Turn the Universe

Chapter 303

Who just recognized Han Yu Zhan's figure seemed to tremble slightly because of excitement: "Han Yu Zhan, have you never heard of it? The chairman of Zhongjing financial company is the leader of the rise and fall of the global financial circle in China. His power covers many fields, such as real estate securities, entertainment film and television, collection and gambling, energy materials, etc., and has a great influence.

Even I heard that he also involved the unknown underground forces in China, the energy can be said to be immeasurable! Even senior officials should be polite to him when they meet. "

"Hiss" field suddenly a sound of pumping air.


after listening to a few words, Hanyu Xiaotian was no longer interested. He crossed the crowd and walked towards the center of the square.

"Hello, little brother, you two, stop and don't go there!" Those who talked about it had a good mind. When he saw a young man going to the other side of the square, he stopped him in a hurry.

The cold feather smiles the day to turn back the flaw tooth to smile, the step actually still did not stop.

"Oh! I said, why didn't you listen to me? Those people are not easy to be provoked. I'll be beaten later. Don't say I didn't tell you! "

"Brother Li, there are always people in the world who don't know the height of heaven and earth. If they don't listen to advice, they'll let them go. When they hit the south wall, they will know they'll turn back."

"Maybe they have some identities. Don't you see that they still have a black leopard?"

"Yi, I still have boa constrictors. What does that mean? We'll wait and see how they're thrown out

People or can't bear, or pity, or gloating at Hanyu Xiaotian, they walk toward the center of the square.

For Hanyu Xiaotian, who has just understood one of the ways in his heart, people's minds are no longer complex for him at this moment. He seems to be able to easily guess what people think.

However, he did not care at all, which is different from that he did not care about people's heart because he did not understand it.

When Hanyu Xiaotian and Lengyu came to the edge of the square, Hanyu exhibition and Hanyu heyday had already been found and welcomed.

In the eyes of the public, the arrogant Hanyu exhibition with Hanyu's heyday is bowing to Hanyu Xiaotian.

"Hanyu exhibition and dog Hanyu's heyday have met master Xiaotian!"

"Get up, uncle Zhan. You're all family. You're welcome."

"I haven't seen master Xiaotian yet!"

"See Master Xiaotian!" After the exhibition, hundreds of people bowed and yelled.

After greeting Hanyu exhibition and Hanyu heyday, Hanyu Xiaotian followed them to the luxury motorcade which had been waiting for a long time, and headed for the branch of Hanyu family -

Zhongjing financial company, the 80th floor.

There is no partition on the whole floor. The view is open. The large French windows on all sides make it easy for people here to overlook the prosperity of Shengjing.

The surrounding walls are covered with expensive and incomparable art paintings. A few rare and rare sculptures are placed in the right position. The whole hand-woven Persian carpet in deep red is also very noble.

In the hundreds of meters hall, there are several wine cabinets, collection sofa, projection brain, small fitness ground, bookcase, and even a small martial arts arena for discussion. Although it is elegant and luxurious, it has a warm and leisure atmosphere.

When Han Yu Xiaotian walked into the door, he saw that there were more than a dozen people sitting in the slightly empty hall. They were old and young, men and women, many of them, but they seemed to be familiar with each other.