Two-dimensional option system

229 Chapter 229: Zero-Starting Life in Another World

Weekend night.

In Su Yu's apartment.

"System, random animation world." Su Yu said.


On the street, carriages kept coming.

The earth dragon pulled the carriage, and the adventurers walked in twos and threes. On the streets, not only humans, but also demihumans.

The demihuman here does not mean an immortal human like Su Yu, but an orc.

"Do you live in a different world from scratch?" Su Yu thought for a while and understood what kind of world this is.

This time, he still prepared gold bullion, this almost omnipotent currency.

Su Yu, dressed in casual clothes, didn't attract much attention. Perhaps in the eyes of the surrounding orcs, humans were similar.

The first step is naturally to exchange currency.

The currency of this world is relatively simple, just gold coins.

Su Yu exchanged a gold nugget for 100 gold coins, the price is not good or bad.

He took a bag of gold coins and walked out of the pawnshop, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Among them, the three gangsters looked at each other and followed Su Yu into the alley.

"You guys, do you want my gold coins?" Su Yu turned and smiled and looked at the three punks, a bag of gold coins disappeared in his hands.

The three gangsters felt bad, and all took a step back.

"Bang" one of the gangsters hit the wall.

The other two gangsters were taken aback, before they had time to escape, they were caught by the ankles by the black ghosts and fell heavily to the ground.

"Answer my question, have you ever seen a girl with silver hair." Su Yu squatted in front of the two gangsters, and knocked the short gangster on the back of the iron knife.

"I haven't seen..." The short bastard trembled with fright.

"Oh? Then you have no value, right?" Su Yu smiled slightly.

"Wait, I've seen..." The tall bastard next to him raised his hand.

"Let's just listen, if it's the person I'm looking for, I'll let you go." Su Yu said with interest.

"Silver-haired half-elf woman, right?" the tall bastard asked tentatively.

Su Yu smiled without saying a word.

"I've seen it on the street. She seems to be chasing someone. Not long ago..." The tall mixed voice felt a loose ankle before his voice fell.

"Thank you for your information." Su Yu stood up and flew into the sky.

The three gangsters opened their mouths, unexpectedly

Although this is the royal capital, there are no regulations prohibiting high-altitude flying, at least, Su Yu, a stranger in the world doesn't know.

Su Yu was grasped by the black ghost, looking down at the entire capital, looking for his goal.

"Found it!" Su Yu looked not far away. A blonde girl was running on the roof, very fast.

Behind her, a silver-haired magician girl was chasing.

"Emilia, Ferut, where is the actor?" Su Yu followed the two closely, waiting for the appearance of the actor.

However, after chasing for half an hour, Su Yu watched Firut escape into the slum, but did not see the male lead.

"Is there no actor again?" Su Yu understood and went down.

Goal, Filut!

Filut was running, seeing the shadow on the ground, and subconsciously looking up, he saw Su Yu descending from the sky.

"Damn it!" Firut rolled over, avoiding Su Yu's attack, and was about to fight back when he felt a sharp claw fall on her neck.

"Give me the badge." Su Yu landed steadily on the ground and stretched out his hand to Firut.

"What badge? I'm just an ordinary kid, I don't know what you are talking about." A cold sweat fell on Ferut's forehead. She could feel the creature in front of her, but couldn't see it. This sense of fear made her Feeling heavy.

"Don't talk nonsense, the red-haired magician chasing you will be here soon." Su Yu said coldly.

"Red hair? Obviously silver hair..." Ferrut retorted subconsciously, halfway through, and quickly covered his mouth.

"If you don't want a mark on your face, just give it to me. It's not something you can have." Su Yu came to Firut with a short knife in his hand.

"What do you want this thing for?" Ferut took out the badge unwillingly and threw it to Su Yu.

"The kid shouldn't know it better. Take me to the bar you made with that woman. This is your compensation." Su Yu looked at the badge in his hand and threw a candy at Firut.

"From the beginning, you didn't intend to hurt me, did you?" Ferut felt the claws disappear and stood up.

"The answer is correct, Ferut." Su Yu smiled mysteriously.

"Do you know my name?" Filut couldn't believe it.

"I am a predictor." Su Yu smiled.


Dilapidated bar.

"You robbed Firut's things, dare to come here?" The burly giant old man stared at Su Yu.

"Master Roma, that's not my thing either..." Ferut whispered, eating candy.

"A glass of wine." Su Yu calmly took out a gold coin and placed it in front of Roma.

"You are really a brave kid, if you are not afraid of death, just drink it." Roma poured a glass of wine to Su Yu.

Su Yu picked up the wine glass and took a sip of the wine gently.

"Poor quality wine, but it tastes sweet and not bad." Su Yu took a sip.

"If you want a good drink, pay more." Rom snorted coldly.

"After a while, someone will invite me to drink, so I won't waste any money." Su Yu drank the wine, his mouth curled up.

"You said we are in danger, what is going on? I haven't made it clear yet." Firut asked.

"Well, do you know intestine hunters?" Su Yu thought for a while.

"The killer who appeared in the royal capital recently?" Rom frowned.

"Wait, you mean, the person who hired me was an intestine hunter?" Ferut's face changed slightly.

"Yes, the next battle is between me and her, you and your Lord Roma, it is better to find a place to hide." Su Yu nodded.

"How do you know the identity of the other party?" Roma asked suspiciously.

"I am a prophet. She has already walked into this area. You still have five minutes to hide..." As soon as Su Yu's voice fell, the dart fell on Filut's arm.

"What are you doing?" Rom was angry, holding his mace, and smashing it at Su Yu's head.

"Bang" the black ghost stood in front of Su Yu and grabbed the mace.

"Quiet rest." Three darts in Su Yu's hand were stuck on Roma's arm.

Even if "Plop" is a member of the giant clan, it can't stand the power of three darts.

Su Yu looked at the two people who had passed out and put them into the space ring.

"Choose! One, defeat Elsa and reward a silver draw. Second, defeat Reinharut and reward ten silver draws."

"Choose! One, return the badge, and reward one silver-level draw. Second, not return the badge, and reward ten silver-level draws."

"Hey hey hey, system, you might as well just let me die." Su Yu vomited.

Rein Harut, the contemporary Juggernaut, Long Aotian in Long Aotian, unless Su Yu has the power of Teacher Saitama, wanting to defeat Lai Aotian is nothing short of a dream.

The second option is even more nonsense. If you don't return the badge, you will get enemies with Emilia.