Treacherous Living in the Imperial Harem

Chapter 33 - Yun Fenghuang was good at dealing with this kind of problems

“…” They looked at each other. After a while, Yun Fenghuang said wistfully, “It turns out that the Majesty is so weak. An outsider can enter his palace freely.”

Gongxiang Xiao looked at her indifferently and said, “Do you want to break the promise?”

“How is it possible?” Yun Fenghuang said, “I was promoted yesterday. Her Highness hasn’t even said anything about adding servants to me. I can’t directly ask Her Highness for that, can I? What if Her Highness suspects me? After all, I have always been clever and gentle in front of Her Highness…”

“Are you clever and gentle? Why did you quarrel with other concubines at the side hall in Yan Fu Palace?” Gongxiang Xiao laughed scornfully and interrupted her, “Are you still clever when you quarreled with others in front of Mian Fu Palace?”

Yun Fenghuang sighed, “I have no choice. After all, although I am clever and gentle, I can’t stand the repeated provocations from others.”

Gongxiang Xiao said in a cold voice, “Although I am amiable, I can’t stand someone who repeatedly looking for trouble. Is that right? Or do you think that when you come back to the harem, I can do nothing to you?”

“Do you suspect that I am intentional?” Yun Fenghuang frowned. “Do you think that in order to leave Liu Hong, I give up the title of Mei Ren that I just got?”

Gongxiang Xiao sneered, “Isn’t it?”

Whether it was the farce at the side hall in Yan Fu Palace or the dispute in front of Mian Fu Palace, it was not a big deal. Even an ordinary person with ordinary intelligence could avoid these things if he or she wanted to.

Yun Fenghuang was scheming. If she really did not want to get involved in, she would have many methods to deal with these troubles and she would not make Queen Mother Ji and the Empress mad at her in one day.

In Gongxiang Xiao’s view, it was clear that Yun Fenghuang wanted to kick down the ladder and cheated him to help her get out from Small Fang Hu. After she achieved her aim, she wanted to break the promise she made.

“What you said is nonsense. You look down on me.” Yun Fenghuang snorted and said, “If I really don’t want you to get what you want, why should I be so obvious? I will ask Liu Hong to stay with me and make some troubles. Liu Hong will be a scapegoat for those troubles. I promise that she will be killed reasonably and you will not find fault with her death. Maybe through this matter I can ally with you against my enemies.”

Although what she said sounded irritating, it was also reasonable. Gongxiang Xiao was sober. He pondered for a moment and said, “What do you really want to do?”

Yun Fenghuang said with a smile, “Of course I want to get… further progress!”

She went on to explain, “After all, to be the one in charge is much better.”

“Do you want to replace Consort Yue?” Gongxiang Xiao chuckled and said, “It is impossible!”

“Why would I like to replace her?” Yun Fenghuang was surprised. “I don’t know what Consort Yue used to be, but since I entered the palace, it seems that she hasn’t lived an easy life. I’m not stupid. I do not want to be like her.”

Besides, she also despised Hu Zhu Palace!

Hu Zhu Palace was remote. She had to wake up about an hour earlier to pay respects. Because of its bad location, it was easy for people like Gongxiang Xiao to block her way… She hated this palace very much!

She wanted to be the hostess of a magnificent palace with a good location.

Gongxiang Xiao was completely confused about her thoughts. Although he felt that there was something wrong, he thought about it and asked patiently, “What do you mean?”

“Queen Mother of Mercy helped me to ask for the title of Mei Ren. Actually, Her Highness was not willing to give me the promotion.” Yun Fenghuang said, “Yesterday I was in Yan Fu Palace. After Queen Mother of Mercy left, Her Highness irritated me with sarcastic words. Will Her Highness be happy if she took the advice of Queen Mother of Mercy? Will Her Highness continue to promote me in accordance with the rules, even if I make other contributions?”

That was of course impossible. Yun Fenghuang earned three promotions within a few days, which was enough to attract people’s attention. What’s more, the Empress was not pleased for that Queen Mother of Mercy had a hand in the promotion of a concubine. It was impossible for the Empress to allow Yun Fenghuang to be promoted easily… Gongxiang Xiao murmured, “You deliberately offend Her Highness and Queen Mother Ji to give them an opportunity to vent their anger, but how can you keep your title?”

