Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 689:

"Have you thought about how other companies will behave when you do this?"

A group of foreigners almost went crazy on the spot!

After Liao Guoqiang finished speaking so long, the words inside and outside actually mean the same thing...

That is, Longhua Optoelectronics has enough output, and can manufacture at least 1.5 billion chips a year!

And our quality is good, the price is cheap, and we can get a discount!

What the hell, what does this represent?

This is simply a blatant robbery! ! !

Those who can come here today, except for the chip manufacturing mall, the rest are all the mobile phone industry manufacturers that need chips...

If their move is real today, then at least they have to swallow up all the high-end business in the entire chip market!

Think about what the people of Longguo are best at?

It\'s not R&D, it\'s not manufacturing...

But after they broke an industry that had been monopolized by European and American countries for a long time, they instantly squeezed the sky-high prices into the price of cabbage, and directly forced them to death until they acquired the entire European and American enterprises!

Isn\'t this what Xiao Junlin is going to play now?

The price of chips he gives to foreign customers is now 85% off, and 40% off for domestic users, and he promises that if the quantity demand is large, the price can be discussed further!

In the face of such huge price benefits, who can bear it?

As a result, the major chip manufacturers have to be played by them to death!

After all, Xiao Junlin\'s personal assets are worth 8 trillion yuan...

How can they not be in a hurry?

"Hey!" Liao Guoqiang said that he couldn\'t help.

He shrugged and said with a chuckle: "Everyone, I\'m really sorry, this is our director Xiao\'s decision, I just conveyed it on my behalf, how can I change it?"

"Our director Xiao\'s thoughts are not something you can speculate! You think we are disrupting market prices and taking the opportunity to bring down your small companies and small businesses, but in fact...

What Xiao Dong thinks is only to support the domestic chip industry. We Longhua Technology only want to make our own contribution to the progress of human science and technology. If it is not allowed by the market, we even want to provide you with chips for free...

Think about it, what a noble thing this is!

But why did it become so unbearable in your eyes? "

Liao Guoqiang\'s explanation immediately shocked the foreigners again!

If the market doesn\'t allow it, you all want to be free?

Listen, is this really human?

If this is not malicious competition, then what is malicious competition...

Is it really shameless to be invincible?

When you Longhua Optoelectronics goes online, will others still have to play! !

"Fake!! You are vicious competition, and you will be sanctioned by the international community!"

"Protest, we protest strongly!"

"You are destroying the market atmosphere. This is a very bad behavior. We Stone are the first to disagree!"

"TSMC seconded!"

"Director Liao, I ask you to tell you Chairman Xiao that he must take back such ridiculous thoughts, such high-sounding words, almost deceiving children!

Everyone is an adult. What are the consequences of doing so, have you considered it? "

"That\'s right! Is Longhua Optoelectronics trying to shake up the entire chip industry head-on by itself!"

"Ah? Are you really so obsessed?"

The expressions of the foreigners changed greatly, and they all made threats impatiently!

But hidden under their hysterical appearance is an endless guilty conscience...

Obviously, the strong posture of Longhua Technology and the strength on the technical level that they have shown have made everyone feel a deep crisis!

"Hehehe!" Liao Guoqiang sneered and shook his head, and asked in disdain, "Are you trying to scare me? I\'ll tell you the truth, we\'ve already considered the consequences, and we, Director Xiao, don\'t care about any threats at all!"

"He is not short of money, the chip industry has always been profitable! So no matter how much your prices will drop, we will always be at least 10% lower than you!

Plus our quality is better than yours, what can you do? "

"You must know that we are contributing to the scientific research and academics of all mankind, not just like you are covered in copper stench!"

"Okay, that\'s actually the content of today\'s trade fair."

"Then please feel free to visit."

Liao Guoqiang waved his hand indifferently.

His remarks immediately made everyone at a loss!

Everyone was stunned as they looked at the researchers of Longhua Technology who were leaving with a stunned expression, but they were so angry in their hearts!

Damn, it\'s so **** bad...

666. Sorry, this is not in our consideration

Started more than a hundred years ago.

The rules of this world have always been formulated by Europe and the United States.

The Dragon Kingdom has always only followed silently.

But now it\'s completely upside down!

Longguo Chinese challenge the world!

And once this challenge is launched, the consequences are devastating!

Europe and the United States simply cannot afford such a blow...

Over the years, European and American countries have relied on chip technology to earn a lot of money.