Treacherous Living in the Imperial Harem

Chapter 122 - Going around

Empress Dowager had been ill after the summer banquet and thus couldn’t bear the tiredness at the small county government. Therefore, the Empress Dowager and others hurried to the Temporary Imperial Palace early the next morning.

The Emperor sent them out of the county for ten miles and told them to take care of themselves when they parted. Pretending to be filial in public, he reluctantly watched the carriages go away until the team couldn’t be seen completely. Then he returned to the county government with his three concubines.

“Jie Yu Mao, since Pin Ji and Feng Yi Yi rank lower than you, you are the decision-maker.” After arriving at the government and taking the cold tea handed over by servants to cool down for a moment, the Emperor put down the tea bowl and said warmly to Yun Fenghuang, “The county government is not as comfortable as the palace, and you will have a hard time.”

Yun Fenghuang quickly said that they would bear it and it was their blessing to be able to stay with and serve the Emperor.

Emperor Chunjia then chatted with them, basically with Yun Fenghuang, for a while. Since Yi Xing’en neither had a powerful family nor a high rank and she was quite watchful, she naturally kept silent at the moment.

But what surprised Yun Fenghuang was that Ji Muzi seemed to change a lot after being demoted and didn’t say anything just like Yi Xing’en.

“Your Majesty, Minister Cui wants to see you.” Soon after, as the eunuch came to report, the Emperor stopped the chat with the concubines and asked them to leave.

The three concubines and their maids got out. When they were on the half way of the veranda, Ji Muzi, who should be half a step behind Yun Fenghuang according to the rules, suddenly accelerated her speed to exceed Yun Fenghuang and went straight to her yard.

Yun Fenghuang kept calm and said nothing, only telling Yi Xing’en, “The county government is such a small place. You can go by yourself and there is no need to accompany me.”

Yi Xing’en lowered her head and respectfully said, “I will do as you ordered.”

But she didn’t move, maintaining a salute posture. After Yun Fenghuang passed through the veranda and went to a different direction, she turned around to leave.

After returning to the room, Xi Ji gave Yun Fenghuang the fruit carried from the well while saying, “Feng Yi Yi knows the rules, while Pin Ji is somehow arrogant.”

Yun Fenghuang took a fruit in her hand but didn’t eat it, smilingly saying, “I’ve thought that you would let me not care about it, for Pin Ji always behaves in that way.”

“I’m in your side and I certainly cannot say good words for Pin Ji.” Hearing that, Xi Ji changed her expression and got frightened, “Besides, what Pin Ji did today is wrong according to the rules. Therefore, even Her Highness is here, she will definitely say so.”

Yun Fenghuang didn’t care that Xi Jing was loyal to her master at Yan Fu Palace though she served at Huan Hua Hall. She just enjoyed the fruit slowly and then ordered the people to go away except Xi Le.

“What happened to Pin Ji?” Yun Fenghuang asked. Cicadas were everywhere in this season. Maybe because people of the county government didn’t know the Emperor’s visit before, they didn’t drive the cicadas away. As a result, the cicadas were noisy at the moment though no one was around there.

Yun Fenghuang leaned on the bamboo bed under the eaves, letting Xi Le take a fan over to cool her. While having grapes, she whispered, “Why did she changed so much after the summer banquet? I’ve thought she would make trouble for me just now.”

After all, when Yun Fenghuang knew Ji Muzi’s demotion after she came back from Small Ying Zhou, she was ready for dealing with Ji Muzi’s retaliation.

There was no movement at that time. It could be said that Ji’s Family prevented her from making trouble when considering the situation. But such a long time had passed, right?

Queen Mother Ji especially let Ji Muzi stay here with Yun Fenghuang this time. In Yun Fenghuang’s view, it probably was an opportunity for Ji Muzi to vent her anger.

After all, even if Ji Muzi didn’t know the truth about her demotion, she knew clearly whether she did it or not, didn’t she?

