Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 69:

With a smile that was uglier than crying, Lin Yiqing said embarrassedly, "It turns out that Director Gu is going to a family dinner today, so I\'m really sorry, I really didn\'t know beforehand..."

"I\'m here today. I mainly want to talk to you about my son Xiao Yi\'s case. I hope it won\'t bother you too much?"

"Talking about Xiao Yi\'s case?"

Gu Yutang pretended to be surprised and said, "So this kid is Ms. Lin\'s son, oh my, I forgot about this..."

"Then you..."

Lin Yiqing\'s face instantly turned to surprise.

Just before she could speak, she heard Gu Yutang continue: "But, this case really doesn\'t need to be discussed.

As law enforcement officers, it is our primary duty to enforce the law impartially, right? "

"Now that the Junlin Group has come to report the case, we have to file the case, after all, the procedures are complete.

Moreover, they have solid evidence, and they do not need too much investigation and evidence collection at all. "

"You said that if I bend the law for personal gain, what if the King\'s Landing Group turns around and sue me together?"

"Of course, it\'s not up to us to decide how this case will be decided in the end. Ms. Lin, you can ask a lawyer to sue them."

The surprised expression on Lin Yiqing\'s face immediately froze.

Ask a lawyer to file a lawsuit with Junlin Group? !

Fuck shit...

As the wife of the chairman of the former King\'s Landing Group, she knows the legal team within the group!

Not to mention the top in the country, at least in the Tiannan area, that can definitely be the king and hegemon!

Coupled with the fact that they still have all kinds of solid evidence, she has really understood what her son has done in the past few years...

She deeply knew that this time it was really her son\'s fault.

And once this matter goes to court, it will really be a big trouble!

Whether it is for Xiao Yi or her Lin Yiqing, this is not a good thing! !

"Director Gu, you must have other ways, right?" Lin Yiqing said unwillingly, "I will never let my son go to jail, no matter what conditions you have, I will promise you!!"

"Ms. Lin, please pay attention to your words." Gu Yutang sneered at this and said with a strong attitude: "As law enforcement officers, we will never bend the law for personal gain. If you want to withdraw the case, go to Xiao Dong, please forgive me. There is nothing we can do."

"If you continue to mess around like this, I have reason to think that you are flouting the law and insulting the law enforcement officers!!"

"Oh yes, strictly speaking, your current behavior is already flouting the law, and you still want to bribe law enforcement officers?"

"Lin Yiqing, I now solemnly warn you, please stop your excesses immediately!!"

"Otherwise, I will have the responsibility to detain you together, and convict you of obstructing official duties!"

064. Lin Yiqing, save yourself

Gu Yutang\'s words were loud and clear.

Lin Yiqing was so angry that his stomach hurt.

She didn\'t understand what Ecstasy Xiao Junlin used for Gu Yutang.

Why is this guy so soft and hard to eat?

As long as he is willing to take a half step back and endure a little bit, then this matter will be much easier to handle...

But his attitude is so tough, what can we do?

Originally, Lin Yiqing wanted to come over in person to put pressure on Gu Yutang to let him go immediately!

It\'s good now, Ren Gu Yutang is obviously valued by the family now, and she is already equal to herself in terms of status, so she is not worth it at all!

Now she really has no choice...

"Ms. Lin."

Seeing Lin Yiqing froze there, Gu Yutang sneered and said, "As a friend, I have to remind you that strong dragons don\'t overpower snakes. If you want to compete with Xiao Dong in Dijiang, I\'m afraid it\'s a bit whimsical, eh?"

"And as far as this matter is concerned, you don\'t care at all!"

"Dong Xiao doesn\'t have to do anything, he can stand on the commanding heights of morality and crush you to death..."

"The overall situation of Xiao Yi\'s case has now been settled. In a few days, we will submit all the evidence and files. You can go back wherever you came from. It will not benefit you if you continue to make trouble like this. At that time, the Lin family\'s face will be dull when they humiliate themselves..."

Facing Gu Yutang\'s merciless ridicule, Lin Yiqing was completely angry!

She clenched her pink fist tightly, widened her eyes and glared at Gu Yutang for a few seconds before calmly said: "Okay, since you have decided to support Xiao Junlin, we will have a period later, I hope one day you will not regret it! "

"I will go to war against Xiao Junlin, and all those who stand with him will be the enemies of my Lin family!"

"The Lin family? Pfft—"

Gu Yutang laughed angrily at Lin Yiqing\'s serious look, and sneered: "Lin Yiqing, please remember!"

"You are just like me, just a side branch of the family. Do you think you have the qualifications to represent the Lin family? Or, will the Lin family fight Xiao Junlin for you and Xiao Yi?"

"You save it!!"

"Gu Yutang, you will regret it!!!"

Lin Yiqing screamed angrily.

"Xiaohan, see you off."

Gu Yutang chose to ignore it, waved to Zhu Han who had been waiting at the door, and ordered with a sneer.

"Yes, Director!"

"Ms. Lin, please?"

Zhu Han still leaned on his side, his voice calm.

She, who has always had a great sense of justice, is really disgusted with Lin Yiqing at this moment.

This woman is simply a scumbag! !

No wonder there is such a superb son as Xiao Yi.

It\'s really hard for Xiao Dong, surrounded by so many top-quality products, how annoyed he must be...