Two-faced: Doting Husband & Shameless Wife

Chapter 119 - Run

After their first quarrel, another quarrels arose when they returned to work. Xi Jian still wouldn\'t let her go back to DuChen even moved her position in King Empire as his personal ȧssistant.

Xi Jian took her wherever he did business. He did not want to be separated from Ling Yue for a second.

Bai Xu could only smile with his master behaviour. A thought crossed his mind when he saw his boss who was blinded by love.

\'Is Master try to pursued his needs for the past five years? Has he not been bored together for 24/7?\'

Ling Yue did not want to attract people attention like she had been alive all this time. But Xi Jian treated her like a queen and people who saw her were always beside him, starting to approach her.

They ended in a fight when discussing this. Xi Jian even wanted to release her legal work and turned her into wall decoration. She just sit and did nothing in his room and Xi Jian didn\'t mind it at all. Ling Yue sighed heavily.

"Bad day, Ma\'am?" Zou Ci glanced at the rear view mirror.

"No." She answered shortly.

Today, because Xi Jian has a long meeting, Ling Yue sneaked out of the office and asked to be taken home. It\'s better to be at home than in a conference room and be stared at by shareholders.

"You\'re quarrel with my boss again, right? Don\'t be like that— " Zou Ci glanced at his rearview mirror once more. His sitting posture changed.

"Madam, put on your seat belt and hold on, I\'ll speed a little."

"What\'swrong?" Ling Yue did as she was told. She looked back and saw two cars driving not far behind them. Zou Ci pressed some buŧŧons attached to the dashboard and put on his earphones.

"We were being followed." He explained their position and asked for the closest post.

"We\'re being followed? Are you sure?" Ling Yue clenched her fist as Zou Ci stepped deeper on the gas and zigzagged before entering the toll lane.

Ling Yue focused herself and hoped that everything would be all right. Zou Ci took the middle lane exit toll, away from their home direction.

The car continued to run and suddenly, out of nowhere, a black car cut their path from the front.


Zou Ci slams the steering wheel. The car spins violently off the track before it squeaks and stops. Their path was blocked by three cars. Zou Ci did not want to take the risk. He crashed into the car closest to them, rattled his car with all his might to open the way for them.

"Mr. Zou!"


Only one hundred meters after they made it out, the car ran over something that made it wobble and stop moving. Zou Ci stepped on the gas many times but nothing changed. He was talking to his partner. This people led them into a trap.

Zou Ci pulled out a semi-automatic handgun and pulled the ċȯċk. "Madam, whatever happens, the first priority is your safety, do you understand? If there is an opportunity and help has not yet come, run as far as possible."

"Wait, what do you mean? Who are they?" Ling Yue saw several people get out of the car behind them.

"Madam, keep your head down." After saying that, Zou Ci opened the car door and pointed his gun at them. "What\'s your problem?"

"We want meet that young lady." One of them replied.

"You need to make an appointment if you want to meet her, not blocking our way and make us stand in the middle road."

"We want to make sure she is the person we are looking for."

Zou Ci did not listen further and shot them first. Some people who respond late fall down. Ling Yue only heard a prolonged shootout. Her attention was diverted and he screamed as the door beside him opened. Someone tried to pull her out. Ling Yue screamed again as the person who grabbed her thumped down onto the road. Zou Ci shot him.

"Madam, are you all right?" he crouched down next to Ling Yue.

"I am fine, how about you?"

The cloaked man who took cover behind the car stood up and shout out loudly. "There she is! Take her alive! Kill the man."


"Let\'s run!"


Ling Yue stood before Zou Ci. If they want her alive, They wouldn\'t shoot Zou Ci, right?

"Madam, what are you doing?!" Zou Ci pulled her arm.

"Save your life!" Ling Yue whispered. "I\'ll pretend to turn myself in, then run and get help. You hear yourself. He won\'t kill me." Ling Yue\'s hand trembled to see many people with such a scary face. But she could not stay quiet seeing him ready to risk his lives for her.

"I\'d rather die than give you to them." Zou Ci gritted his teeth. "Boss asking me to protect you. How could I do that?"

"Catch her!"

"Zou Ci! It\'s an order! Go and get help!" Ling Yue hurriedly let go of his hands and faced them. "Let\'s talk and leave him. I\'ll follow as long as you let him go. What do you want?"

They looked at Ling Yue then looked at Zou Ci and smiled. "Good girl! Of course. Our boss has been wanting to meet you for a long time ago. Come here."

\'Please not now! Hold on until Zou Ci manages to escape.\'

Ling Yue kept repeating that thing in her head until her eyes darkened.