Two Lives'Love: Prince Loves Excessively

Chapter 340

However, the enemy is in the dark and our army is in the light. We still don\'t know how the disease was caused, which will have a great impact on the control of the disease.

We must find a way to get rid of the disease in five days! Chu Qian Mo heart that kind of indomitable spirit, was completely inspired, quickly into the ranks of treatment.

But all day long, until dusk Sihe, the symptoms of all the cases examined by Chu Qianmo were the same as the soldier he saw at the beginning, and he could not see anything different.

It wasn\'t until after Xu Shi that Chu Qian Mo realized that if she couldn\'t find the cause, it would be futile to see more cases every day, so she went out after dealing with the last two soldiers\' illness.

Leng Qianqiu is also based on the morning and Chu Qian Mo dialogue, in the camp with nine thousand years old and Su family father and son, studied a new battle plan all day.

After dinner, we have to continue. Through the contact from the imperial capital to Hecheng, and Lin Qianbai\'s sensitivity to the enemy in the morning, Leng Qianqiu felt that the imperial envoy was not only good at medicine, but also good at marching and fighting.

So when the Su family and their son came in, Lin Qianbai didn\'t ask to leave, and Leng Qianqiu didn\'t ask them to leave.

However, the battle plan has always been a secret. All the people in the barracks have been evacuated. There are only xuanming and Wenchu guarding outside, and no one else can contact them.

In the barracks, they were not so particular as in the imperial capital. Several people were tired all day and simply sat on the ground in the barracks. Although the weather in late autumn is still hot and dry in the daytime, in the evening, it is in the high and cold places such as Xiling that the brazier has been used for a long time.

It\'s just that the fire in the brazier has almost died out.

Su Haoran used his pliers to pick up a piece of charcoal that was almost burnt, and scratched a thick black mark on the ground, "if this is Xiling..."

Before his words were finished, Lin Qianbai noticed that there were two pieces of redness and swelling on his wrist, which was not covered by his sleeve. "General Su, when did you have symptoms?"

Su Haoran with Chu Qian Mo\'s vision to see past, fell on his wrist, frowned, "you just found a little bit red, how so quickly?"

Then he quickly stood up and said, "please forgive me. When I was young, I just thought I had cut it carelessly, and I didn\'t have any other discomfort. I\'ll leave now. Don\'t be too ill. I\'ll give it to you and Mr. Lin."

In fact, Chu Qianmo had not doubted the Su family\'s father and son. After all, they were the sixth Prince party, and the relationship between the sixth Prince and his relatives was not clear. However, looking at the series of reactions, it was very true.

"It doesn\'t matter. Mr. Lin said that the disease is not sure to be a plague, and from the perspective of the sick people, there is no sign of infection." Leng Qianqiu gives Su Haoran a light look and signals him to sit down.

Obviously, Su Haoran didn\'t think of it. When he sat down again, he could not help feeling a little more awed.

Several people\'s center of gravity, and back to the deployment of troops, Chu Qian Mo\'s attention can no longer be moved from Su Haoran\'s arm abscess.

According to the dictation of the three doctors and the sick soldiers she visited today, the expansion and development of the symptoms usually took about three days. Why did Su Haoran develop from a tiny, almost indistinguishable symptom to the present one in four to six hours?

There was a cool wind outside the tent, and xuanming asked for instructions outside, "Lord, I\'ll change a new fire for you."

Waiting for Leng Qianqiu to answer, a basin of red charcoal fire was placed among the five people. Su Haoran unconsciously focused on the swelling of his arm during the discussion. He explored his hand forward, and the hand covered the open fire. The heat was too hot, so he quickly drew his hand back.

Chu Qian Mo\'s eyes suddenly widened, and Su Haoran seemed to have found out. He looked up at the other four people in surprise, and then put his hand on the fire and took it back.

This time, all the five people could see clearly. When Su Haoran\'s hand was close to the fire, it turned black quickly, and seemed to move. After su Haoran withdrew his hand, it changed back to its original state.

"General Su, the wrist may be scarred." With that, without waiting for Su Haoran to react, Chu Qianmo holds Su Haoran\'s hand.

Leng Qianqiu\'s brow wrinkled, deep eyes to see Chu Qian Mo, Chu Qian Mo\'s face, unexpectedly "leisurely" red, the hand also released, fortunately, the easy thing blocked her face red halo, and the yellow light, the eye tail red, also blocked.

However, when she realized that she was a man now, she secretly bit her teeth and stood up to get the medicine box as an excuse to avoid this slightly embarrassing scene.

Listen to spring in camp not far away waiting, here Wenchu message past, Chu Qianmo camp from cold Qianqiu and near, in a moment, medicine box will be sent.

Chu Qian Mo expertly eliminated the poison of the knife, and then cut it down to the abscess. He saw that there was ordinary abscess and carrion inside, and there was nothing special about it.

"No way." Chu Qian Mo holds Su Haoran\'s arm and leans to the brazier. But this time, there is a pad between his two hands, which seems to prevent infection. His cold face is not as bad as before. His deep eyes are also staring at Su Haoran\'s arm.

The redder flesh colored objects, which were just like ordinary abscesses, suddenly shrank together when they were closer to the fire, and then expanded twice as fast as the naked eye could see. In a few seconds, it turned black“ Get out Chu Qian Mo wrung brow, use knife to peel off the abscess quickly. The ball fell into the brazier and suddenly expanded to a quarter of the size of a brazier at an astonishing speed. It moved around in a hurry, as if looking for a shelter. But after all, there were hot walls everywhere, and after a great struggle, "poof" disappeared“ What is it After dealing with Su Haoran\'s wrist, Chu Qianmo\'s doubts have not been solved. No matter in the last life or in this life, she has never seen such poison. Where does the poison come from? How does it enter the body“ In this way, all you have to do is cut open the patient\'s place for all those who are ill? " Su Haoran has been bothered by the patients in the barracks these days. Now not only has his own virus been solved, but also the virus of the whole army has finally been settled. As soon as he spoke, he found that nine thousand years old was looking at Leng Qianqiu and childe Lin. And Leng Qianqiu and Mr. Lin both locked the brazier in front of them, and almost said in one voice, "make a plan!"“ Do what you want! " With that, Leng Qianqiu raised her eyes and took a look at Mr. Lin. there was something at the bottom of her eyes that could not be changed.