Trapped with Colin

Chapter 103 Heaven on Earth

Downstairs, Sophia found Colin having breakfast with Leila. Seeing them so cheerful with each other put her in a bad mood.

Losing her appetite, she decided to skip breakfast.

"Sophia, what are you doing?" Colin stopped Sophia at the front door of the villa, looking displeased.

Doesn't she know how to greet him in the morning?

"I'm going to the office!" She answered peevishly as she changed her shoes.

"Come back for breakfast." Colin ordered coldly.

Sophia replied impatiently, "I'm not hungry!" She opened the door and stalked off.


Since she was was almost late for work, Sophia had to drive Colin's Audi. Fortunately, the key was in her bag.

Since she had the key with her, it struck her that the Audi might still be at the bar. She wondered if the car had been brought back.

In the garage, Sophia found the Audi parked beside the Aston Martin. She got inside and drove off to the office.

In the Office.

After parking the car at the basement, Sophia ran into some colleagues she didn't know but seemed to know her. They greeted her as she made her way to her floor. "Good morning, Mrs. Li!"

"Good morning, Mrs. Li!"

Sophia stopped and smiled at them. "Good morning!"

They exchanged smiles. Sophia walked into the elevator on her high-heeled shoes, followed by the group of colleagues.

They all seemed to be in the same department, as they got off together at the 32nd floor.

Looking at the elevator that continued going up, they started to talk, "Mrs. Li seems easy-going! I thought she was difficult to get along with."

"Yeah, but now I realize that she was only being modest!"

"That's true! Why didn't she come with the president today?"

"Since he deals with so many matters every day, the president may be too busy to come to work on time."

"That's right!"


Colin hadn't come to the office the whole day. Instead, Herring walked into the Private Consultant's Office in the afternoon, whistling.


When her boyfriend betrayed her, all light and joy was gone from Cherry’s life. Deserted, bereft of hope, she married a man that she had barely met, but she had never expected him to be her ex-boyfriend’s uncle.

Cherry thought that she had finally found her happiness, but she had no idea about the dark secrets that were bound to unfold and haunt her forever...

ffered, and replied to the red-haired man in front of him.

The guy whistled. "Of course! How could your woman be ugly?"

When he sat down, Herring was immediately surrounded by beautiful women. They fawned all over him, serving him liquor and smoking cigarettes.

Herring put down the glass of alcohol that a woman nearby just served him. He ordered a bottle of wine for Sophia and replied to the redhead, "This is Colin's girl. How can she be mine?"

"What? Colin's girl? She's Mrs. Li!" The redhead leaned forward to study Sophia closely.

Sophia forced a smile and nodded at him.

She didn't know that the redhead would call a bunch of people to come cover. "Hey, guys! Come over and meet Colin's girl. She's so hot!"


In the next second, several men left the small dance floor and walked towards her. They surrounded her and started introducing themselves. "I saw you on TV once. Holy shit, you're even prettier in person! Hello, I'm Sheridan!"

"Hi! I'm Dempsey!"

"Hello, I'm Zenobia..."

Several men scrambled to introduce themselves. Overwhelmed, Sophia didn't know how to respond and was unable to remember even one person.

"Go away and keep dancing! Don't frighten her!" The group slipped back to the dance floor after Herring drove them away. Sophia breathed a sigh of relief.