Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 809:

If they want to...

As long as they come out of the mountain, among the many top-notch wealthy families in Shangjing, there will definitely be a place for the Wang family!

However, they were willing to be a stepping stone for Jing Qi, and they kept their names incognito just to wait for Jing Qi to wake up, and then follow him to fight the world together!

Because only they know that without Jingqi, there would be no Wang family!

The Wang family\'s current status in the ancient martial arts world is entirely dependent on Jingqi. Thanks to him, they can make their Wang family prosperous for thousands of years...

This Wang family is not disloyal!

And the place where the Wang family hides from the world is in a small mountain village called Wangjiaba in the border area of ​​Shangjing!

There are nearly a thousand people in this village, all of whom have the surname Wang.

However, when the convoy arrived outside Wangjiaba Village at the foot of the mountain, the Wang family members who came to greet Jingqi couldn\'t help but make a noise!

Because outside of their quaint villages that had not been visited by outsiders for decades, they had been parked full of police cars and military vehicles.

Countless chief administrative and police superintendents and a large number of soldiers from the surrounding army groups are in martial law outside the village, and the whole place is surrounded by water!

Moreover, in the village, the voices of people arguing can be heard faintly.

all in all!

This quaint and remote small mountain village is very lively today!

"Oops! Did something happen?"

"Why are there so many people at the gate of Wangjiaba?"

"Why are these **** here? Why are they besieging our village!"

"Did anyone in our village commit a crime? It shouldn\'t be..."

The Wangjia Village people in the convoy were talking, but for a while they lost their minds.

801. Two old enemies, the first face-to-face confrontation

The outside of Wangjiaba Village was blocked.

At first glance, all the military and police officers who were maintaining order and squatting on guard were running back and forth.

It is not only the young and middle-aged members of the Wang family who are skeptical.

It was Jing Qi\'s face that suddenly became ugly at this moment.

Because he has an inexplicable intuition.

These military police suddenly attacked Wangjiaba, probably for him!

When I first came to Beijing, everything was calm!

But as soon as he got out of the airport, after walking on the road for a few hours, he immediately ushered in this set.

To say that these military police were not arranged by Xiao Junlin, he would not believe it if they were killed!

He has done a lot of extra homework for his life-long enemy who has never met before, so when he saw such a reasonable but unexpected difficulty, he didn\'t feel it. How strange, even in Jing Qi\'s view, Xiao Junlin should have such means!

After all, only in this way can he truly be his opponent...

"Our good friend has been waiting in the village early in the morning, and he was almost neglected!"

"Drive steadily and go directly to the village, don\'t be afraid!"

Jing Qi sneered and ordered.

As soon as his voice fell, as if there was a magical power, he calmed everyone in the car at once.

Everyone fell silent immediately.

However, their gazes inevitably became heavy.

The convoy also began to drive directly towards the barricade that was pulled out.

Sure enough, Jingqi did not expect it!

When their convoy reached the roadblock, the soldiers guarding not only did not stop the convoy, but rather decisively pulled the roadblock and released them directly.

Apparently this was ordered in advance...

Everyone in the car was surprised, and their eyebrows became more and more solemn.

The convoy passed the guards and drove all the way into Wangjiaba Village.

Only then did Jing Qi see clearly that this Wangjiaba Village is actually a very beautiful place.

The village is surrounded by mountains and rivers. Although it is remote, the houses inside are very modern!

It should even be said that the living environment in this village is much better than the outside world...

I can tell!

Although the Wang family lives a secluded life, they are rich and luxurious!

Before the village worship hall, there is a large open space, which looks a bit like a martial arts field.

At this time in this open space, two groups of people are facing each other.

On the one hand are all the Wang family members in Wangjiaba, no matter men, women or children, as long as they can listen to and watch at this time, one counts as one, and they all come!

On the other side, there are people brought by Xiao Junlin!

In addition to a lot of bodyguards behind him, there are Ma Ling, Zhu Han and others, together with the army guards outside the village, there are hundreds of people on Xiao Junlin\'s side...

At this time, the atmosphere on both sides has become a little bit tense!

"Hehe, the master is here."

As soon as Xiao Junlin saw Jing Qi\'s arrival, his eyes lit up, and he couldn\'t help but raise his voice a lot.

He stared at the immortal old monster with a half-smile, and a look of interest appeared on his face.

According to the original plot.

After Jing Qi, the Lord of Destiny, arrived in Shangjing, he would immediately come to the Wang family to pretend to be a big guy!

And the foreshadowing of this episode, of course, is that the old man Wang Chengzhi is seriously ill!