Would Yun Fenghuang take the initiative to make a mistake? So, the Empress and Queen Mother Ji would have a chance to vent their anger. Would the Empress forgive her? He did not believe it at all.

“I really did not know how to do at first.” Yun Fenghuang chuckled slightly. “But now, I have a good idea. I just heard from Princess Minghui in Nong Rou Hall that Prince Regent will hold the ceremony of inviting the teacher for his little son. I think it is a good opportunity.”

Gongxiang Xiao was gloomy when hearing the ceremony of inviting the teacher for his half-brother, “Is it?”

“Mr. Lingshan is very famous in the country. He resigned and was in mourning for his parent’s death, and then he had been living in his hometown and did not care about what happened in the imperial court. As soon as he came back, he took the little son of Prince Regent as an apprentice. For Queen Mother of Honor and others, it is unexpected. They must be confused that how Prince Regent persuaded Mr. Lingshan into being a teacher of a child?”

“It is complicated, and I dare not go on.”

She changed the topic and said, “The next thing I want to say is the impact of this incident on you.”

Gongxiang Xiao’s expression changed. He hesitated for a moment and said, “Please continue!”

“You are the eldest legitimate son of Prince Regent and Consort Yuan, and it is perfectly justifiable for you to be the next Prince Regent.” Yun Fenghuang chuckled, “But your mother, Consort Yuan, had passed away. Your stepmother comes from a big family and she also has a son. What’s more, the teacher of her son is Mr. Lingshan who is very famous. With all due respect, it seems that you are of honorable status in Prince Regent’s Mansion. However, you are in a difficult situation… It is perhaps the reason why you want to cooperate with me.”

She was curious before. Prince Regent had Fu Ren Yaoning in the palace. Fu Ren Yaoning had been in the palace for many years and her grade and family background were higher and stronger than hers.

“Why should Gongxiang Xiao want me to be his spy?” Yun Fenghuang thought.

After listening to Wei Hengyan’s comment on the situation of the Prince Regent’s Mansion, she finally knew the reason.

A spy sent by Prince Regent’s Mansion did not mean that the spy was loyal to Gongxiang Xiao.

Yun Fenghuang was good at dealing with this kind of fights in the inner chamber. Before Gongxiang Xiao answered, she said, “In fact, it is easy to handle.”

Gongxiang Xiao originally wanted to scold her, but after hearing this, he couldn’t help asking, “How?”

“It depends on your purpose.” Yun Fenghuang smiled slightly, stepped forward, and walked to Gongxiang Xiao. She was actually quite tall among those concubines, but she was still half a head shorter than Gongxiang Xiao. She stood on tiptoe to whisper in his ear, “If you have no intention of coming to the throne, it is better for you to take refuge with His Majesty or Ji’s Family. After you cooperate with one of them, Prince Regent’s Mansion will be not as powerful as before. But at that time you will be the only master in Prince Regent’s Mansion. As for your stepmother and your half-brother, they will have no chance to compete with you.”

“If you are interested in the throne… Then, at present, you should be obedient to be gentle and conscientious in front of Prince Regent! After all, you are young and need your father’s help to be on the throne. Your half-brother is very young. Although he will be instructed by a famous teacher, it is not useful at the moment. Who else can help him between his sons except you?”

“To relatives, their relationship will be closer only by getting together for a long time.”

“You and your half-brother are all the children of Prince Regent. But you are the child of Prince Regent’s first wife, so, you are higher than your half-brother in social status.”

“With the mutual affection that you accompany with your father through ups and downs… how can your half-brother compete with you when Prince Regent finally wins?”

This was not just mutual affection. If Gongxiang Xiao could keep being a capable assistant for Prince Regent for several years, his own power and ability would finally surprise everyone.

By that time, he would be supported by many people and became powerful. Moreover, his position was secure. Even if Prince Regent wanted to favor his second wife and his younger son, perhaps his subordinates would not agree.

