Two-faced: Doting Husband & Shameless Wife

Chapter 121 - Hope (2)

Xi Jian sat in the car he gave to Ling Yue which was driven by Zou Ci. His hand touched the \'play\' buŧŧon. Under the driver\'s seat, like Zou Ci said, Xi Jian found a sophisticated recorder in thumb size stuck under the chair leather. If Zou Ci didn\'t told him, Xi Jian wouldn\'t find anything. He listened to every conversation recorded.

That man, Zou Ci, was indeed not an ordinary bodyguard. They knew each other since childhood. When Xi Jian was busy playing till his heart content, Zou Ci had already jumped into the dark world because of the environment he grew up in, but they were remained a good friends. Xi Jian contacted him again when he and Ling Yue were involved in an incident many years ago. That\'s when he offered Zou Ci a position as his bodyguard and decided to set foot in the same world as him. With ȧssist from Zou Ci and their underling, Xi Jian in a short time could rule the underworld there.

It was a mystery to him why someone like Zou Ci would work for him who at that time was only a beginner jerk in this dark world.

\'.... Mr. Zou, I want to ask something, but don\'t tell Xi Jian ...\'

Xi Jian heard Ling Yue\'s voice accompanied by Zou Ci\'s laughter.

\'I won\'t. But maybe one day he will find out himself ...\'

\'Well, it\'s okay as long as it not come out from your own mouth.\' Ling Yue clicked her tongue.

Xi Jian could still hear Zou Ci\'s laughed. \'...So what is it?\'

\'...uhm....\' there was a long silent before Ling Yue spoke again. \'\'How many women have he been dating with?\'

Xi Jian was surprised. Did not think this would still bother her.


\'Why don\'t you answer?\' Ling Yue\'s voice sounded even closer. Xi Jian suspected that she might lean forward.

\'I lost count.\' Zou Ci answered awkwardly.


\'Is Xi Jian not back yet?\' this time there was Ling Yue\'s voice.

\'Maybe boss still has business. Have you called him?\'

\'Hmm ...\'


\'I already told him that I love him!\' came another Ling Yue voice.

\'Is that so? why do you sound proud?\' Zou Ci sounds surprised and amused.

\'Well, just so you know ...\'

...then Zou Ci\'s laughter came. \'Sometimes, I can understand why you are Ling Feng\'s sister. You two are very similar when boasting.\'

\'Why should I look like him?\' He heard Ling Yue\'s voice sound annoyed.


Xi Jian have continued to hear their chats since Zou Ci became her bodyguard. They talked about the weather or something. Xi Jian sped up the recording at the time of the incident.


\'Madam, put on your seat belt and hold on, I\'ll speed a little.\'

\'What\'s wrong?\'

Their voices shook, Xi Jian imagined all the events in his head. Maybe because the speed of their car was increasing.

\'Hey, Gan Ji are you there?...I was driving madam home ... three cars on the road to the house...We were being followed...3-way junction? I\'ll take the toll road, are there any of our people near here? ... okay ...\'

\'We\'re being followed? Are you sure?\'

Xi Jian clenched his fist. He could heard her worried voice.

\'I have seen them since we left the office. Take it easy, madam, nothing will happen to you as long as I am here.\'


\'Mr. Zou!\'

Xi Jian heard a loud deafening sound and his heart beat faster. He skipped to the next record and what he heard was gunfire and shout.

\'I\'d rather die than give you to them....Boss asking me to protect you. How could I do that?\'

\'Catch her!\'

\'Zou Ci! It\'s an order! Go and get help...Let\'s talk and leave him. I\'ll follow as long as you let him go. What do you want?\'

Xi Jian gripped the steering wheel. "This stupid woman.. "

He heard another low and distant voice. \'Good girl! Of course. Our boss has been wanting to meet you for a long time ago. Come here.\'

Xi Jian didn\'t know the extent of this recording\'s ability to capture a sound, but he heard a mocking voice from someone else.

\'Is she fainted because she too scare?\'

\'Madam! Madam! Wake up! Are you hurt somewhere? Madam?\'

There was a long silence before he recognized her shaky voice. \'I\'m fine...Zou Ci, go and pick me up later.\'


\'NOOOO!!! You Bastarrd!!!\'

Another gunshot sounded without pause until finally the recorder went silent. There were a sounds like people were searching in the car and murmurs \'nothing ... already ... let\'s go ...\' before deadly silence arose again.

Xi Jian didn\'t hear anything anymore. When he thought it was the last time he heard the end of the recorder, there was a rustle and the whisper of a series of numbers and letters.

\'Two black SUVs. One sedan with madam in it ... that\'s ... Military...


Xi Jian looked at the soundless recording again. His mind jumbled up. He put his head on the steering wheel and gripped it tighter.

"She fainted ..."

Xi Jian closed his eyes and Ling Yue\'s shadow flashed in his head. Her petrified figure returned to mind. How could this happen?

"Yueyue ... please be safe." Xi Jian hoped with all his heart. If something happened to her, he might go crazy. If he found that Ling Yue was injured even just a bit, he felt he could burn all the causes into ashes. His heart was squeezed with anxiety and worry. Her last voice he heard was trembling. How scared was she to face it all?

"Ling Yue ..."

After a moment, he pressed a few letters and numbers that Zou Ci mentioned and then sent them to his ŀȧptop. He didn\'t care about the military or even if that the government was behind this. Xi Jian just needed to destroy them, completely.