True Martial Great Emperor of Myriad Realms

Chapter 272


At night.

Two dark shadows, sharp as arrows, cut through the void and fell on the hillside.


Zhou Shilin struggled to get up and showed anger: "your cultivation is profound and you have heaven and earth talisman. Why are you so polite to the one surnamed Guo?"

"This man humiliated me too much, and didn\'t pay any attention to the Zhou family. In my opinion, he could kill me directly!"


Zhou Yuan\'s face sank and said angrily, "it seems that alliance leader Guo is right. You are impulsive and reckless. It\'s also a good thing to have this lesson."


Zhou Shilin was stunned.

I looked up as if I didn\'t want to believe it.

Zhou Yuan has no children under his knees. He treats him like his own. He has never been so strict for so many years.

"Shilin, you don\'t understand."

Seeing the color change on his nephew\'s face, Zhou Yuan couldn\'t help slowing down his tone, shook his head and said, "Lord Guo Meng is young and has such accomplishments. Maybe there are other backgrounds behind him. Don\'t act rashly."


He pondered a little and said, "although I didn\'t do my best in the fight at that time, he still had some spare strength."

"Just about to start, who wins and who loses, but it\'s hard to predict!"


Zhou Shilin was surprised: "how is this possible?"

"Uncle has a talisman blessing. Even if he is a person with vigorous Qi, he can not lose the wind."

"Guo is just..."

"It\'s not that simple!"

Zhou Yuan recalled the scene just now. His face showed Su Rong, shook his head and said, "the vigorous Qi in the main body of Guo Meng is condensed. It doesn\'t look like the beginning of vigorous Qi. I\'m afraid it\'s as deep as me."

"Besides, although the power of spirit talisman is strong, it is only help, and can not really improve the realm of cultivation."

"In addition, he has a strange skill and really moves his hand..."

At this point, Zhou Yuan wanted to stop talking.

The Zhou family also has miracles.

He has built two doors himself, but neither focuses on lethality, but more on assistance.

Therefore, after a trial, he chose to retreat on his own initiative.


Zhou Shilin still doesn\'t want to believe it.

"Since ancient times, there have been countless people with unique talents and strange encounters. Don\'t be surprised."

Zhou Yuan said, "as a Zhou family, you have today\'s cultivation. You are already the most talented young people in the world."

"It\'s just that people like alliance leader Guo are too rare. They are usually the people of heaven and earth. They are not easy to provoke, otherwise there will be endless trouble!"


Although Zhou Shilin was unwilling, he could only nod.

"This lesson may not be a good thing for you. You can go further only after grinding your pride."

Zhou Yuan touched his chin and said, "although the nine orifices jewels are important, they are not worth offending an expert."

"Three years..."

"Just wait for him for three years!"

If you don\'t give it in three years, the Zhou family will make sense. It\'s fair to ask for it at that time.

Zhou Shilin secretly hated: "it\'s only because the sixth brother was obsessed with beauty and let me suffer this humiliation in vain!"

Zhou Yuan frowned.

Zhou Shilin knew that he had nothing to do with Guo fan and had nowhere to vent his anger, so he transferred it to his own people.


Too childish!


He waved his hand and said, "let\'s not mention the treasure bead for the time being. Don\'t forget the old ancestor\'s explanation. Can you find a clue?"

"What clue?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Shilin was more and more annoyed.

He grabbed his hair with both hands and hurriedly said, "the word water can explain too much, especially Yanmen County, with many mountains and water. I hear more than a hundred news about the word water every day."

"Who knows which is the clue?"

"Don\'t worry."

Zhou Yuan looked relaxed and said, "since Lao Zu asked you to come, you can find it when fate comes."

"In case of water, it will go, and in case of water, it will change."

"The conclusion made by my grandfather is related to the future fate of our Zhou family. It is far more important than the nine orifices and jewels. You can\'t be careless."

"This conclusion should be on you!"


Zhou Shilin was distressed: "now we have traveled for more than a month and walked most of Yunzhou, but there is no clue."

"When will this conclusion come true?"


Zhou Yuan shook his head and said, "Shilin, if my grandfather said it would come true, you will. You just need to wait quietly."

"The world knows that our Zhou family established the world with Da Zhou Tian Quan, but we don\'t know that in addition, there are ways to occupy the heaven and earth, seek advantages and avoid disadvantages."

"This is the foundation of our Zhou Jiayi standing for thousands of years!"


Zhou Shilin\'s eyes flashed and said, "uncle, I heard that the fifth brother has been awarded the ten thousand year song of heaven and earth?"


"Don\'t think too much."

