Turn the Universe

Chapter 287

At this time, Hanyu Xiaotian has come to the door of the hall. He looks back at the shocked people and nods and smiles.

"Xun of the eight trigrams!"

Xun hexagram, the fifty seventh hexagram in the sixty fourth hexagram of the book of changes, Xun is the wind.

Xiangyue: a lone boat falling on the beach, a pole without water, difficult to advance and retreat, when the heavy rain, the river and lake overflow, do not have to go back and forth.

Xun hexagram is just like wind, because wind is pervasive. There is a saying that the needle is big and the wind is big. Symbolizing floating and penetrating.

The virtue of Xun hexagram is hidden because the wind has no hole and it has permeability. It means that no matter how small the gap is, it can exist in the middle, travel far and carry all kinds of energy.

"The Qi of yin and Yang is driven by thunder and popular wind."

The wind in the palm of Hanyu Xiaotian opens the door of the meeting room, and reaches the people who still want to get up to stop Hanyu Xiaotian from leaving. It also blows to everyone's heart.

Xun for advance and retreat: the wind has no direction, so it has the image of advance and retreat. After a period of trance, people are gone, and Hanyu Xiaotian has gone away ~

the hall of the conference hall has fallen into a long silence for a long time


Not to mention that Han Yu Xiaotian left the medical association with endless shock when he left. After he left, he called Lengyu and Xiaohei, who always lived near him. They ran in an unknown direction and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Master Xiaotian, are you too lenient in punishing those villains in the medical association? If it was me, I would have taken them to death and let them know the fate of those who offended our Hanyu family! "

Lengyu said with a murderous face.

Hanyu Xiaotian didn't say anything about compassion. He said to Lengyu, "you're not wrong." killing is your way!

But for me, I just don't think it's necessary. Although they are capricious, the world is full of peaks. Everything in the world is just struggling to survive.

What's more, since I want to experience the world of mortals, I need these favorable and adverse situations to temper my heart. "

Lengyu nodded thoughtfully after listening.

Indeed, as Hanyu Xiaotian said, his way is killing, so he can follow the way naturally. But Hanyu Xiaotian's way is not so, so he has his own way of doing things.

"Master Xiaotian, what should we do with the Zhao family of the underground world and the Li family of the Panlong alliance?"

"I have asked Dingsheng to investigate the Zhao family's behavior of selling arms, machine armor and other prohibited items. Well, it's time for me to contact my father's old subordinate, the commander Xia Ming. As for the Li family of Panlong Martial Arts Association, maybe we need to go there in person! "

In the early morning of the next day, in a courtyard of Xiajia, the compound of Shengjing military region, a middle-aged man in his fifties, dressed in a white and ancient long gown, was playing Chinese Taijiquan, which had been popularized all over the world.

He is majestic and majestic, but his movements are very gentle and natural between movement and stillness. Obviously, he has gained the essence of Taijiquan.

"Commander Xia, someone is looking for you outside. The visitor claims to be the son of an old friend of yours. His name is Hanyu Xiaotian." A guard at the door reported in a loud voice.

"Hanyu... Is it? Please invite him in! No, I'll do it myself. " With that, the summer chief also did not care to change clothes, and hurried to the front door.

"Hello, uncle Xia."

When the Xia leader just walked to the door, he saw a young man who had a similar face. Next to the boy was a black leopard and a middle-aged man. This middle-aged man was the mysterious person who had contacted him.