Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 796:

The assembly of his mechanical armor has finally reached the final moment!

The continuous working time reaches more than 80 hours!

Four days and four nights without sleep!

Coupled with Jarvis\' accurate calculation and super cooperation.

Xiao Junlin\'s mechanical armor\'s shell, actuators, control systems, major link circuits, and key parts such as ammunition depots have all been completed!

Now it\'s just that I haven\'t painted the mechanical armor...

But even so, this mechanical display stand looks very majestic!

Normally, completing these things requires a team of nearly hundreds of people, tacit cooperation, and manufacturing without error rate for more than eight months before it can be completed!

But Xiao Junlin only spent less than five days, it\'s really awesome...

It\'s just a pity that he doesn\'t have particle cannons, laser weapons and other things suitable for this mechanical armor!

If there are these things, then this mechanical armor can really be as powerful as a science fiction movie!

It\'s a pity that now it\'s just a giant mecha who can run and jump.

But even so, because the whole body of this mechanical armor is made of super titanium alloy!

So its defense is quite strong.

It is simply to the point of invulnerability and invincibility!

Moreover, although this mechanical armor has no attack power, it is not bad to be a defensive armor...

At least for now, even if hundreds of thousands of armor-piercing rounds are aimed at it, it can be truly unscathed!

"Huh! That\'s it, it\'s almost there...

If there is any other need in the future, please improve it! "

"Now, I just want to try the large toys I made these days!"

Xiao Junlin rubbed his hands.

He looked a little tired.

After all, these days and nights have been working at a high intensity!

But at this time, when he thought that he was about to start controlling the mecha, he still cheered up and jumped!

Xiao Junlin jumped directly into the control room of the mechanical armor!

784. Longhua No. 0 armor, flight mode

"Wow! It\'s so comfortable!"

Xiao Junlin lay on his back and stretched, and quickly connected the control system.

At this time, he has merged with this mechanical armor!

"Ding! Longhua No. 0 Battle Armor has been successfully activated, and the program is testing itself!"

At the moment when the mechanical armor\'s computer system was activated, a mechanical voice sounded quickly!

"Welcome, Dear Pilot Zero!"

The speaker is an auxiliary system set by Jarvis for the operation of this mechanical armor.

This system has initially taken the shape of artificial intelligence.

It can perfectly assist the driver to complete the control of this mechanical armor.

Even in battle, it can assist the driver\'s combat skills, as well as attack aiming and blocking defense!

"Hmm! Not bad! Very good, very powerful!"

"Who said I couldn\'t make a super maglev light rail train?"

"I made a mechanical armor first to show you! Hehe..."

"Longhua No. 0 armor, start!

Stand up and show everyone! "

Xiao Junlin laughed proudly and did some operations!

Under his control, this huge mechanical armor with a height of about 50 meters quickly sat up from a lying state!

Boom boom boom!

Immediately, a huge mechanical armor head appeared in the big hole that had been smashed by the flame beam before, watching everyone from a condescending position!

Not only that, but everyone saw Xiao Junlin sitting in the driving control room in the center of the head of this behemoth!

\'Fuck! Really, really Nima is a mechanical armor! ’

"Oh my god! I\'m not dreaming! It\'s a really moving mechanical armor!"

"Ahhhh! It\'s not a model, absolutely not!

Models can\'t be like this! Mr. Xiao, is this too arrogant? 6666666!"

\"That\'s right! You see, Mr. Xiao\'s place should be the control room, and he\'s actually controlling the mechanical armor!\"

\"Love, love! I really love this Mr. Xiao! It\'s so awesome!\"

"My God, to see this scene in my lifetime is really..."

Everyone present was so excited!

Not only that, but also hundreds of millions of netizens saw this scene through the live broadcast of the anchor and media reporters!

All the netizens are numb and horrified!

Omg! ! !

Such a huge mechanical armor actually sat up!

It is really a mechanical armor that can run and move!

This is simply a cross-age black technology!