Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 855:

Do not hesitate to fight! ! !

And in this international situation where the atmosphere is so tense that it is almost frozen!

Not only did the senior officials of the Long Kingdom not flinch, but they handed it over to the Foreign Affairs Office and issued a significant evacuation order to the outside world!

The directive is aimed at all overseas citizens, as well as those of the Dragon Kingdom who are currently in the country.

Within eight months, it is not recommended for any domestic citizens to travel overseas or visit relatives and friends and a series of social activities!

within a month!

All citizens who are still overseas are advised to return home quickly!

As soon as this order to evacuate overseas Chinese was issued, it immediately caused a new round of uproar in the international community!

Countless people around the world are collectively in a state of ignorance at this moment!

What does this ancient and mysterious ancient eastern country want to do?

Are they really going to go to war?

This is the expansion of the army and the evacuation of overseas Chinese...

No matter how you look at it!

Is this the rhythm of preparing to poke a hole in the sky?

For a while!

Countries suddenly began to panic.

Don\'t look at how fiercely they call the Dragon Kingdom on weekdays!

But in fact, they have always been afraid of the ancient and mysterious eastern kingdom of Longguo.

Otherwise, it will not just declare no war!

To know……

The Dragon Kingdom is the only existence in the world that has fought with more than a dozen countries at the same time, and has also won!

Although it was just a tragic victory, it was also a victory, right?

And more than a hundred years ago, the Dragon Kingdom was not as united as it is now, it was poor, and there was famine everywhere!

But the current Dragon Kingdom is thousands of times more tyrannical than in the past...

Who can beat it!

Who dares to fight it?

857. Do it yourself

Fight with the Dragon Kingdom!

Isn\'t that a joke?

In the current dragon country, which country in the world dares to be this early bird?

In the face of such a behemoth with a long history, even Mitley, who is the world\'s number one military force, must be apprehensive...

So at this moment, netizens from all countries were all embarrassed.

Along with that, the sound of clamoring for war has also weakened a lot.

Those media platforms that were originally watching the fun and not being a big deal have also turned to call on the ancient country of the East to exercise restraint!

So much so that the ambassadors of various countries who were still threatening outside the Foreign Affairs Office have repeatedly submitted visiting posts to the Foreign Affairs Office. , in an attempt to quell this incident!

"General Zhu, I believe you should be clear!

Now, for the entire history of human civilization, it is an era in which peace can only lead to common development!

And our relationship with the Dragon Kingdom has always been good. We really don\'t want to have any military conflict with you? "

"That\'s right, our two countries have been diplomatically friendly for many years, so why be so nervous about this trivial matter?"

"I believe that you are also a friendly country that always maintains restraint and staunchly maintains peace, and will definitely not be the aggressor who initiates war. Is there any misunderstanding?"

"General Zhu, you can tell us...

Why do you want to evacuate? Do you really want to launch a new round of war of the century? "

Dozens of diplomatic ambassadors with ugly faces gathered at the door of the Foreign Office, shouting and shouting.

Everyone is anxious, and now they only hope that Long Guo can respond, and then have a new competition with them at the negotiating table, instead of ignoring them while secretly withdrawing. Overseas Chinese...

This behavior is so terrifying!

Zhu Yinghao, who had been waiting in the Foreign Affairs Office for follow-up orders, was a little irritated by the noise!

In the end, he could only stand in front of the door of the Foreign Affairs Office, and said impatiently and annoyed: "My international friends, as I have said before, we are not expanding the army with the main purpose of invading other countries, just like As you have always known, our Dragon Kingdom has always been able to maintain peace and absolute restraint, not in the past, not now, and of course not in the future!"

"As I said, we are here to protect our Dragon Kingdom with a population of more than one billion. If you must get to the bottom of it, then I can only tell you that I have no comment. By the way...

In the future, the world is about to usher in a very terrifying catastrophe, and this catastrophe is by no means something that can be easily overcome by manpower! "

"What we are doing now seems crazy to you, but it\'s actually just to save ourselves. Please don\'t be too nervous, don\'t interpret it in depth, and speculate arbitrarily!"

"Actually, the signs of this catastrophe have already begun to appear in your respective countries, but you chose to ignore them!

In short... I\'ve said all of this, you guys can do it for yourselves! ! ! "

After Zhu Yinghao finished speaking, he immediately left.

After all, in his opinion, these people will definitely be deported by then.

And as long as you go out of the border of the Dragon Kingdom, there is no safe place in the world!

No matter how high-ranking these ambassadors are, they are nothing more than dying people...

The difference is only early death or late death!

However, compared to Zhu Yinghao\'s free and easy, the ambassadors outside the Foreign Affairs Office were all dumbfounded!

What the hell! !

After so long, I came out and said something inexplicable!