In Yun Fenghuang’s opinion, Ji Muzi was not a reasonable person and she would vent her anger to the one who benefited from it when she couldn’t find the initiator… Therefore, Yun Fenghuang was ready to fight with Ji Muzi at the veranda and even to wait for Emperor Chunjia to stop them after she was asked to go away just now.

But Ji Muzi just passed her by and went away?

Did Ji Muzi change her temper?

“I also feel strange.” Xi Le pondered, “Could it be that Queen Mother Ji told her to do this before leaving? After all, as Minister Cui’s student just impeached the adopted son of General-in-chief of the Cavalry, Ji’s Family may intervene in this… If Pin Ji makes trouble at this time, the courtiers certainly will take the opportunity to make a fuss, right? And you are more noble and competitive than Jie Yu Wei, Jie Yu Yue and others. Even if Pin Ji wants to embarrass you, I’m afraid that she won’t do it and people will laugh at her.”

Yun Fenghuang thought for a while and then smiled lightly, saying, “Don’t you dare to say that? Since I know it well, how can I mind such a small thing?”

She sat up and said calmly, “Her Highness doesn’t trust me because she could only let me stay here as an informer to keep watch on His Majesty and report what he does at Wannian County. But she asked Pin Ji to stay here, for she thought that I am not reliable enough and she can let Pin Ji to confront with me in case that I lie.”

“But Pin Ji didn’t always stay with His Majesty or you.” Xi Le hesitated, “And she even seems not to speak with you. Thus, in my opinion, as Xi Jing and I are informers of Her Highness, there is no need to do that. The reason why she let Pin Ji stay here is probably that she wants Pin Ji to sleep with His Majesty as often as possible since there is only a newly-promoted Cai Nv these days…”

Yun Fenghuang said, “Then why did she let Feng Yi Yi stay here?”

After all, the Emperor had no feelings for other concubines except Yuan Lianniang.

However, as the emperor, he had to sleep with all the concubines. Considering the appearance of Yi Xing’en and Ji Muzi, Yun Fenghuang would like to choose the former one to sleep with.

If Queen Mother Ji only left Yun Fenghuang and Ji Muzi here, they might have the equal opportunity.

But since Yi Xing’en was here, who was a beauty and was newly promoted, if the Emperor didn’t consider other factors, Yun Fenghuang might not be able to compete with her, not to mention Ji Muzi.

“…” Xi Le was speechless for a while, and then said, “I am stupid.”

Then, she lowered her voice, “Some of those who stay here are followers of Imperial City Division. How about I…”

Yun Fenghuang thought about it for a moment, and gently replied with an “um”, “Let them pay attention, and don’t let Her Highness find it.”

Xi Le said, “My Lady, don’t worry. Even if something goes wrong, it is done by Prince Regent and we are innocent, right?”

They glanced at each other, smiling knowingly.

At this time, some footsteps just came from outside and then Emperor Chunjia walked in with sweat. Seeing the fruit and drink beside Yun Fenghuang, he sat down and asked her to serve him to relieve the summer heat.

Yun Fenghuang was actually very impatient to do this kind of mission, but she didn’t show it at all and smilingly took a kerchief to wipe the sweat on his forehead, pretending to be sorry, “Your Majesty, you are toilsome. How could Cui Wan report things to you at such a hot time? He can’t sleep well because of being old, but why did he disrupt you?”

“What he told me is of course very important.” Emperor Chunjia drank half of the bowl of cool drink in one breath, feeling cooler. As Xi Le was fanning for him watchfully at the same time, he felt comfortable, smilingly saying, “You can’t make nonsense and slander talents.”

“You are the most talented one, aren’t you?” Yun Fenghuang disagreed, refuting, “No matter how important he is, it is necessary for him to keep your health in mind, right? What I said is right wherever and whenever.”

The Emperor didn’t argue with her. He smilingly rubbed her hair and said, “Why are you here alone? I’ve thought you would talk with Pin Ji and Feng Yi Yi.”

Yun Fenghuang said, “They couldn’t bear the summer heat too and returned to their houses to cool off.”

After they chatted for a while, Yun Fenghuang tried to inquire how long the Emperor would stay in Wannian County?

