Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 803:

If the plan can be completed in time, then Jing Qi will prepare a big gift for him when he returns to Beijing!

793. Is this how our family treats guests?

"Boss, the Longguo Military Command, the Longguo Scientific Research Institute, and the leaders of various departments, as well as many experts and scholars have come to visit you, and are waiting outside the door now!"

Ye Yu suddenly walked in, and a word interrupted Xiao Junlin\'s thoughts.

He tilted his head slightly and glanced outside the gate of his house. Sure enough, he found a lot of old men in military uniforms and a dozen or so full of white hair. At first glance, they were scientific researchers.

These people should be the people who were dispatched to study the mechanical armor this time...

Each of these people should be top researchers and have made a lot of contributions to the Dragon Kingdom!

Of course, Chen Youming is also among them.

Xiao Junlin looked at Ye Yu and said with a serious face: "Is this how our family treats guests? How can we make them all stand at the door and wait?

Very rude, please come in quickly! "

"Yes, boss!"

Ye Yu nodded and hurried forward to invite everyone into the room.

Everyone was a little nervous, but they couldn\'t hide their excitement.

They walked in as cautiously as students saw their teacher, and the moment they saw Xiao Junlin, their eyes filled with admiration.

"Mr. Xiao, I\'m sorry, I know you are resting and we are still here to disturb you, I\'m really sorry!"

"Yes, yes, I take the liberty to visit, and please forgive Mr. Xiao!"

"Yeah, I should have come back after you rested, but..."

All the top bigwigs in the scientific world gave Xiao Junlin a respectful smile, and they did not feel embarrassed at all when facing Xiao Junlin, who was so much younger than himself, but so much higher than him in science and technology. Now they just want to get the improvement of science and technology from Xiao Junlin.

Obviously, in terms of the science and technology of mechanical armor, they were quite impressed with Xiao Junlin.

At the same time, I admire Xiao Junlin for letting him study mechanical armor casually. After all, they didn\'t hide it!

"Everyone, please have a seat!" Xiao Junlin hurriedly greeted everyone when he saw that everyone was a little cautious.

"Don\'t be so polite, just treat it like your own home, Ye Yu, order to go down and serve tea!"

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for the hospitality!"

Seeing Xiao Junlin\'s enthusiasm, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and then sat down slowly.

"Mr. Xiao!" Chen Youming said excitedly: "First of all, I want to say sorry to you, I didn\'t believe you so much before, and I also made a lot of remarks to criticize the super suspended light rail train project you proposed. , I\'m really like a frog at the bottom of a well, I only sit in the well and watch the sky, thinking that I can\'t do it within the scope of my knowledge, I really can\'t do it, I\'m really sorry!"

"Secondly, we are here to ask you for advice on science and technology, and I hope you can give us some advice!"

After Chen Youming opened up this embarrassing chatterbox, the other experts and scholars who followed Chen Youming to criticize Xiao Junlin also opened their mouths one after another.

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xiao, you have a lot of adults, don\'t bother with us old men who are about to go to the ground!"

"Yeah, Mr. Xiao, we did some research on your mechanical armor last night, and found a lot of technology across the ages, all of which we have never seen before. It really makes us feel ashamed. Ashamed!"

"Yes, yes, Mr. Xiao, the science and technology used in your mechanical armor simply fascinates us!"

\"We are very curious, how did you develop the super metal on the outside of the mechanical armor, what exactly is it?\"

"Yes, yes! The hardness and toughness of the super metals on the outside of this mechanical armor surpasses that of an aircraft carrier by many times. If this metal can be applied to other high technologies, it will definitely be the pinnacle! "

"Not only this super metal, but also the super reactor used by the mechanical armor. It can be said that it is the most sophisticated reactor I have ever seen. Let\'s not say we want to copy it, but we can\'t even figure out the basic principle of its operation. clear!"

"Yes, Mr. Xiao, can you give me some pointers, just a little bit!"

794. Hello everyone, my name is Jarvis

All the experts and scholars looked at Xiao Junlin expectantly.

They hoped that they could get a solution from Xiao Junlin\'s mouth.

Even just a little bit!

After all, this kind of thing basically belongs to the scientific research ceiling, who will give pointers to ordinary people?

However, this science and technology is related to the development of scientific research in the entire Dragon Kingdom in recent decades. If Xiao Junlin can give some pointers, then their scientific research in the Dragon Kingdom will quickly surpass Europe and the United States for dozens or even hundreds of years!

So even if they have the thick face of their own, they have to ask!

Facing the expectations of everyone present, Xiao Junlin did not feel any discomfort, but felt a little happy!

After all, these people are the pillars of the Dragon Kingdom. They do not seek fame or profit in their lives, and they hide themselves in the laboratory and silently make this contribution to the scientific development of the Dragon Kingdom. They are the backbone of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

Now that they are begging themselves like this, how can they refuse?

"Everyone, it\'s too serious to point out. As for Professor Chen, you don\'t need to apologize to me. I didn\'t give you strong evidence because I was in a hurry to prove that the super suspended light rail train plan I proposed is achievable! "

Xiao Junlin looked sincere, after all, what he said was the truth!

"However, with your current knowledge, you can\'t manufacture the super metals and ark reactors that mechanical armors need."

"By the way, the super metal used in this mechanical armor, I call it super titanium alloy!"

"Even if I tell you all about the manufacture of these, you can\'t manufacture them, but I can find a master for you, which can quickly improve your problems in various scientific research and technology!"

"Eh? Master? Is that your master?" Everyone was dumbfounded!

"Yes, it\'s an artificial intelligence, my old friend.

Jarvis, come out! "

Xiao Junlin ordered Jarvis to be called out.

"Good host! Hi, my name is Jarvis.

From tonight, you can ask me any questions you have about scientific and technological research, and I will answer them one by one! "

On the wall opposite the crowd, an illusory digital portrait was quickly projected.

The appearance of Jarvis made everyone here stunned on the spot!

What the hell! ! !

This, is this artificial intelligence?

This technology has surpassed human beings for more than a thousand years, right?