Two Contracts – My Lover Is A CEO

Chapter 127 - I Want To Meet My Mother

A blush spread on her cheeks and she nodded remembering their first night together in the hospital. Yang Xinyu lifted her chin and brushed her lips with his before kissing her passionately. Even though he was turned on, he didn\'t disturb her. She was weak and frail.

Both of them were excited. The wedding was two weeks later. They didn\'t know how to share their excitement. With the Chairman taking all the responsibility of planning the event for them, it helped ease their burden.

Yang Xinyu released her so that she could rest again.

Standing up, Yang Xinyu exclaimed, "Yes, we\'re going to get married!"

All of sudden he freaked, "Oh my god, who all are we going to invite? This is the first time I am getting married! Wu Lina, we don\'t even like the same things! How are we going to stay together? Is it going to be difficult?"

Wu Lina smirked, raised her hand and beckoned him with a finger, "Come here."

He went and sat near her impatiently. "If you like, we won\'t marry," she said plainly with a shrug.

Yang Xinyu was aghast. He was behaving like a bride who had never seen his groom but was about to get married.

Realizing that he was irascible, he controlled himself and meekly started looking down. Wu Lina burst into laughter. "Get a pen and paper and write a list of what all you want to do."

That part clicked and Yang Xinyu actually started writing while Wu Lina munched on her grapes and apple.

While he was writing, Wu Lina remembered her mother. She longed to meet her and invite her for the wedding. She longed to see them and it has been more than four years since she had met them. She had kept her distance knowing that her father might become violent with her mother if she met her. She longed to see her brother.

"Yang Xinyu?"


"I want to meet my mother…"

Yang Xinyu stopped writing and looked at her. "Sure… I would like to go with you."

"No… I want to meet her alone… I want to invite her for our engagement and marriage."

"That would be great, Wu Lina. I can drive you there. You don\'t have to go alone," he said, scared that her father might not like to see her.

"I have to face this myself…"

Yang Xinyu respected her decision and agreed with it. "But you have to be careful. I will drop you to their house but won\'t accompany you inside unless you want me to. I will stay outside in the car." He couldn\'t leave her alone over there.

Wu Lina nodded. She looked forward to meeting her family, a smile formed on her face.

A day later, Yang Xinyu brought Wu Lina back home. At the hospital, their list only kept increasing. They had very little time to execute it.

Wu Lina dialed Zhou Zhili and invited them for the party. Zhou Zhili was so excited that she spilled out the coffee on the table she was working at.

"Wu Lina, I am so happy for you. Oh my god! What are you wearing for the engagement party? I will help you with that. I will take a leave from work. Please let me know if you want my help."

"Zhou Zhili, thank you. Actually, all preparations are being done by the Chairman, so we are happy. As for the dress, Yang\'s personal shopper will assist me. So don\'t worry. I want you and Bo Xilai to come for the party."

Zhou Zhili exclaimed, "Of course! By the way, do you know that Bo Xilai proposed to me?"

Now it was Wu Lina\'s chance to be surprised. "Really? Jie, many, many congratulations!"

But then she complained, "So when did you guys get engaged? You didn\'t even call me?"

"It was so quick, Wu Lina. Not many people know. Do you remember that I had taken your apartment\'s keys because my brother was visiting us?"


"Bo Xilai spent that time with me, and it was the best time of my life! I don\'t know what happened, but on the last day of his stay, he proposed me and gave me this beautiful gold band," said Zhou Zhili, looking at her left hand ring finger warmly.

Even though Zhou Zhili was a year older than Bo Xilai, they matched each other perfectly. After the engagement Zhou Zhili had moved in with Bo Xilai. Their everyday lives became easier with both being in the same profession and in the same company. She thanked god for making Yang Xinyu fall in love with Wu Lina. It spared Bo Xilai from marrying her!

"Sorry, Wu Lina. I should have told you."

"Don\'t worry Jie, I will come and force a party from you," said Wu Lina with a chuckle before disconnecting.

Next in her list was Lai Mingxing, but he wasn\'t picking his phone. There was no way she could contact him, so she texted a message to him on WeChat:

\'I am getting engaged to Yang Xinyu. Please come to grace the occasion. Your blessing are needed.\'

She waited for his reply but there was no response.

Yang Xinyu on the other hand sent the formal announcement to his office that had to be distributed to the press. The entire office was abuzz with this announcement. Congratulatory messages came from all the offices including those abroad. It was one of the busiest days at the office for Zhou Zhili.

For Bo Xilai, it was a different story – the Chairman had shoved all the responsibility of arranging for the engagement of the most eligible bachelor of City H. The days had grown tentacles, he didn\'t get to see Zhou Zhili as he had to work from office 24/7. He had to arrange for the stay of over fifty relatives of the Chairman, including those of his mistresses near the old family house. He was irritated as to where had these relatives cropped up from! If that wasn\'t enough, he had to arrange for giving them gifts as well. Bo Xilai was working with eight hands and two brains.

When he didn\'t reach home on the third day, he received a call from Zhou Zhili.