Zhou Yuan looked like a smile: "it\'s useless to deduce the divination method only by looking at the talent and temperament. No matter how high the cultivation is."

"You see, even if I have achieved vigorous Qi, I haven\'t practiced."


Zhou Shilin sighed and seemed unwilling.

"But uncle, what are we doing here? Now the world is peaceful, and our Zhou family doesn\'t seem to have any trouble."


Zhou Yuan\'s face was solemn: "it\'s also called going to work to treat the disease before it is cured, but not the disease already."

"In our opinion, the world is safe, but my grandfather has noticed that the secret of heaven has changed, so he sent us out to seek opportunities."

"If you have something to gain this time, you can take the opportunity to see the secret of heaven, so as not to be ignorant and coerced forward."

"Nephew doesn\'t understand."

Zhou Shilin shook his head.

"You don\'t understand, do I understand?"

Zhou Yuan laughed, but still said, "a month ago, an evil star appeared in the sky, shining everywhere and shielding the stars. This is a sign of great disaster."

"It\'s strange!"

"Is that strange?"

Zhou Shilin asked.


Zhou Yuan sighed and said, "always the disaster of heaven and earth is coming. All the bad stars are exposed in the sky, and the bad stars appear immediately. With the passage of time, the halo gradually flourishes, and finally shakes the crape myrtle stars, causing chaos and competition."

"This time..."

"The sudden appearance of evil stars seems to appear suddenly, directly covering all the stars in the sky. It is comparable to the change of dynasties and is extremely dangerous."

"I can\'t see it."

Zhou Shilin looked up and saw the stars. He couldn\'t see which one was the so-called evil star.

"Ha ha..."

Zhou Yuan said with a smile, "you can\'t see it naturally. This is the way of heaven\'s secret operation. You and I don\'t understand it."

"However, it is said that the sudden appearance of the evil star is very likely that the top strong will disturb the secret of heaven and make it difficult for people to detect it in advance."

"Therefore, Lao Zu didn\'t find the clue until this time."

"Disturb the secret."

Zhou Shilin frowned.

This sentence is too far away for him.

"Don\'t worry."

Zhou Yuan said, "the evil star is abrupt, but there is no evil star. Obviously, although the robbery is dangerous, it will not spread too widely."

"As long as we Zhou family keep our duty and don\'t participate indiscriminately, in theory, we can avoid it."

"Of course..."

"You need to understand where the robbery comes from, so it can be convenient, and this requires you to break the game!"


Zhou Shilin pointed to himself and sighed.

"Lao Zu just said to walk along the water. I\'ve been visiting mountains and waters these days, but I didn\'t find anything wrong."

"You talk first."

Zhou Yuan said, "maybe there is something missing. You don\'t need to think about it. Just say an impressive one."

The secret of nature is often hidden in human nature.

What you think doesn\'t matter may be remembered by intuition, so it is most against reason.

The method of divination and deduction is easier to practice only if the mind is consistent with the way of heaven.

Others, no matter how talented and intelligent you are, you can\'t get in.

"There was an old man whose home was flooded. He came to ask for money because he was a subordinate of the tiger clan."

Zhou Shilin said indifferently, "the old man didn\'t have any accomplishments, so he received several liang of silver."

"Nothing strange."


Zhou Yuan frowned when he heard the speech: "this... Seems wrong."

"What\'s wrong?"

Zhou Shilin\'s spirit was shocked.

Zhou Yuan said: "in recent days, the water pulse near Yanmen county has been calm. I haven\'t heard of any flood."


Zhou Shilin was stunned: "did you come to menghumen to cheat money?"

"Anyway, let\'s go and have a look tomorrow."

Zhou Yuan counted the time and said, "it\'s not far from the deadline mentioned by my grandfather. Maybe the turnaround is here."

"If it\'s really here, we have to deal with Wu Meng. Your temper should be restrained."


Zhou Shilin tightened his lips and nodded slowly after half a ring.




Also known as Fu Zi, Dan Shu, Mo Li and so on

It is said that it is a strange thing written in cloud seal script. It can connect heaven and earth and drive ghosts and gods.

In the past, this would have been regarded as nonsense by Guo fan.

However, the last breath of Zhou Yuan, the emergence of spiritual light, linked to the world, was amazing, but it was very much like the legendary talisman.

"Since there are even these things, there is nothing strange about the emergence of talismans."

"But now martial arts is in power. I haven\'t heard of gods and monsters. It\'s extremely rare even if there are."

"Or, it only exists in some large families and large doors, so no one outside knows."

