Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 80:

"When I first selected the site, I believed that you should have invited an expert to see it. Unfortunately, you are still a little lacking in academic skills and have not found the previous Feng Shui layout..."

"As the saying goes, one step is wrong, and every step is wrong. The Dragon Ascension Bureau, which he re-imposed on the basis of the original Feng Shui, has been completely integrated with the trapped dragon formation that has not been cleaned up before after so many decades of running-in development. Together, it caused the spiritual energy in some areas of the formation to be restless, thus breeding the evil spirit of heaven and earth!"

"But the expert who set up the Dragon Ascension Bureau for you must have told you that every 30 years this formation has to change its eyes, right?"

"When I was visiting the manor with you, I remembered that you said that your branch lives in the northwest of the manor, and the formation was in the northwest. After the evil spirit nourished, it has always been the branch of your family that has been affected. Collateral, but if I\'m not mistaken, the last time you changed your eyes should be a month ago, right?"

"The current formation is in the southeast region, and it is your main lineage that will be affected."

"This is really thirty years Hedong, thirty years Hexi..."

Xiao Junlin\'s series of narrations, as if he was also present at the time of the formation, knew everything well, even the direction, he knew there was a Feng Shui Bureau.

These words immediately made Xie Junfeng\'s scalp tingle.

Because most of what he said was right!

073. Yu Feng gave birth to this boy, but he has no good intentions

Xiao Junlin\'s words made Xie Junfeng struck by lightning.

The Royal Dragon Ascension Bureau was combined with the Trapped Dragon Great Array, and it also nourished the suffocating energy, but it was only the collateral branches that were affected before.

But now, the formation of eyes has changed, and it has become their main home...

What is the influence of the evil spirit nourished by these two great formations, Xie Junfeng just recalled the bleakness of the side branches over the years, and it is almost clear!

"Brother Xie, don\'t tell me you don\'t know this?"

Xiao Junlin pretended to be surprised and said: "I thought you guys did this on purpose, just to sacrifice the luck of the collateral branches to fully assist the main vein..."

"What are you talking about, how could I, Xie Junfeng, be such a person?!"

Xie Junfeng was frightened by his words on the spot and sweated coldly.

"Brother Xiao, what kind of impact will this evil spirit have?"

"Being disturbed by this evil spirit will make the children of the clan uneasy, pregnant women have miscarriages, the elderly are sickly, and the whole family will be restless..."

Xiao Junlin thought about it and said, "These originally affected the collateral branches, but now they have become your main veins because of the transformation of the formation, and after so many years of nourishment, the evil spirits have gathered to a very strong point. , if this goes on, the consequences of your main vein may be much more serious than that of the branch!"

"Brother Xie, you can recall it for yourself. After so many years, is it that the collateral branch has not been prosperous and things are not going well?"

"Children are disturbed, pregnant women have miscarriages, the elderly are sickly, the population is not prosperous, and things are not going well..."

Xie Junfeng muttered these terrifying words secretly, his face dignified.


Since he developed this manor, all the relatives of the Xie family, no matter how partial, have all followed him to live here.

But for so many years, those collateral relatives have always been withered and withered, and they have done nothing well. Even if they have supported them all the way, they have never produced a hidden dragon!

Originally, he thought it was a problem of his own ability, but now Xiao Junlin pointed it out, and he immediately discovered the crux of all this...

Feng Shui mistaken me! !

Thinking that the fate of the collateral branch will soon befall him, Xie Junfeng was completely panicked!

"But the person who modified the array eye a month ago is really not good at learning. As long as the location of the array eye is more accurate, a lot of things can be avoided."

Xiao Junlin continued: "Of course it doesn\'t rule out that he also saw the original trapping dragon formation here and did it on purpose..."

"As I expected, it was the Yu Fengsheng you were very optimistic about who changed your minds for your family a month ago, right?"

"He helped you through the change of eyes, and then gained the friendship of your family, right?"

Xiao Junlin spoke again, and after speaking, he stared at Xie Junfeng who nodded again and again with sympathy.

An unpleasant feeling suddenly rose in Xie Junfeng\'s heart...

At this time, he also came back.

This kid Yu Fengsheng is clearly not at ease!

He had already found out that there was a problem with Feng Shui, but he didn\'t tell him, but secretly changed his eyes, trying to influence them to solve the main line of the family!

"Brother Xiao, do you have any evidence for what you said? And I heard from you, the consequences will be more serious, how serious?"

"I don\'t need to provide evidence for this, I\'m just reminding you, whether you believe it or not has nothing to do with me.

Anyway, at most half a year, you can feel that something is wrong yourself! "

"At that time, the light will be more disasters and the more serious...then it may be the death of children and grandchildren!"

Xiao Junlin deliberately made the consequences very serious.

Xie Junfeng was really frightened by him...

It\'s no joke! !

"Damn, good you Yu Fengsheng!"

Xie Junfeng was so angry that he slapped the table and roared, scolding angrily: "This bad-hearted little bastard, I didn\'t hesitate to pull down my old face to talk to him, but he only wanted to kill me!!"

"It\'s okay if he just wants to hurt you, I\'m afraid that he will secretly lead Sifang Haoran\'s righteousness to himself, he will make a lot of money himself, and make you unlucky..."

Xiao Junlin whispered beside him.

When Xie Junfeng heard this, he almost exploded again...

He suddenly thought that Yu Fengsheng has been really busy these days!

Buy lottery tickets, invest in real estate, futures, that is to make a fortune!

Dare to love him, this is squandering the feng shui of my home! !

"Fuck Yu Fengsheng, I\'m not finished with you!"

The more Xie Junfeng thought about it, the more this was true.

The longer he was immersed in the business world, the more he felt that there were a lot of ways and means, how could anyone keep making money?

Moreover, during this period of time, he had a lot of contact with Yu Fengsheng, and he knew clearly that he had collected billions of dollars in just a few days! !

This **** thing should have been their solution...

If you say that you only want to make money, that\'s fine, but you actually make money yourself, making us unlucky! !