Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 696:


Qiu Chu came back to his senses, and repeatedly agreed with a sullen face.

Immediately after that, he began to wave his hands and let all the researchers in the laboratory leave the laboratory.

Under the watchful eyes of all, Xiao Junlin walked into this laboratory full of various instruments alone.

Only the people outside were left messy in the wind...

673. Is this the legendary confession?

Xiao Junlin walked into the laboratory alone.

to be frank!

He actually didn\'t know how to use these instruments.

But he can\'t help having Jarvis...

"Jarvis, hack into the internal LAN here, automatically connect all the devices for me, and remotely control the instruments inside the laboratory."

Xiao Junlin looked around, smiled and said, "Then import the genetic medicine to make a map, and by the way, help me analyze the liquid composition of these genetic medicines!"


"The LAN intrusion is completed, and the plan is completed."

"Please, master, put the gene-enhanced medicine into the large liquid plasma analyzer in front of you, and the system will automatically start the analysis."

Jarvis answered while prompting.

Xiao Junlin chuckled and poured a tube of genetic medicine into the analyzer.

Soon the instrument started beeping and beeping automatically!

In fact, he already has a formula for making this gene-enhancing potion.

But before making it, Xiao Junlin decided to analyze the basic ingredients of these medicinal liquids.

After all, the relationship between these medicinal liquids is very important, and there must be no mistakes!

After a while, various analysis reports began to be generated in the liquid analyzer.

"Master, the liquid analysis has been completed."

"From various data analysis, this strengthening agent can increase the cell vitality of the injector by about one to five times, and the increase is a permanent increase, and there is no side effect on the human body!"

"At the same time, the potions also contain various ancient genes of various animals, as well as the blood genes of your own master!

Therefore, anyone who has been injected with this gene-enhancing agent will have an instinctive sense of awe and loyalty towards you.

That belongs to the suppression of the bloodline. Specifically, you can regard this as a kind of blood-dropping ceremony! "

A series of analysis by Jarvis made Xiao Junlin smile with satisfaction.

If you think about it, it seems to be the case!

After passing the thousands of trials before, he actually already knew that those who have been injected with this genetic medicine, although the strength, speed and physical strength will be greatly enhanced, they will have an instinct when they meet him. The fear of the top, the subconscious choice to obey his orders.

Is this what the legend says about the Lord?

It\'s so fantastical!

"Sure enough! The system produced is a high-quality product, this is really amazing!!"

Xiao Junlin laughed: "Jarvis, is it difficult if you want to copy it?"

Since the system will give him the recipe, it must support his own imitation!

"No problem." Jarvis answered truthfully, "According to the analysis of the technology of the genetically enhanced medicine provided by you, Master, this medicine actually only needs to go through dozens of procedures, most of which are actually All can be done in an ordinary laboratory!"

"The most important thing is the extraction and injection of ancient genes, as well as cell enhancers, but these can be done in this laboratory."

Jarvis\' answer made Xiao Junlin nodded slightly again.

So this thing does have the possibility of mass production!

If Xiao Junlin can manufacture it in batches, and then hand it over to all Dragon Kingdom soldiers for use, then the future of the Dragon Kingdom will be very happy...

An army composed entirely of extraordinary powers! ! !

"Jarvis, if I hand over this recipe and the finished product, will it be possible for others to discover the loyalty gene contained in the potion?"

"Does not."

"So can someone modify the technology and then make technical improvements?"

Xiao Junlin asked again.

"Master, the genetic enhancement potion is already in its most perfect state, and there is no possibility of further improvement!"

Jarvis continued to answer: "This medicine is specially made for you by the system, so the final effect fusion can only be achieved with your gene culture medium. If you use someone else\'s gene culture medium to make it without authorization, then this success The rate can only be zero!"

"it is good!"

After Xiao Junlin listened, he laughed again!

If this is what Jarvis said, then he is really relieved.

Because this means that even if he hands over this technology, and others imitate it and then inject it, it can only help him create a big push for soldiers who are only loyal to him!

Even if these warriors had never actually seen him, as long as they dared to appear in front of him, Xiao Junlin would definitely be able to subdue them very easily.

For him, this is a matter of great benefit and no harm...

Even now he is eager to tell the world this recipe directly!

Therefore, after careful consideration, Xiao Junlin decided to provide this technology to the Dragon Kingdom military for free.

He wants to lend their hands to help himself do free promotion.

However, before that, there is a very important problem to continue to solve.

That\'s genetic culture...

This kind of culture medium must be made with the genes containing Xiao Junlin to be successful, because it is actually the most important part of the whole tube of gene enhancement medicine!

Therefore, before handing over this technology, he must prepare an additional medium for these researchers to study.