Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Chapter 306 - The Meeting at Sapphire Bungalow

They sat in silence for sometime and then she switched off the TV. She turned to look at him and said, "Yang Xinyu, I have known you from a long time and have never been closer to anyone else other than you and mom. Now that she is going, you are my mom and my dad also."

She rested her head on his l.a.p while he stroked her hair. "Hmm…" he replied.

"Don't leave me ever… My stars are just too bad as far as relationsh.i.p.s are concerned."

"Lina, how can I leave you? I'd rather die than leave you…"

Wu Lina got up from his l.a.p and slapped him on his c.h.e.s.t. "No one is allowed to speak of death now!" She shuddered when she thought about the fatal attack that Yang Xinyu escaped.

Yang Xinyu laughed and nodded. He kissed her lips lightly. They had indeed come a long way.

Next day Yang Xinyu came back from the office for lunch, as Vladimir was supposed to meet them at 3pm. Wu Lina was looking nervous. There was a frown on her face, which wasn't leaving her since morning. She had scolded the servants even for the smallest of their mistakes. When Yang Xinyu arrived, she had lunch with him in silence knowing that if she acted angry, he would get annoyed. He had asked her to stay calm and had managed to keep up with her tantrums so much, so the least she could do was to assure him that she was indeed composed.

The mayor arrived early in order to have lunch with them. But by the time he reached, they had already finished their lunch and had gone to the bedroom to sleep for a while. He ate alone and went to the living room to read the newspapers. He did not disturb the couple, as he really wanted them to sleep and relax.

Vladimir arrived at the Sapphire Bungalow at 3pm sharp. As the security announced his arrival, the mayor pulled himself up for a round of battle. Yang Xinyu and Wu Lina also came out of the bedroom to find that the mayor was already sitting there in front of Vladimir.

Vladimir looked at Wu Lina, and his gaze fell on her belly. He was looking extremely nervous but he mustered some courage and asked her, "How are the babies doing?"

Wu Lina did not reply and pursing her lips, she went to sit down near the mayor. Yang Xinyu sat down on a sofa beside Vladimir.

There was an awkward silence.

The mayor looked at all of them, and he felt as if the room's atmosphere was so stifling. Yang Xinyu started, "Let's not waste time on greeting each other. Please let us know what are your intentions for buying twenty percent of company shares?"

Vladimir coughed and started, "Yes, I think it is better we do that." He paused a little and continued, "I have been winding up my business in Bulgaria a lot, as I want to spend a retired life now. However, I also wanted to come to China. I was banned here, so had to bribe a lot of official all across the system to first lift the ban from me."

Zhaoyang was one of the most prestigious and ric.h.e.s.t real estate developers of the country. He had numerous buildings all across China.

"Well you must have already guessed why I wanted to be in the country," said Vladimir looking at Wu Lina.

"I had come here along with Zhaoyang for a project here. We are building a colony near the riverside. When I came here, there was a buzz in the circles that Yang Fangxu had been trying to sell her shares of the Yang Corporation. I approached her and bought all of them at a higher price because I heard that the person who was buying those ten percent shares was the ex-mayor. He had vested interest. I was afraid that he would so harm to the company, so I just had to offer her a bigger price, which she accepted greedily. Obviously the deal was done through my lawyer.

"After the deal was done, my lawyer approached me one day that another ten percent are there on the market and one of the board members is selling them to meet his debts. I investigated the history and offered to buy those also.

Vladimir pulled a doc.u.ment out from the folder he was carrying and placed it on the table. He continued, "Wu Lina this is the legal doc.u.ment which states that all these shares are now legally transferred to my grandchildren. Twenty percent will be divided amongst the three of them – the eldest will get seven percent while the other two will get six and a half percent each."

He looked at those doc.u.ments with a smile and said, "After all the eldest will be the head of the family in future."

The mayor raised an eyebrow.