Two-faced: Doting Husband & Shameless Wife

Chapter 111 - Liar

Xi Jian pressed buŧŧon to open the curtain which covered the entire main bedroom window and then turned off his bedside lamp. His body stretched for a few minutes before finally stop abruptly. Next to him, there was a woman. She lay on her side facing him. Her long hair hung partially over the front, partly scattered behind her. She was sleep peacefully.

Xi Jian reached out to touch her and slowly his smile expanded.

"This is not a dream..."

Xi Jian didn\'t believe in his own memories. Because sometimes, his memories and reality blend with imagination when it comes to Ling Yue.

Their passionate night was not a dream.

She finally became his. They already became one! He admired the woman next to him. Xi Jian raised Ling Yue\'s head and slipped one of his arms there, while the other arm pulled her waist closer.

Ling Yue slowly opened her eyes. Her buŧŧerfly-like eyelashes trembled before showing her beautiful eyeballs. A few minutes passed with them staring at each other and Xi Jian chuckled at Ling Yue\'s face turning red.

"Good morning, dear. What are you thinking about until your face is red like this, hmm?"

Ling Yue looked down and pressed her face to Xi Jian\'s ċhėst. "Nothing."

Xi Jian smiled and didn\'t ask further. His brain was still spinning around what happened last night. It was an special night that he would never forget in his entire life.

"How\'s your body?" Xi Jian asked in her ear, making Ling Yue shudder.

"Alright, I suppose?"

"Is that so? Is it still hurt?" he ċȧrėssed her bȧrė back.

"I don\'t know..."

Ling Yue widened as one of Xi Jian\'s legs slid between her legs and stuck in the middle. She could feel his hard manhood in her thɨġhs. Xi Jian kept carresing all her body.

"Last night I thought I was dreaming, but it was not."

"N-no wait ... aren\'t you tired?"

Ling Yue could still feeling his manhood lodged inside her all night. She didn\'t know how long they did it until Ling Yue fell asleep from exhaustion. And this man still wanted to do it now?

Ling Yue pushed his body and struggled out of his arms but Xi Jian did not let her. His mischievous smile dissapeared and his eyelids drop. He looks like a neglected puppy.

"Just once, please? My wife."

Ling Yue dumbfounded. Her brain did not want to do it but her body excite responded to Xi Jian\'s touch \'there\'.


"I can\'t?"

Ling Yue didn\'t know what to do. He looked so pitiful and that made her nodded involuntarily.

It\'s fine if just once, right? Ling Yue saw his sly grin back before he kissed her. It was too late when she realized it. Her man was a big fat liar!

Ling Yue woke up again after the sun hang high in the sky. Her body hurts so much. She did not find Xi Jian next to her but a small note left from him. He went out to meet someone for a while.

Ling Yue pulled the blanket to cover her body before leaving the bed. She fell to the floor after her legs could not support her body right when the door to this room was open.

"There is something wrong?" Xi Jian rushed over and asked worriedly.

"My legs ... I can\'t stand up ..." Ling Yue looked at him frantically.

Xi Jian held back his smile. His guilt made him say nothing. "I\'ll help you. Where are you going?" Xi Jian easily lifted her body.

"Bathroom ... I want to pee and take a shower ..."

Xi Jian didn\'t say anything, took her to the toilet and put her in a careful position.

"Call me when you\'re done." He gave her privacy and went out.

Ling Yue didn\'t know how red her face was holding back her shame. Xi Jian came in and carried her again.

He removed her cover and lowered her slowly into the tub that he was already filled with warm water.

"I\'ll do it myself!" Ling Yue snatched the soap bottle in his hand.

Xi Jian laughed. "What do you need to be embarrassed about? I have seen all parts of your body. Come and let me help you. Otherwise, I will join in taking a bath with you." He raised an eyebrow and his mischievous smile came out.

Ling Yue couldn\'t help handing over the bottle back. Xi Jian smiled triumphantly. He sat beside the tub and began to soap Ling Yue\'s body. He could clearly see his masterpiece all over her body.

Ling Yue looked up to make it easier for him washing her hair, at that moment, she saw his eyes.

"Don\'t even think about it!"

Xi Jian\'s laughter boomed through the gurgling of water. "This is really tempting me. You know, I am now thinking of throwing myself in."

Ling Yue crossed her arms in front of her body. "Pervert!"

"Calm down ... I won\'t do it now. We have a lifetime to do it anyway."

Ling Yue looked at his side face. He was handsome as usual but didn\'t sweat even though he carried her from earlier. No wonder he was so powerful on the bed. Ling Yue was very surprised when suddenly Xi Jian turned his head and kissed her.

"Let\'s back to the bed."

"WHATT??? No, no, no, I am starving!" Ling Yue glared.

"That\'s why don\'t look at me as if you invited me to." Xi Jian laughed. She was really cute.

Ling Yue grumbled. She realized, the more they headed downstairs the more other voices could be heard. Xi Jian took her to the dining room and sat her down. Ling Yue could see someone she had seen sitting there.

"I think you\'ve seen him before. From now on, if I can\'t be with you, this person will take care of you." Xi Jian introduced them.

"In short, I am your bodyguard, Ma\'am. It\'s nice to meet you again." Zou Ci intended to reach out his hand but was glared by Xi Jian. He shrugged. "My name is Zou Ci if you still remember."

Ling Yue nodded. "Nice to meet you, Sir." She glanced at Xi Jian with a questioning look. Why does she need a bodyguard?

"Just in case." Xi Jian said nothing further.

"They are my mother\'s people. They will help for a while here." Xi Jian introduced them. There were three people. One man and two women, greet her and introduce themselves.

Ling Yue nodded awkwardly. "You said you met someone. Did you go to meet your mother earlier?" Ling Yue could see Xi Jian\'s body turning stiff.

"No. I met someone else."

Ling Yue didn\'t ask further. It seems like he didn\'t want to discuss it in front of her or in front of his people.