Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 76:

There was no movement in the nanny\'s car...

"Chairman, what should I do?" The driver asked with a frown, "Should we go over and explain it to the lady?"

"Explain? What is her identity?"

Xiao Junlin glanced at Lao Pang, and suddenly said, "You go in the co-pilot, and I\'ll drive."

The old man was silent, but he did it faithfully.

Xiao Junlin sat in the driver\'s seat, looking through the windshield expressionlessly at the lioness standing in the middle of the road not far away.

Lin Yiqing also saw him, and also saw Xiao Junlin\'s raised three fingers.

Just when I didn\'t know why, the three fingers suddenly turned into two.

Then, a...

This is?

bang bang bang-

The engine of the nanny car roared wildly.

Lin Yiqing finally reacted.

She widened her eyes in horror, watching the nanny car that suddenly started rushing mercilessly towards the gate of the villa...

"Fuck! Quick flash-"

"Get out of the way, get out of the way..."

"Is this **** dead?!"

The bodyguards all messed up and rushed to both sides of the road.

Lin Yiqing also stimulated her physical potential at the last moment, jumped out to the side, and fell to the ground in an extremely embarrassed manner!

The nanny car stopped abruptly after breaking the crowd.

Xiao Junlin opened the car door indifferently and walked down, walking to Lin Yiqing.

He looked at her so condescendingly.

At this moment, Lin Yiqing suddenly felt that the man in front of him...

So unfamiliar!

That indifferent look in her eyes made her feel like she was about to split!


Lin Yiqing opened her mouth, but she didn\'t know why...

She only choked out one word.

"Lin Yiqing, the person who brought you, immediately disappear from me, so that I can ignore all the mistakes you have made before.

If you want me to do it, then I will let your Lin family disappear with you. "

"There is no relationship between you and me. Don\'t tell me that nonsense. Don\'t you think that what you are doing now is just humiliating yourself?"

"Put away your arrogance, everything you cherish is not worth mentioning in front of me!"

Xiao Junlin\'s expression was calm, and he didn\'t even have any ups and downs in his tone when he spoke.

But it was this attitude that made Lin Yiqing shudder...

"Also, in the future, you and your daughter, don\'t bother me again, we have nothing to do with each other, do you understand?

I don\'t want to see your nasty old face anymore. If you mess around, you will be at your own risk! "

"No, the more you want me to get out, the more I won\'t!!"

Lin Yiqing suddenly screamed loudly: "Xiao Junlin, you bastard!"

"What did Xiaoyi do wrong to deserve you to treat him like this? Why did you break his leg? Why did you send him to prison so cruelly?"

"If you can\'t give me an explanation, I will block your door every day in the future, and if you have the ability, you will kill me!"

"If not, I will fight you to the end!!!"


"Are you sure you are so qualified to accompany me to the end?"

Listening to Lin Yiqing\'s mad roar, Xiao Junlin shook his head helplessly.

The next moment, he decisively took out his mobile phone from his pocket and dialed a number that was not in his address book.

After a few seconds, the call was connected.

Xiao Junlin didn\'t have any nonsense, so he pressed the speakerphone in front of Lin Yiqing and said:

"Call Lin Mingyuan to answer the phone."

070. Di Jiang, Xiao Junlin

"Call Lin Mingyuan to answer the phone."

"You... who?"

The other party asked cautiously: "Why do you know this call?"

"Don\'t care who I am, let Lin Mingyuan answer the phone immediately, don\'t let me say it a third time!"

Xiao Junlin\'s attitude is tough and his tone is unquestionable.

The other party was obviously frightened, and after hesitating for a few seconds, he replied, "Okay, wait a moment."

"Lin Mingyuan?!"

Xiao Junlin\'s domineering power made Lin Yiqing not recover for a while.

It wasn\'t until now that she suddenly heard the name that made her revered and awe-inspiring, and she suddenly came back to her senses, her face changed greatly!

Xiao Junlin could find Lin Mingyuan?

If you change to an ordinary person, you may be very unfamiliar with this name.