Guo fanduan sat on the hall, holding a book in his hand. He was looking through it carefully, and his mind kept turning.

Different from the past.

This time, he no longer just read martial arts secrets and anecdotes, but also many gossips such as Taoist Scriptures, ancient books and even ancient anecdotes.

Most of them involve the eight trigrams, yin and Yang, five elements, heaven\'s Secret variables, and even the language of ghosts and gods.


These can be collected in the market. Almost all of them are nonsense and have no practical value.

However, if there is a little useful, it is not worth him to look through it.

"Zi Liu..."

While reading, Guo fan did not forget to taste tea. He looked relaxed, his eyes drooped slightly, and his whole body was loose and lazy, which was very different from the past.

Now he is born with vigorous Qi.

If you want to achieve the realm of rigid and flexible transformation, in addition to understanding the essence of vigorous Qi, your mind also needs to become soft to change the nature of vigorous Qi.

Reading, writing, enjoying the scenery and playing... Have really become a means to gain cultivation.

In the world where noumenon is located, he doesn\'t need to fight with people desperately, so he can take the opportunity to relax.

And seek a higher realm!

Guo fan is very clear about this.

Therefore, I have hardly practiced martial arts these days. Instead, I spend my time on all kinds of leisure affairs, and even pay a little attention to the affairs of the military alliance.

"Ally leader."

Your highness, the head of the medicine hall, Mr. Ge, welcomed him.

He seems to be a little younger.

"According to your instructions, in recent months, we have been imitating xiaohuandan and longhubao Dan."

"Now, xiaohuandan has been successful, the power of longhubao pill has been weakened by 40%, and dahuandan also has hope and can be distributed and taken."


Hearing the speech, Guo fan put down the book and looked satisfied.

"Ge Lao has worked hard."

"I dare not."

Ge Lao hurriedly hung his head: "it\'s just changing the dressing according to the material. It\'s a waste of time. You can succeed by trying more times. It\'s nothing."

"However, the success of this matter is indeed gratifying!"


Guo fan nodded.

With these pills, a large number of experts with great internal Qi can be born in the Wu League in a short time.


A person who has connected Ren Du\'s two veins.

For him, today\'s military alliance has rarely been able to provide help, and only the identity of the leader of the military alliance is barely useful.

No him!

The cultivation of others in the military alliance is too weak.

Such a powerful force was humiliated at will and had no power to fight back.

Now there are xiaohuandan, longhubao pill, and many pills such as broken barrier pill and Tongmai pill.

The strength of Wumeng can be improved in a short time.

At that time, even if you are a congenital expert, you should be honest when you come here, so as not to be too arrogant.

"Under the jurisdiction of the Wu League, there are 47 forces, big and small, and more than 2000 internal Qi experts."

"If a small number of people can impact the classics, they are no less than the major sects in the Jianghu."

Huang guzong was more excited and his body trembled uncontrollably.

"Now, with the leader of the alliance and many miraculous medicines, we are also gathering together our unique skills and establishing the Tibetan martial arts building of the martial arts league. Within ten years, it will not be a problem for us to have several more congenital talents in the martial arts league."


"At that time, we Wumeng, I\'m afraid we can become the largest faction in Jiangzhou!"

At this point, his eyes were full of enthusiasm.

Jiangzhou first school!

In the past, I didn\'t dare to think about it at all.

But now, although the Wu League is still very weak, it has accumulated enough information and has the possibility to impact the big school.

The only thing missing is time.

"Ally leader!"

Huang guzong knelt on his knees and was convinced: "it\'s the luck of Wu Meng and us to have the leader of Wu Meng!"

"Get up."

Guo fan smiled and waved, and an invisible force immediately lifted each other up.

The vigorous Qi just reaching Yang seems to become soft at this time. This is the achievement in recent days.

He already knew this step of rigid and flexible transformation.

What is lacking today.

It\'s hard work.

There is no danger in this field. We can take the opportunity to break through.


Outside the hall, the crisp voices of three disciples came.

"We have discussed it properly and intend to leave the nine orifices jewels to the eldest martial sister."


Guo fan looked up and nodded gently.

"Come in."

Three disciples, Wang nanshuang, GE danxuan and Yue Shuian.

A few days ago

Guo fan took out the nine orifices jewel and planned to give it to his apprentice, and let the three discuss who would take it.

The Pearl has powerful function, which is equivalent to a sudden increase of a large part of talent.

It can contain more essence and energy, and break out more powerful at a critical time.

It\'s just that if you want to take it, you need to go to the Zhou family in Kangzhou alone to return the nine orifices jewels three years later. It\'s also a big test.