Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 816:

Make a choice on the spot!

Needless to say!

There must have been a violent conflict between Jing Qi and Xiao Junlin!

It is even very likely that it is the deepest contradiction that cannot be reconciled at all!

Just by looking at the atmosphere of this tense scene at this time, you can know...

Xiao Junlin even summoned the 53rd Group Army to plunder, and Ma Ling, the director of the Shangjing Administrative Department, also called to know that this is definitely not as simple as a small conflict or a small conflict!

The most important! ! !

In front of these two super giants, with their status, there is no possibility of being this peacemaker at all...

It\'s not that they are afraid or unwilling, but that they are simply not worthy! ! !

in other words!

In the entire Dragon Country, no one is qualified to deal with these two!

So today, they must make a choice...

In the end, do you want to stand on Xiao Junlin\'s side!

Or help Jing Qi and deal with Xiao Junlin together?

This choice is even related to the development and prosperity of their future family, and it is even related to their own destiny and belief...

Just today! !

809. Can this place be dismantled or not?

"Don\'t panic, three!"

Xiao Junlin rubbed his chin with a playful look, and said with a sneer: "Our demolition procedures are completely complete, and they are completely in compliance with laws and regulations, and they are all reasonable.

It\'s just that now this Mr. Jing Qijing seems to have doubts about this document and the demolition..."

"So I invited the three of you together."

"Exactly, you tell him for me!

This Wangjiaba, can it be demolished or not? "

"Ah! This?"

Grandma Sun, Mr. Fu Zhengqing and Mr. Zhu looked at each other.

They never thought that when they rushed over in a hurry, they would become the target of public criticism...

At this moment, everyone is watching, no matter how thick-skinned they are and how many scenes they have seen, they can\'t bear it anymore!

The three were so anxious that they were sweating.

"Hey, what\'s the matter with you?"

Jing Qi frowned impatiently and urged: "Is it difficult for you to speak?"

Seeing the three people hesitate, his intuition is a little bad!

Could it be that this is really beyond his expectations...

Otherwise, why should they hesitate?

"Hurry up and tell that little thing surnamed Xiao, can it be demolished here!?"

"Ah? This..."

"I, I, I think, I think..."

"I think here, here...for the future of the Dragon Kingdom, here and here demolished!"

"Yes, ah yes! I also think it can be demolished here!"

"Master Jing, I\'m sorry..."

"I\'m really sorry, although you are a big favor to my Sun family, but we still can\'t support you!"

The old lady Sun looked embarrassed: "I hope you have a lot of adults, Haihan, Haihan..."

She gritted her teeth and said, and immediately sighed in relief!

Immediately afterwards, the look of fear on her face also suddenly disappeared, and all turned into firmness!

After making a difficult statement, Mrs. Sun stood directly behind Xiao Junlin.

This means it is very obvious!

She just wants to support Xiao Junlin!

Grandma Sun is nearly a hundred years old, and has long been as refined as a female fox...

It is especially good for choosing sides!

And isn\'t it obvious enough that the situation in this game is better or worse? !

Jing Qi is very cool, that\'s right!

Even judging from the records in their Sun family\'s genealogy, the rumor that Jing Qi is immortal seems to be confirmed. After all, when she was young, the other party looked like this...

Now that he is getting old, he still looks like this.

Isn\'t that enough to prove it?


so what?

Compared with Xiao Junlin, Jing Qi\'s brilliance...

Do not!

There is absolutely no comparison between the two! ! !

Mr. Xiao is a **** who can manipulate everyone\'s life and death, and can increase the source of life for everyone out of thin air!

Now the lives and deaths of many people in the Sun family are in his hands...