Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 708:

For such trivial matters, Xiao Junlin would be relieved.

Anyway, so many people in the Longchang Group can\'t eat all the rice, right?

Xiao Junlin actually predicted in his heart that these three softwares would become popular on the entire Internet in the next month, becoming a must-have software in the hands of every netizen!

"Then what else is wrong with the others?"

After receiving solemn answers from the three, Xiao Junlin asked the others again with a smile.

In the conference room, a group of high-level executives looked at each other.

"Then if there is no problem, let\'s leave the meeting collectively!"

Xiao Junlin nodded and said with satisfaction: "The R&D department will make the final debugging of the integrity map immediately, and the public relations department will be ready. After the meeting is completely dismissed, it can be promoted first!"

"Yes, Director Xiao!"

Everyone stood up and agreed.

After the meeting.

Longchang Group has entered a new round of busyness.

Chengxin Toutiao and Chengxin APP also began to overwhelmingly publicize the new members of the Chengxin family——

Chengxin map navigation! ! !

You must know that Chengxin is now a large-scale instant chat software at the national level!

There are 1.6 billion people in the entire Dragon Kingdom, and the number of online users of Chengxin alone has reached 1.475 billion!

This data calculation is based on the ID card.

A citizen ID card can only be registered for one signal!

This data basically covers the entire population of the Dragon Kingdom...

Among them, how many car owners should there be?

Even those who don\'t have a car will always need to travel, right?

Chengxin\'s user volume is destined to be good for Xiao Junlin to develop or promote any software, and he no longer needs to use other media platforms or even scarves!

On the contrary, if other Internet companies want to advertise, they have to turn to their Longchang Group!

It is rude to say that Chengxin is now the biggest advertiser and the biggest Internet public opinion manipulator!

As long as he gives an order, what kind of information he wants to convey to the people can be sent out through the letter at the first time...

At this time, the whole network began to promote Chengxin map navigation overwhelmingly!

A large number of trusted users were immediately attracted by various pop-up windows and advertisements!

688. Terrible data, something happened to the Mond family

"Huh? Chengxin map navigation?"

"Longchang Group has released new software again? What is this for? Why can\'t I play?"

"Upstairs, you can see that there is no driving. If you don\'t know the navigation, do you know the driver?"

"Dong Xiao\'s product is definitely a fine product, I have already downloaded it!"

"That\'s right! Dong Xiao is the male **** of my life, and the lithography machine incident has completely made me orgasm! If Dong Xiao needs it, he only needs an order, and I will definitely wash myself clean and send it to me. to his bed...

By the way, I\'m male! "


"Ehhh? This navigation actually has a walking reminder function?

Damn, it\'s just the gospel of Lu Chi..."

"Love, love!!"

Many netizens commented on the APP download interface of Chengxin Map Navigation, and the atmosphere was very good.

As of eight o\'clock the next morning.

The number of user downloads of Chengxin Map Navigation has exceeded 200 million!

This is simply a terrible user stickiness data ah...

What\'s even more frightening is that this figure is still rising!

It should be the result that the user who downloaded it last night spontaneously recommended it to his relatives and friends after discovering the usefulness of this software!

For this, Xiao Junlin is of course very satisfied!

After nine o\'clock that night, Xiao Junlin was resting in his room in Wangjiang Villa.

However, Mondania quietly brought her sister Lati over, and it seemed that there was something urgent.

"What\'s the matter? Is something wrong..."

"You didn\'t rest after nine o\'clock, but you actually brought your sister into another man\'s room, Niya, are you really getting more courageous?" Xiao Junlin asked amusingly.

"Uh..." Mondia blushed and said very embarrassedly: "Latti said that she would not be able to sleep until she came to see you, so I brought her here! Oh, by the way, are you hungry? There is soup in the kitchen, I just cooked it, I will serve you a bowl!"

"Huh? It\'s okay, I\'m not hungry."

Xiao Junlin stopped Mondiya who was about to turn around and left, then smiled and squatted down and rubbed Lati\'s little head, and said, "Did you miss me?"

"...Hmm!" Ratti narrowed his eyes and nodded with some enjoyment.

"Then you\'ve seen it now, shouldn\'t it be time to go back to sleep?"

Xiao Junlin asked with a smile again.

"Well, good!" Lettie nodded obediently.

This little girl has become more and more dependent on him during the period of time she\'s been with him. Although she still doesn\'t like to talk too much, the smile on her face has already emerged a lot!

"Come on, Letty!"

"We can\'t disturb Mr. Xiao anymore, go back to sleep with me?"

Mondania looked like she was hesitant to say anything, but in the end she still took Latti\'s little hand back to the room.