Two Contracts - My Lover is a CEO

Chapter 112 - Is She Out of Her Mind?

In the Yang mansion after the incident between Wu Lina and Yang Chúnqiàn...

Yang Chúnqiàn immediately called her lawyer to the house to discuss how to get rid of Wu Lina. She wanted to sue Wu Lina and throw her behind the bars. She didn't want to see such a lowly girl with her Yang Xinyu. And how dare he challenge her? She owned almost half of the company and she could easily eat up the whole company if she wanted to.

"Good morning, Mrs. Yang," Chen Junxu, her lawyer, had arrived and sat on the luxurious sofa of the living room.

Chen Junxu was a young lawyer in his late thirties. He wasn't a bright person but he was diligent and sensible. He never talked nonsense in public and was always politically correct.

Without wasting time, she jumped into business, "Chen Junxu, I want you to look into a contract that was created last year with our Yang Corporation and Hospital Goldmine. A girl has breached the contract and I want you to summon her to the court for breaching it. I want her in jail for it," she said with hatred in her eyes. Her voice was so threatening that Chen Junxu became frightened for the poor girl.

Yang Chúnqiàn got up from the sofa to bring a copy of the contract for him to see. She threw it on the table, "The girl's name is Wu Lina. She's the one I want in court and in jail," she said sternly.

Chen Junxu moved forward to pick it up. The name sounded familiar… As he was going through the contract he asked her, "How has she breached the contract? Has she met Yang Xinyu?"

"Yes, she has," Yang Chúnqiàn was trying to keep it curt.

"Well that's surely a breach of contract and I'll see what I can do," he replied but something was stinging him at the back of his mind.

Suddenly, it all connected. Their affairs had already reached the public. "But Wu Lina and Yang Xinyu…"

"Speak nothing of it!" shouted Yang Chúnqiàn before he could finish his sentence. "She is a gold digger! I want her in jail and that's that."

She left him with a gaping mouth. He was shaken to see how a mother would be so cruel to do that to her son. Even if Wu Lina had breached the contract, couldn't she forgive her? It was apparent that the two were madly in love with each other.

But as a lawyer who represented Mrs. Yang in her business, this was purely business. He went to his office and started digging about the VIP case. He knew that if this went to the court it would seriously affect the company's image. He couldn't bring it up to Chairman Yang Min-Chang.

He dug up more information on Wu Lina and came to know that she was working as a coder in the company. A relaxed smile erupted on his otherwise grave face. He called Mrs. Yang.

"Mrs. Yang, I was looking into the case. We can't do anything about it," he said calmly.

"What do you mean?" Yang Chúnqiàn was startled at his statement.

"Since Wu Lina is working as a computer programmer with the Yang Corporation, she is practically not an employee of the hospital. In this case, the contract is void and she cannot be affected by the contract," he said in one breath without giving her a chance to speak. He hoped that she would drop her vanity.

Yang Chúnqiàn's pride was hurt. "It doesn't matter. Just file a case and get it done."

"But our claim doesn't have any grounds to sue her. We have a risk of losing this case and if we do lose, she may counterclaim with defamation," he reasoned.

"I don't care! File it!" She hung up the phone.

This lady's arrogance had irritated Chen Junxu. 'Is she out of her mind?' It was going to be a disaster if he filed the case for her. The repercussions could be huge and he would be embroiled in the useless court proceeding, which won't help at all. He needed to stop this. This problem that was arising needed to be nipped in the bud. But would that foolish lady listen to him?

He took matters in his hands and placed a call.

A few days later, the case was filed and a copy was sent to Wu Lina.

Wu Lina received it by post and was shocked beyond words when she opened it. She didn't know how to react. It was afternoon and Yang Xinyu was at his office.

She called him, "Yang Xinyu I have received a letter from the court by post."

Yang Xinyu was sitting in a meeting. He picked her phone on the first ring. She never called him to disturb him hence he became all the more concerned. "What letter?"

"It's a suit filed against me…"

Yang Xinyu jumped out of his chair and rushed outside to listen to her. "What does it say and who has filed it?" he asked worriedly.

"It says that your mother is the plaintiff while I am the defendant. Your mother has filed the suit against me for breaching the contract with the Yang Corporation."

Yang Xinyu became speechless at his mother's stupidity. "It's going to be okay. I will send Hua Jiefeng to oversee the matter, okay? Promise me you will not worry."

"Okay…" she replied meekly. She wondered when her life would start flowing smoothly. Each and everyday there was a new problem that involved her.

Yang Xinyu called Hua Jiefeng. When Han Jiefeng picked up the phone, he asked him to go to his house to collect the legal doc.u.ments and went back to attend the meeting.

Hua Jiefeng was prepared for the case. As a matter of fact he was over-prepared. He smiled when CEO Yang had called him.

Within half an hour he was at the entrance of the penthouse. The security men opened the gate for him. Mrs. Jiao made him sit in the living room and called Wu Lina.