Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 838:

And he made no secret of his goal all the way, and drove straight towards the suburbs.

835. Advanced Systems

Jing Qi knew that his every move was under Xiao Junlin\'s surveillance.

But he really didn\'t care at all.

This trip is even more simply no longer cover up whereabouts.

The whole process seems to be in the mountains and waters, and the goals are all several famous scenic spots in Shangjing...

And every time he went to a new scenic spot, he had to come down and let Wang Daosheng and others take pictures of him.

It looks like a very ordinary tourist!

However, Xiao Junlin still found a lot of small movements made by Jingqi through Jarvis\'s full satellite monitoring, no matter how you look at it...

The other party seems to be preparing to do something again.

"This old thing, is it that the dog jumped the wall and wants to start the aura recovery in advance?"

In the Wangjiang Villa.

Xiao Junlin squinted at the surveillance screen that Jarvis projected on the wall, his face suddenly turned ugly.

He, who is familiar with all the plots, of course knows about Jing Qi\'s series of actions...

What exactly does that mean!

He must have sensed something wrong, and he has no confidence that he can defeat himself, so he wants to start the spiritual recovery of this world in advance...

In the original novel, in order to spread belief and improve his strength, Jing Qi deliberately created a spiritual recovery!

Since then, the whole world has undergone indescribable changes!

All kinds of evil spirits, sneaky, and monsters emerged one after another, and the whole world was directly plunged into an incomparable panic.

In such an atmosphere of panic, Jing Qi also stood up and did his part, and personally came forward to create a so-called godless religion, and also cast spells in public to eliminate many sneaky, in order to gain countless crazy believers, and then Sweep the world!

But there is one thing to say!

These plots should be in the original novels, very late plots!

Because after Jing Qi became the co-owner of the world, the book was completely finished.

But why did he open it earlier?

Shouldn\'t it be all about the plot that he pretended to be in the city after he woke up?

Could it be that because he felt the threat of Xiao Junlin, he lost interest in pretending to be in the city, and chose to take the initiative to start the big story, ready to do something serious?

"This is really unexpected..."

Xiao Junlin frowned and pondered, hesitating in his heart.

He wasn\'t sure whether he wanted to stop Jing Qi now, although he was absolutely confident that he could stop him...

After all, with his accomplishments in Feng Shui Xuanmen, and the blessing of his top-notch skills, it can be said that it is easy to stop or even suppress Jing Qi again!

But if he can stop him once, can he still keep an eye on Jing Qi and stop him 10,000 times?

Xiao Junlin knew even with his **** that Jing Qi would not be reconciled!

He will try his best to keep digging holes for himself.

we can even say……

The meaning of Jingqi\'s existence is to add blockage to Xiao Junlin!

Not afraid of thieves stealing, but afraid of thieves!

So as long as he is still alive for a day, the big plot of the aura recovery...

It is bound to be unstoppable! ! !

So in the long run, it doesn\'t seem to make much sense to stop Jing Qi now?

Xiao Junlin asked himself that there is still no way to kill the opponent, after all, he is a cultivator...

Even if the strength does not exist now!

That is definitely not something that Xing Chou and Ye Yu can deal with!

"System, is the system there?"

Since having Jarvis, Xiao Junlin has not called the system directly in his mind for a long time.

The system obviously didn\'t expect that its host would call it at this time, and after hesitating for a while, it replied, "Host, I\'m here!"

"Do you know any way to get rid of Jing Qi?"

Xiao Junlin thought about it and decided to ask directly.

"Go back to the host!"

The system hesitated for a long time again before continuing: "The system has detected that the god-level immortal cultivation system owned by the Son of Destiny Jingqi is a high-level system, and it is not on the same level as the investment, God of War and other systems."

"Unless the host can plunder all of the other party\'s luck value!

Otherwise, it is basically impossible to get rid of the opponent! "

"Is that so?"

Xiao Junlin touched his chin, but there was not much surprise on his face.

836. Nine times of recovery, strength comparison

Jing Qi is an old monster who has lived for more than 3,000 years!

He was already used to life and death, how could he be killed so easily?

If it were that simple, it wouldn\'t have lived so long...

Xiao Junlin just asked with the attitude of trying it out.

Now that he got such an answer, it was all in his expectation!

After pondering for a moment, Xiao Junlin finally decided to wait and see.