Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 869:

Many media reporters and anchors of the platform also silently used their own cameras to record all the scenes...

This also immediately made many foreign netizens see it clearly.

This scene!

It immediately became a joke for netizens from all over the world!

Under all kinds of farce.

Ma Ling, the director of the General Administration of Government of Shangjing, also had to bite the bullet and hold a press conference.

Even this conference has official interaction with various live broadcast platforms, and even the barrage can be seen in real time.

"Everyone, I\'m the Chief Secretary for Administration, Ma Ling."

"If you have any questions, you can ask them all, and I will definitely know everything and say everything!"

"But I\'m still here to warn everyone in advance that you must act calmly.

Your current behavior has been suspected of gathering a crowd to make trouble and obstructing law enforcement. This is a very serious illegal and criminal act! "

As soon as Ma Ling finished speaking, the barrage exploded in an instant!

"Damn it, you are so blatantly engaging in feudal superstition, isn\'t it not knowing the law and breaking the law?"

"Stinky shameless corrupt officials, all of you to die!!"

"I have to give us an explanation today, what the **** is that **** booklet on?"

"Get down, get down!!"

Netizens were filled with righteous indignation, and even spontaneously created a barrage to let Ma Ling step down!

After all, as the director of the General Secretary of State, he came out to hold a press conference at this time, but he was not under the banner of clarifying this incident, and it seemed that he seemed to agree with the contents of this manual...

This is a bit intriguing, right?

Many sensible netizens also immediately smelled a trace of conspiracy from this!

Is it really possible that the government department takes the lead in engaging in feudal superstition? !

The live broadcast barrage is full of abuse, but the reporters on the scene will not make such a mistake!

After listening to Ma Ling\'s words, they quickly became interested.

"Director Ma, may the functional government departments have any thoughts on this incident raised by the public about the manual for warding off evil spirits?"

"Director Ma, why is there still someone who dares to blatantly promote feudal superstition in the Internet age, and this is obviously not an isolated example, but a special case of a national nature!

But you are all indifferent and let the manuals be issued? "

"Yes, Director Ma! Are you idiots, or do you think we are all idiots?"

"Some people say that this is what your government affairs department did, so they will sit and watch the development of the incident. Do you agree with this statement?"

"Director Ma, I found out that the author of this book of warding off evil spirits is actually Mr. Xiao Junlin. I wonder if this is a coincidence, or is it a fraudulent organization?"

"Where is Mr. Xiao? Does he have any explanation for this matter?"

"Director Ma, please answer our questions truthfully. Our mainstream media has always had the right to report the truth!"

The series of stern questions from the reporters at the scene immediately caused Ma Ling to sweat.

He wiped the cold sweat on his forehead in horror, and said with an embarrassed expression:

"First of all, as far as I know, the author of this book is indeed Mr. Xiao Junlin Xiao!"

"Ah this?!"

"Director Ma, you can\'t talk nonsense like this?"

"Yeah, isn\'t it his name that the fraud group pretended to be?"

"It\'s really Mr. Xiao who did it?

It\'s too surprising..."

After listening to Ma Ling\'s explanation, there was an uproar at the press conference!

876. Requesting authorization, the author is actually Xiao Junlin?

In fact, most of the people present did not seriously read this palm-sized manual to ward off evil spirits!

So when a reporter said that the author\'s signature was behind the book, many people lost their voices.

Even subconsciously, they want to refute that this is a fraud group impersonating!

But then...

The Chief Minister of Political Affairs Ma Ling actually admitted the authenticity of this matter!

Does that make sense?

Then everyone opened the manual and took a look.

Hey, sure enough! !

Xiao Junlin\'s name is clearly written on the last page of this manual, the author\'s position!

"Damn, it\'s too surprising, isn\'t it?"

"Fuck, you\'re doing wool..."

"When did Mr. Xiao start writing books again?"

"So this is actually just an advertisement from Mr. Xiao?"

"For his new movie, or for his new book?"

"This is too outrageous..."

"What a mess, is it just the same name and surname?"

"That is to say, all of this is due to Xiao Junlin, Mr. Xiao, behind the scenes, isn\'t it?

Sure enough, rich people are not good things, why would he post something that promotes feudal superstition, and what is his intention? Intriguing..."

"What the **** does this mean, I feel like I\'ve been dumbfounded!"