Two Contracts – My Lover Is A CEO

Chapter 140 - The Red Packet

She looked at the phone in her hand again and dialed a number. She had to somehow disturb this engagement and make sure that it didn\'t take place, ever.

In the Yang Mansion Chairman Min-Chang was busy preparing for the big event. He had sent personal invitations to all his family members. The engagement invite was so beautiful. It was in the form of a musical box, which opened with music with a couple rotating in the center and the boy putting a ring on the girl\'s finger. Each box was accompanied with a small jewelry box with diamond cufflinks and a pearl necklace. When the family members received the invite they couldn\'t help being impressed. They wondered that if the engagement invite were so lavish, how would be the wedding invite.

Yang Chen Lin and Sebastian had also arrived. They were already engaged in Spain and had come over for their wedding as was instructed by the Chairman.

The Yang Mansion was a buzz of activities. The only person who was not involved into all this was Yang Chún qiàn. She was not allowed to go out of her room and balcony. The old butler was not permitted to enter her room even though he had tried to snuck in so many times on one pretext or the other. The bodyguards stationed outside her room always stopped him from entering. She would occasionally go out in the balcony to have tea and breakfast and look at the group of gardeners doing their usual job. But over the last few days she noticed that only one gardener was present. She called him and asked, "Where are all other gardeners?"

"Madam, they have all gone to the old family house to prepare it for the engagement of CEO Yang and the young miss," he replied with a surprise that the lady of the house would ask a stupid question like that.

Yang Chún qiàn nodded and went inside. She was raging with fury. She could not communicate with the outer world. She threw the cup of tea she had in her hand on the floor. The bodyguards, upon hearing the sound rushed inside only to see that the old lady was kneeling on the floor and picking the glass pieces. One of them noticed her teary eyes and pitied her silently. They were ordered by the Chairman to not allow her to leave the room. So even if they pitied her they could not go against the order of the Chairman. Who in the city would go against that man?

In the penthouse, on Saturday, while having lunch Wu Lina received a call from her mother.

"Wu Lina I would like to take you for the engagement. Can you give me that honor? I know I have lost that privilege but I would be very happy if I take my child with me." Wenqian said emotionally.

"Mother, please don\'t speak like this. It would be my privilege to come with you. Thank you," replied Wu Lina feeling equally emotional. She disconnected the call after a while.

Yang Xinyu was listening to the conversation. He became curious and asked, "Where are you going?"

"Mother wants that she should take me for the engagement. So I will come to the venue with her," replied Wu Lina still touched by what her mother told her.

"No! You will come with me. We both will get dressed together and go from here," whined Yang Xinyu.

"Xinyu, how can I disagree with my mother on a thing that will give her happiness? I have only reunited with her yesterday. Please darling I live with you. It would be blessing for me if I come with her." Wu Lina spoke her heart out.

"But I want to be with my bride. I don\'t want to be away from you anymore," protested Yang Xinyu.

Wu Lina smiled and said, "I will forever be with you." She put down her chopsticks on the table and went near him. Circling her arms around his head, she bent down to kiss him. Yang Xinyu buried his head in her stomach wondering where has this new development come from.

"Don\'t go… We will go together…" he said.

She smiled and kissed him again sealing her decision.

They headed for the bedroom for the afternoon nap after the lunch was over. Mrs. Jiao was one happy soul to see the two lovebirds getting engaged soon. They had overcome so many hindrances.

Once they were lying on the bed, Yang Xinyu asked her remembering all of a sudden, "Did you open the red packet that father gave you in the hospital?"

Wu Lina shook her head and said, "No."

"Why? You must see what he has given you with so much affection," he said being slightly angry at her carelessness.

Wu Lina understood that he was about to get angry so she sheepishly got up from the bed and went to the drawer where she had kept the red packet. She opened it and took out two documents from inside. Her eyes widened with amazement.

Yang Xinyu was observing her and became curious. He went to her and took the document from her hand. It was his chance to get shocked.

Document one was a land deed of a bungalow located in the elitist area of City H. It wasn\'t just any bungalow. It was \'The Bungalow\'. The bungalow was formerly owned by a major general of the army, who was now retired, and had settled with his son overseas. It was the best gem in the real estate market.

Document two was a legal paper that declared a 10% share transfer of the Yang Conglomerate in her name.

Wu Lina so carelessly kept the two documents that when she read the contents, she got nervous. Her hands started shaking. Yang Xinyu on the other hand was smiling. He came near her, picked her up and said, "See I have such a great father. What reward will you give me for this red packet?"