Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 780:

But he can\'t go, he has to wait here!

Although the choice he made was very difficult, Dao Zun has not returned!

Even if he was to be reviled by the world, he would never leave...

"Yes! Obey!"

"Okay, God, let\'s do it now!"


The Taoists suddenly had the backbone and took orders one after another.

Everyone\'s eyes gradually became more and more firm.

764. Seven hundred billion! 58,000 kilometers

After the Yuntianguan incident, various rumors spread in Beijing.

Although only the dignitaries in Beijing were present at the time.

But after this incident, coupled with the deliberate spread of those who have intentions, the reputation of Taoist priests such as Wang Daosheng and other Tianyi sects will soon stink...

Plus, since they\'ve been behind closed doors!

Those supernatural events that occurred frequently in Beijing disappeared instantly.

This also had to make those ordinary people believe those rumors more.

For a time, they all became the existence of everyone shouting and beating!

To this!

Wang Daosheng did not dare to make the slightest excuse.

There is no planning whatsoever!

At this time, he just took a group of Taoist priests from Tianyimen to hide in Yuntianguan, waiting for Jingqi\'s return!

at the same time.

The super feng shui plan planned by Xiao Junlin has also been finalized!

After several days of his careful design and scrutiny, coupled with Jarvis\' all-round assistance.

He finally designed a very vast giant feng shui array.

This super feng shui array is divided into two parts!

Part of it is the 35,000-kilometer suspended light rail outside Beijing as the outer line, forming the periphery of the super feng shui array!

The other part is the 23,000-kilometer suspended light rail with Beijing as the core!

Form the core of the super feng shui array!

The entire feng shui array requires the construction of 58,000 kilometers of tracks.

The track of the maglev train will span the entire Dragon Country!

The orbits are radiated from Shangjing to the various provinces of the Dragon Kingdom, so as to achieve the purpose of benefiting the countless people of the Dragon Kingdom!

Once this huge suspended light rail track is completed, the distance from the east to the west of the Dragon Kingdom will be greatly reduced...

The prefix of the super maglev train is supersonic! ! !

It originally took nearly ten days to travel from the east to the west, but it was shortened to about half a day in an instant, which was more than ten times faster than those of the means of transportation in countries around the world.

The design of this super feng shui array can be said to be an epoch-making grand plan!

Once successful!

Xiao Junlin can not only easily control the transportation lifeline of the entire Dragon Country through it, but also possess a very powerful energy, which can completely gather the entire Dragon Country\'s power for his own use!

The only downside is that this plan is quite expensive!

"Jarvis, confirm for the last time that the entire super suspended light rail project needs to invest a minimum amount of manpower, material resources, and financial resources to ensure its perfect completion!"

Xiao Junlin still felt a little pain at the thought of spending so much money.

"Good master, I will do the last calculation for you immediately!"

"Please wait!"

"Complete the calculation! Master, the super maglev train project you proposed will probably require more material and financial resources than 700 billion dragon coins!"

"The manpower required for this project is about 5 million people, and the construction period can be compressed within two years!"

After Xiao Junlin heard Jarvis\' answer, he was immediately dissatisfied!

Although he knew that this project was a huge amount of work, and it only took about two years to build such a powerful transportation network, it was already a super miracle at the cosmic level!

But he is still not satisfied!

Just not satisfied!

Because he didn\'t know when Jing Qi, this bastard, returned to Shangjing.

He must build the entire super feng shui array as soon as possible!

Because facing Jing Qi, an old goblin who has lived for more than 3,000 years.

Xiao Junlin\'s heart is still a little uncertain!

Who knows what tricks this old man can play?

So the sooner you complete the super feng shui array, the more secure it will be...

Count the time!

In the original book, Jing Qi traveled to the small border countries after he woke up. He returned to Beijing about half a year ago, and then started his infinite pretense plot!


Xiao Junlin had to compress the construction time of the entire super feng shui array to within six months!

765. Gong in the future

"Jarvis, you..."