Turn the Universe

Chapter 301

Japan divided Ninja into upper tolerance, middle tolerance and lower tolerance. There is a clear distinction between the three.

Its lower forbearance is equivalent to the current Chinese level 1-3 warrior; the middle tolerance level is equivalent to the Chinese level 4-6 warrior; the upper tolerance level is equivalent to the Chinese level 7-9 warrior; and the upper tolerance leader is equivalent to the level 10 warrior.

As for the higher level of combat power, it is said that Japan still has Saint tolerance and God tolerance, but they are also rare.

During the disappearance of Ninja, the most important fighting force of Japan was their world-famous Bushido!

Bushido was the spiritual pillar of the warrior class in the feudal society of Japan.

It originated from the Kamakura shogunate in ancient times, and was formed by absorbing the thoughts of Confucianism and Buddhism in the Edo era.

It is based on the consciousness of risking one's life. In order to realize the value of the individual in the collective and the group, we should exert our own ability as much as possible, and emphasize "death without consideration, death without scruple, and death without hesitation".

The origin of Bushido can be traced back to the way of Confucius and Mencius, Shintoism and Buddhism in China.

It is a principle that the Japanese samurai class must strictly abide by.

For samurai, the most important thing for samurai is to bear responsibility and fulfill responsibility. Death is just a means to fulfill responsibility, and death is the second. It is more terrible than death to fail to fulfill the duty.

There are two main schools of wuyindao: Shizhong and yishidao.

Confucianism Bushido mainly emphasizes righteousness, courage, loyalty and benevolence. The representative figure is Shanlu Suxing.

The original founder of Yamamoto is actually the representative of yeyin Bushido, the descendant of Yamamoto Chang Dynasty. I don't know how he rediscovered and carried forward the way of ninja.

It can be said that the rise of Yamamoto in the past 100 years has been accompanied by bloody cruelty and heinous coldness. Up to now, the members of Yamamoto's lineage have exceeded 200000, and the distribution of power covers the four islands of the Japanese state.

In addition to Japan, Yamamoto road has activities in Western Europe, North America, Southeast Asia and other places. It can be said that in addition to the exclusion of Japanese Chinese territory, the scope of Japanese activities is relatively wide.

Of course, these are just the Japanese countries on earth. Since human beings entered the starry sky, wars and differences between countries have been temporarily put aside, and Japan has also embarked on the rapid development.

At present, Japan also has a relatively large power and strength in the outer starry sky. They have changed their country name to "tianhuangchao"!

And the supreme leader of the Heavenly Emperor Dynasty is naturally the "emperor" who the Japanese believe in as gods!

Although the emperor of this generation is not one of the top experts of human beings, it can also be said to cover the world. In fact, his power is mysterious.

It is said that he has already reached the limit that human beings can reach: Tianjie.

At present, it also has an important place in the Galactic Federation.


"Yamamoto road?" At the peak of cold feather, his face changed.

Because of historical gratitude and resentment, the Heavenly Emperor has always been hostile to China. However, since the rise of ancient martial arts in China, talented and talented people have sprung up like mushrooms. In addition, the population base of China is too large, resulting in not only a large number of top experts, but also a huge number of ordinary warriors.

Now Huaxia has been firmly seated in the first class power circle of the human Galactic Federation, and has formed the five most powerful super forces of human beings with m, Western allies, Soviet states and the newly rising abdiga, which makes the present Heavenly Emperor dare not take any rash actions.