There was an example in the former dynasty. The “wise” emperor killed his brother who was a crown prince, and forced his father to abdicate the throne… Well, yes, because he managed his country well, he finally was crowned with eternal glory.

“…” Gongxiang Xiao looked down at her. She was two or three years younger than him. She was so young and her skin was delicate, soft, and smooth. She looked like a bud, beautiful and pure, that was going to stretch out its first flower after a spring rain and mist.

It seemed that it was not her who said the above sinful words.

Gongxiang Xiao thought of his stepmother subconsciously. His stepmother looked demure, gentle, and kind. Everyone, including his wet nurse, thought she was very kind and perfect. However, she was the one that made the relationship between him and his father more and more indifferent. What’s worse, Gongxiang Xiao and his father Prince Regent almost took each other as a passer-by now.

Every time he saw Prince Regent and Ms. Lu teased Gongxiang Zhen with a smile, he felt apart from the whole family and he felt that he was an outsider.

He stopped thinking and slowly said, “It seems that you don’t care about your fate?”

“This is not true. The reason why I decide to give advice to you is because I care about my fate.” Yun Fenghuang said seriously, “After all, now it is turbulent in the harem. If I keep being a concubine, I can do nothing but abide my destiny in the future. In the final analysis, I just want to live… Anyway, His Majesty has already been mad at me because of Consort Yue. If I do not find a way of escape, it will be late for me when Consort Yue eventually takes reprisals against me.”

Gongxiang Xiao said, “You could have avoided offending Consort Yue.”

“It was impossible.” Yun Fenghuang shook her head. “In this harem, I can avoid conflicts with others except Consort Yue, because it is possible that I can convert enemies into friends and cooperate with them after I tell them the advantages and disadvantages. But Consort Yue cannot stand that His Majesty gets close to anyone in her palace. She is jealous. I have no idea. After all, as a concubine, it is my duty to serve His Majesty! Furthermore, I do not have a powerful family to support me. If I do not serve His Majesty, I am afraid that I will not receive what I deserve… So, it is impossible for me to live in harmony with a person like Consort Yue. If she does not understand me and keeps finding fault with me, I will not sit still and I will fight with her for myself. At that time, you can guess who will win.”

She said the above words calmly and firmly, without any anger.

“…You see it clearly.” Gongxiang Xiao was silent for a longer time this time, and he seemed to remember something. Finally, he said, “Then what should I do now?”

Just now Yun Fenghuang gave him two choices, but he didn’t mention them. Obviously, either he hadn’t figured it out yet, or he didn’t want Yun Fenghuang to know his choice.

So, Yun Fenghuang did not keep asking him. She only said, “Although I am shallow, I have also heard that the scholar’s rebellion usually fails in the first three years. Therefore, the most important thing for you is to follow the example of your father to go to the frontier to practice, thereby developing yourself!”

The point was that Gongxiang Xiao, her creditor, who knew her weakness and could still come to her, was really annoying. Of course, it would be the best if he went out of the Dijing City and went to the frontier.

But Gongxiang Xiao stared at her for a long time and then he smiled, “It seems that you are really shallow… My father thought so, too. So, when the former emperor died, he didn’t even know it at all. When he got the news and went back to Dijing City, Ji’s Family had got everything ready.”

Therefore, even if many people knew that Emperor Xiaozong never thought about adopting a child in his clan and he just wanted to passed his throne down to his brother… In the end, Lord Yi could only compromise to become Prince Regent.

If Gongxiang Xiao’s mother had not passed away, maybe he would have been assured to go out and fight for himself. But his mother had died for a long time. Now his stepmother’s family was more powerful than his mother’s. His half-brother was very cute and adorable and he would have a teacher who could be relied on in the future. In this case, he dared not leave.

If he left, his stepmother and half-brother would get the opportunity to be in charge of Prince Regent’s Mansion.

Yun Fenghuang shook her head. She said, “Emperor Xiaozong was just the elder brother of Prince Regent. A brother is less important than a son. I am afraid that you underestimate your importance in your father’s mind.”