Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 863:

"Okay, okay! I don\'t insist, this thing is really likely to be true, we are really going to be two and a half in the future, no! In fact, we are already facing these unknowns now. Terrible existence!"

"I\'m against it!" said an eastern euro leader. "Even if we really have begun to face these unknown sneaks, so what? Who can be sure that these so-called sneaks will explode on a large scale?"

"That\'s right! We can get tens of trillions of dollars, but what he wants is supplies, supplies!!"

"That\'s right! With those massive supplies, how far should their technological level be improved? What if these people from the Dragon Kingdom are just alarmist and want to take advantage of the opportunity to trick us?"

"Yes, I also think that we must be cautious and cautious in dealing with this matter, otherwise, we will give away countless materials to those people of Longguo for no reason, then they will definitely gain more and more powerful benefits, And once they make a profit, it means that our interests are harmed..."

"I agree too!"

"The statistics team of our consortium has just made accurate statistics on Xiao Junlin\'s request. As of 8:00 this morning, according to the market price, the total value of these materials is more than 73 trillion US dollars! To collect so many things, we may have to pay three to five times the price, that is to say, if we want the formula of the genetic enhancement agent, then we need to pay at least three trillion dollars...

This is absolutely absolutely unacceptable! ! ! "

"Shet, Shet!!"

"Oumai, I would rather directly choose to start a war to force the people of Longguo to hand over their research results, and I am absolutely unwilling to accept their threats!"

After reviewing the information collected by your subordinates, most of you are obviously not in favor of agreeing to Xiao Junlin\'s request.

And to hear such a huge amount...

President Mitley, John Pine, also frowned deeply!

867. A great way to get the best of both worlds

think carefully!

It seems so...

On the surface, it seems that Xiao Junlin only needs materials worth 73 trillion US dollars, but if you want to raise so many materials in such a short period of time, you must use a lot of human and material resources for transportation. And the cost of this is absolutely beyond imagination!

Paying so much is just in exchange for a formula for a genetic enhancement potion...

Is this really appropriate?

After all, all their countries and consortiums are actually secretly doing research on academics such as genetic enhancement. If they can put aside their previous suspicions and gather the top scientists from all countries to participate in the research, it may be possible within a few years. Study it thoroughly!

Why spend so much money to buy it now, and get ridiculed by others?

"But I just want to ask you, we haven\'t researched it for more than 100 years. In the last few months, can you really research it? If you want to come out, you will come out long ago?"

Wanda said bitterly: "There are only two and a half months left, and there really isn\'t that much time left..."

And as her voice fell, all the bigwigs who came to the online meeting suddenly looked at each other in amazement!

What Wanda said, they had never really considered it seriously before...

According to what she said, if it could really be researched, it would have been researched long ago!

Why wait until now?

And if it really is as Xiao Junlin said, there will be a blood moon every month, and then after the fourth blood moon, it will start to explode wildly, both in quantity and quality, showing a geometric multiple growth, then they At that time, what can we do other than sit back and wait?

"So I suggest that we can promise him first!"

Just when everyone fell silent, Wanda spoke again and continued: "After all, it takes a lot of time for us to raise these materials. We can pretend to do our best to prepare and observe the situation silently!"

"It will take another twenty days at most until the second blood moon that Mr. Xiao said will appear. At that time, if it is true as Mr. Xiao said, all kinds of strange incidents increase frequently, then we can believe what he said. If so..."

"But if there are no other changes by then, it can prove that Mr. Xiao is lying!

At that time, we can naturally terminate the transaction between the two parties directly. In that case, the final loss will not be too big. Do you think what I said makes sense?

Think about it! ? "

Wanda\'s words are finished.

The eyes of the senior executives of various countries and the directors of the consortium at the meeting all lit up!

This is a really good idea!

In the words of the people of Longguo, is this just eating in the bowl and looking at the pot?

It really is that it can greatly avoid the ultimate loss and seize that opportunity...

Both sides go hand in hand, it\'s not too cool! !

"Wanda, I have to admit...

Your proposal really moved me. "

"Little girl, you are so smart!"

"It\'s so enviable that the Augustine family has such an outstanding junior like you..."

"Thinking about it, this seems to be the best way now?

Simply the best of both worlds! ! ! "

"Wanda girl\'s proposal, I agree with both hands."

"Yes, I agree too!"

The big guys raised their hands in agreement.

John Pine also nodded seriously and said, "That makes sense!

Then since that\'s the case...

Wanda, let\'s settle this matter! "

868. Are you ready to start surrendering early?

"Wanda, go and negotiate this matter with Xiao Junlin immediately!"

"Remember, be sure to agree to all his requests. Our major financial groups and major countries will also do their best to cooperate with you, and vigorously collect all the materials he needs!"


……Yes! "

Wanda let out a sigh of relief.

Following her, she no longer hesitated, and immediately agreed!

The online meeting is over!