Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Chapter 83 - My Old Man

Yang Xinyu took rest of the day off from his office. He had too many things on his mind. First, he wanted to spend his day with his beautiful girl. He had told her about the contract, which was null and void now. However as a precaution he had asked his lawyer to ensure that this was completely legal. There were so many things to be taken care of. He had to tell his parents about Wu Lina. They must have gone mad seeing the news channels that had found the season's scapegoat. He was being termed as a pedophile!

He knew that the media would troll Wu Lina and he had to protect her from the paparazzi. He decided to move in with her in his penthouse that was fifteen minutes from the office. It was a luxury penthouse located on the 49th floor of the building 'House of Fengs'. The lounge was too small. She would be safe in the penthouse.

The office employees would give her a tough time. So she had to be protected from them too. He would bring her work to home. From there she could coordinate with her project team. As such the project was in its last phases.

"Don't go out of the office building Wu Lina," he said.

"Why?" she asked making a grumpy face.

"We will be moving to my penthouse in the 'House of Fengs'," he informed her.

"What? No! What's wrong with my apartment? It is big enough for my requirements. I got it after a special recommendation from the head nurse Su sāng ní! The owner of the apartment is her brother. And most importantly my lease is still valid for another two months," she resisted.

He chuckled at her naivety! "It doesn't matter. The media will be trolling you now. It can be an extremely bitter experience. They will dig into your past and shred you to pieces. You have to maintain your self-confidence and dignity in front of them. Do not talk to any news channel unless my HR department gives you a green flag. Be careful when you get out of the building. I will be appointing 2 security guards for you who will guard you every time."

Wu Lina's eyes were wide with shock! So many protocols! She felt like a queen about to be trapped in her palace!

Without giving attention to Wu Lina's dazed expression, he picked his phone.

He checked his phone and as expected he saw umpteen calls from his mother. His father Chairman Yang Ming-Chang had texted him and asked him to meet him as soon as possible. His mother on the other hand was going ballistic!

He had to solve problems one by one!

First he called his HR department that was flooded with phone calls from the news channels and tabloids. He told them to confirm the news that he was in a relationship with 22-year old Ms. Wu Lina. He emphasized on her age so that they do not goof up! More than the news channels, the HR department employees along with all other department employees became extremely excited. The girls in the company felt as if their chances had slipped out of their hands without even trying!

Then he called his parents to tell them that he would be coming in the evening.

When he switched on the TV next, he saw that the news channel that had labeled him as a pedophile was now apologizing profusely. But now he had to face another problem. They said how come a young 22-year old girl falls in love with a 29-year man. Isn't he too old for her? According to them she had the looks of a fashionista, and could easily attract younger men.

Wu Lina was watching the TV with him and she laughed to her heart's content. "Yes I wonder that too. You are really old for me!"

He switched off the TV scared that Wu Lina may change her mind! His doubts increased with the way she laughed and mocked at his age. He threw the pillow at her, which was thrown back at him, and out of blue a pillow fight ensued. Wu Lina was running around the lounge and was dodging him. Ultimately he caught her and held her tightly not allowing any of her limbs to move. She was locked. So she started nibbling his jaw and called him, "My old man."

"You are very attractive Wu Lina. Look at those long black hair and big almond shaped eyes. You have big b.r.e.a.s.ts and lovely figure, which happen to be the most popular features with men. I see men ogling at you every time we go out."

"So what's your point? Are you insecure about me?" she asked with a mischievous smile.

"What? No! Well, look at me. I am the s.e.xiest guy in the entire City H! I am the best catch! Accept that you are attracted to my good looks and my s.e.xy body." He would never show his insecurity to this woman.

"I am?" she pondered with a finger on her chin. "You smell good, I have admit that…" she mumbled as she bit her bottom lip.

Yang Xinyu waited patiently for her to reveal more as his eyes traveled to her mouth becoming darker. There was a lot of tension in the room now to which Wu Lina was oblivious of.

"Admit it Wu Lina!" he was looking intently at her as if to see her reaction.

"You can say that I am attracted to an old man," she laughed not giving away anything while trying to free herself.

'That's it!' he caught her head and pressed it on his c.h.e.s.t. 'I'll show you how old I am!' But Wu Lina kept on giggling. He picked her and threw her on bed. He straddled her and started tickling her.

She laughed crazily, "Stop! Stop, please! Ok, ok, you are my man, and…"

"And what?"

"And cute!" she said in between her giggles.


"And you are not old! Leave me!" she laughed more.

She found her freedom after such a long time that she felt she was dreaming. If this was a dream, then she wanted to live it to the fullest!

Yang Xinyu wanted to take her to his parents but he was scared that they would harm her. So he decided to go alone.

When the old butler opened the entrance door, he looked at Yang Xinyu in disbelief. 'How could young master be in a relationship with a common woman? He deserved a sophisticated woman from a business family.'

Yang Xinyu ignored his looks and greeted him nonchalantly. He headed towards the living room where he had to deal with the atom bombs!

Upon seeing Yang Xinyu, his mother threw a newspaper at his face. "Do you know that I could send this girl to jail within seconds? Do you want me to do that?" she shouted.

"I should have known that time only when she came to the Yang mansion to ask about your likes and dislikes when you were hospitalized. She sugarcoated her way into this house. Yang Xinyu, she is an enchantress. You deserve a better woman in your life. A girl like her with no background will become like Ying Yue. She will ditch you within months! You have to break off the engagement or we else will remove you from the family register!" Venom was pouring out of Yang Chún qiàn's mouth.

Yang Xinyu stayed quiet, which irked her further. He was wondering at what she just said, 'Wu Lina came here to know about my likes and dislikes'. His lips curled. No wonder she connects with me so deeply.