tears dripped in the corners of her eyes.

"I am pregnant..."

The male doctor stood up. "Rest first. I\'ll help you if you already decide."

"Doctor ..." Ling Yue called out to him before the doctor and the other two people came out. "Who brought me here?" If the one who found her was their gang up, then Ling Yue had to leave immediately.

The doctor a bit doubtful. "You know him. He said you were friends. I was asked to keep his identity a secret. Don\'t worry."

Ling Yue stared at the ceiling. She could not help but worry. She had to leave here but her body was too weak to do it. Her hand stroked her stomach again.

"Ah, are you awake?"

"Remember me?"

How could Ling Yue forget the man she met only once but left an impression. "Mr. Yohan ..."

"Ohoo! I know you won\'t forget me! Do you know how scared I was to find you lying full of blood?" Mao Yohan told the incident when he found her near the location they were filming and rushed her to the hospital. "At that time I—"


The door to her room opened suddenly. The three people in the room turned their heads together. Ling Yue\'s eyes widened and her face changed color. At the door frame there was stood a man whom she knew well but seemed unfamiliar.