“At least seven or eight days.” The Emperor counted, saying, “I didn’t expect to encounter such a thing before we set off. Since I promised to have a trial in person until it ends, I can’t break it. Here is the thing. It is easy to get the evidences relating to Wannian County, because Magistrate Du is competent and he has well prepared the evidences and files. However, as Zheng Fengqing rode from Dijing City that day, it is time-consuming to investigate the evidences along the way.”

“Your Majesty, since you have to wait for them to report it in these two days, why not go out with me?” Yun Fenghuang pleaded by pulling his sleeve, “It is so boring to stay in this small place.”

The Emperor glanced at her, reminding her in a strange way, “Didn’t you feel sorry for my hard work just now?”

“Won’t I be tired when accompanying you in such a hot day?”

Yun Fenghuang didn’t change her expression, smilingly saying, “Your Majesty, I plan this not for myself but for you, because it is improper to let you stay in such a small place. Since those in Imperial City Division can’t come back quickly, why should you wait for them all the time? Why not go around to investigate people’s livelihood?”

“Well, I know you are boring.” Emperor Chunjia leisurely watched her who found excuses for a while, and then smiled, “Then I will take you out for a walk tomorrow… But the premise is that you don’t mess around outside and should listen to me for everything!”

Yun Fenghuang naturally agreed and promised.

At this time, Queen Mothers and the Empress were not here. As she asked the Emperor to go around with her, she was somehow a “siren” for she was a concubine. Considering this, Yun Fenghuang felt that she could not bear the crime alone. Therefore, she sent someone to ask whether Ji Muzi and Yi Xing’en wanted to go together.

Yi Xing’en responded very cautiously, giving a satisfying answer, “It’s up to you.”

Liu Hong was the one who informed Ji Muzi and she described, “When I went there, I didn’t see Pin Ji. Her maid told me that Pin Ji was dizzy because of the summer heat, so she would not go with you. But when I returned and arrived at the door of our yard, a eunuch caught up and told me that Pin Ji changed her mind and would go with you.”

“She really changed a lot.” After hearing that, Yun Fenghuang smiled, saying, “She was quite decisive in the past.”

Xi Jing guessed, “Maybe she is really ill but doesn’t want to miss the opportunity to stay with His Majesty?”

Yun Fenghuang said, “Then you should take all the medicines for relieving the heat and call some imperial doctors to carry their kits, in case that Pin Ji feels uncomfortable. Otherwise, I can’t explain to Her Highness and Queen Mothers.”

Xi Jing quickly responded.

Then, Yun Fenghuang listed some things to be prepared for tomorrow’s trip and sent Xi Jing to pick it up. Then she asked the rest people to go away and only let Xi Le stay here. She whispered, “Let the people of Imperial City Division to create an accident tomorrow, and I will see whether Pin Ji changed or not. I want to know whether she pretends to behave so or really changes greatly because something terrible happened to her.”

Xi Le agreed, but hesitated to say something.

“What’s wrong?” Yun Fenghuang noticed that and asked with her eyebrows raised.

“Why not change a way to test her?” Xi Le whispered, “We go out on a hot day. If something bad happens, I’m afraid that you will get hurt…”

Yun Fenghuang shook her head slightly, interrupted her, and said softly, “Do you really think that His Majesty promised to go around for me? Since he has to stay here for around ten days, how can he always stay at the county government? Since he will go out, why should I stay here unhappily? If I go out with him, I can enjoy the time while keeping watch on him… and by the way, test Pin Ji.”

Xi Le said nothing after hearing that.

On the next day, Yun Fenghuang and her maid happily followed the Emperor into the carriage. However, before they left, they heard some familiar voices greeting the Emperor outside.

Pulling the curtain and looking out, Yun Fenghuang saw Gongxiang Xiao, Deng Chengzhai, Ji Minggan, Yuan Ke and Yun Qike. Except for Zheng Fengchen, who was implicated by his younger brother, the Emperor’s reading partners were all there.

The key point was that Qi Jiulu stood behind Gongxiang Xiao!