Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 853:

"General Zhu, I would like to ask your Dragon Kingdom military department, is it true or false about the urgent recruitment of five million troops? Is it inconvenient for Fang to tell us the reason? Could it be that everyone in the Dragon Kingdom wants to launch a war? A new war?"

"Is your current move an extreme act of militarism?"

"And there\'s more! I wish you good generals, what do you want to say about the collective protests by high-level officials from various countries, as well as the many comments from domestic netizens, as well as the various objections raised by everyone?"

"General Zhu, there are rumors that you want to develop dictatorship and hegemony, and even plan to radiate to the surrounding areas. Do you have any explanation for this?"

One reporter after another asked excitedly.

And one after another, the ambassadors who attended the meeting also fixed their eyes on Zhu Yinghao, and in private, everyone continued to communicate in a low voice.

"As for these issues of militarism, dictatorship and hegemony, etc., I want to say that you are really overthinking it!" Zhu Yinghao replied calmly with a faint smile: "The reason why we are urgently recruiting five million new recruits is mainly based on the current situation. Considering all aspects of domestic security issues, rather than preparing to use force externally, as you all think..."

"There is an old saying in our Dragon Country, don\'t use the heart of a villain to save a gentleman\'s belly!"

"So I hope you can view this incident rationally, don\'t follow blindly, and don\'t listen to the wind is the rain, after all, conspiracy theories are very dark means of killing people!"

"But General Zhu, how can you guarantee the authenticity of what you said?"

As soon as Zhu Yinghao finished speaking, a reporter stood up and retorted: "As far as I know, countries around the world are now promising in the international community that they will gradually reduce their troops and reduce annual military spending, but why do you suddenly announce conscription? Five million?"

"You suddenly have such a large number of troops, haven\'t you considered the security issues of other countries around you? Haven\'t you considered what the people of other countries think?"

"According to the actual policy implemented by the United Nations, your current behavior has completely violated international conventions. What kind of explanation are you going to make?"

854. Are you not afraid of being the target of public criticism?

The reporters asked reluctantly.

Other media and ambassadors also began to pursue Zhu Yinghao!

for a while...

I wish Yinghao became the target of public criticism!

However, in the face of all kinds of sharp inquiries from unscrupulous reporters, Zhu Yinghao just waved his hands calmly, and immediately put his face up and said seriously: "Friends from the journalists, friends from the world, woe I don\'t know if you have learned this sentence from your mouth? Again, I also ask you not to speculate maliciously on our country\'s policies and policies for no reason. Everything you are saying now is framed and slandered against our Dragon Kingdom, and it is all nonsense. , an unfounded speculation that does not exist!"

"Our country has always adhered to a friendly and peaceful foreign development policy since the founding of the People\'s Republic of my country, and will never initiate a foreign war for no reason!"

"As for the question of whether what you said violated the international conventions of the United Nations, then I can tell you responsibly, you can rest assured that we have never violated international law, after all, the total population of our Dragon Kingdom has more than ten 500 million, according to the distribution ratio in the convention, in addition to the five million recruits, we can even sign an additional several million soldiers!"

"And as the journalist friend just said, protests from other countries against our conscription incident and the opinions of neighboring countries, then I can only express that I can\'t help..."

After Zhu Yinghao\'s remarks, he immediately caused an uproar in the entire conference room!

As a spokesman for the Foreign Affairs Office, his words and deeds represent the will of the Dragon Kingdom!

But what he said just now will undoubtedly be considered by the high-level officials of various countries as a provocation by the Dragon Kingdom against the red fruit of the world...

Zhu Yinghao is this crazy?

In the past, the image and will of this ancient eastern country in the international community were all gentle and refined, just like the image and temperament of Zhu Yinghao who was standing on the podium like this!

But now...

Not only the country, but even their spokespersons are like taking gunpowder!

The words that come out are full of gunpowder flavor!

Not only did they expand the reserve army on a large scale, but they even took a tough stance that they didn\'t care about protests from other countries. This...

Is this really the Dragon Kingdom from before?

"General Zhu, have you ever thought about what kind of disaster your words just now will bring to the Dragon Kingdom?"

"General Zhu, are you not afraid of being the target of public criticism if you are so determined to go your way!!!"

"General Zhu, are you really going to start a war?"

"Are you really not afraid that we will unite to punish you?"

The hundreds of ambassadors on the field finally couldn\'t hold back at all!

They clapped the table with angry faces, and pointed at Zhu Yinghao, who was standing on the podium with a fearless face. Many ambassadors from powerful European and American countries also threatened Zhu Yinghao with words.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became tense!

"Fuck, photographer, here and here, hurry up and take pictures!"

"Is this going to be a big fight?"

"Looks like it\'s about to go to war, **** it!!"

"Damn, are so many people against it?"

"In this way, it is difficult for the Dragon Kingdom\'s military expansion to continue?"

The reporters performed live broadcasts in shock and horror, and many people even shouted and asked their camera assistants to record the conflict that was about to break out!

Although this scene in the conference room at this time is only a small episode!

But these indignant ambassadors, each behind them represents a country!

At this time, in this small conference room, it seems that more than 100 countries have joined forces to exert pressure on the ancient eastern kingdom, delusional accusations and threats!

It\'s really rare to see this scene...

It\'s hard to say, will this scene that happened today evolve into a new round of super wars involving many countries in the future?

855. So arrogant?

However, in the face of threats from ambassadors of various countries.

Zhu Yinghao\'s face did not change at all!

Because he actually expected such a result long before he came to power!

Today\'s press conference is destined to be so easy to be kind...

So after he glanced coldly around the crowd without fear at all, he said sternly and righteously:

"War has never been our first choice!"

"But if someone delusionally threatens us by launching a war, restricting or sanctioning our foreign development strategy, then we can guarantee that no matter who the opponent is, we will accompany them to the end!"

"I\'ll reiterate this one last time! Our 5 million military expansion this time is really just to protect the lives of nearly 1.5 billion people in our Dragon Kingdom. We have no intention of launching any foreign war or invading other countries even an inch of land, and at the same time We will not tolerate the dirty water and evil that countries try to impose on us!"

"Expanding the military is our legitimate and legitimate need!"