Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 684:

Not even the headquarters has been built yet.

But that doesn\'t mean they have no strength...

With the technology and scientific research level accumulated by 123 in the past, coupled with Xiao Junlin\'s previous instructions, it is no wonder that their technology has not advanced by leaps and bounds!

Originally, the 123 research and development of 5NM lithography machines just lacked the most core technology.

So now, as soon as you start working on a 1NM lithography machine, you can easily manufacture a 5NM-level commercial machine...

This level of lithography machine is already at the leading level in the world. After all, the 5NM lithography machine can only be done by Max Technology in the world.

And even if it is Maisi, it can\'t be commercialized at all!

How to say they can only make a few such lithography machines a year, and there is no competitiveness at all!

Now Longhua Technology Co., Ltd. has been established, and there is a comprehensive rolling in technology...

So drastic reform and development of the lithography machine market, holding a product sales meeting is a matter of course.

Liao Guoqiang had already made plans in this regard before he came.

Even if Xiao Junlin didn\'t mention it today, he would have made this suggestion first!

No matter what, this is a glorious moment for the country...

Who am I! ?

Therefore, after Xiao Junlin gave an order, Liao Guoqiang immediately went down and prepared to go!

Xiao Junlin saw that his interest was so high, and he was worried that he had no experience in holding a signing party, so he directly arranged for Ping Mengxia to help build momentum.

It\'s just a short half day

A complete planning case is already in front of Xiao Junlin!

And after seeing this project, he also laughed with satisfaction on the spot...

"Not bad, let\'s do it!"

It was affirmed by Xiao Junlin.

Liao Guoqiang and Ping Mengxia also seemed to be fighting chicken blood, and they found the backbone in an instant, and the two immediately began to work on the product pre-sale order meeting.

One prepares a variety of high-tech products, ready to be a blockbuster at the conference site.

One is to start selecting venues and inviting guests in the name of Longhua Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., very busy...

In just three days, the world\'s major communication manufacturers, top manufacturers in the mobile phone industry, chip companies, and major world-renowned media circles have all received invitations.

The location is set at the Shanghai International Convention and Exhibition Center!

Time is just seven days away!

This invitation is like throwing a pebble on the calm water...

One stone creates a thousand waves! ! !

659. The majesty of the great country

Once the invitation from Longhua Optoelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. was issued, all the companies or individuals who received the invitation were very surprised!

"Longhua Optoelectronics? What company is that..."

"Sheet, am I right about the promotion on this invitation? They actually said that they have produced the world\'s top lithography machine?"

"Oh...hehe! Is this the company of the richest Chinese man who is bragging in the media? They shamelessly said that they had developed a 1NM lithography machine, and they also had a 5NM commercial lithography machine. This is simply Just kidding!!"

"Mai Si didn\'t dare to brag about such a bull, but was preempted by the people of Longguo. Now they are afraid to be **** off, hahaha!!"

"This is big news. I thought it was the richest man who didn\'t understand scientific research and made a bluff, but now he\'s actually ready to come out and sell his products? Are they ready to accept a public execution?"

"Interesting! We must firmly grasp this news hotspot!"

One after another, the heads of companies and groups looked at this invitation and laughed.

There are even many people who have chosen to abandon this invitation directly to the side after reading this invitation. They are really not interested in taking another look...

However, there are still many people who want to show their respect for Xiao Junlin\'s face.

After all, no matter how people brag, the status of the richest man is real!

Of course, compared to those groups and individuals who came for favor, it was the major media who were really interested in this matter...

How to say this matter is also inextricably linked with the Dragon Kingdom, and it also involves Xiao Junlin, the richest Chinese man with a net worth of several trillions. Even if they think about it with their toes, they can still think of this news. Big hit!

As a result, many media reporters from other provinces and cities have also started to book air tickets, preparing to airborne to the Beijing Convention and Exhibition Center to get a piece of the pie!

And this matter, of course, quickly spread across the entire network.

On the Internet in various countries, many rumors about this matter quickly appeared.

Longguo netizens have thoroughly dug out the ins and outs of this whole thing. A well-known blogger even came out on the platform Xiao Junlin, believing that the other party could not be without a target, and then the blogger followed up with a series of recent Huawei actions. There were many speculations, and finally, it was a direct statement—

The richest man in China, there is no need to be grandstanding on this matter!

As soon as this statement came out, the whole network was in an uproar!

"Fuck, grandma is awesome, I thought Boss Xiao was just bragging, but after listening to your well-founded analysis, I really believed it!

Longguo is great in scientific research, capitalists are great, and Chairman Xiao is great! ! ! "

"Hahahaha, who said that Boss Xiao is bragging? People dare to open a pre-sale expo and publicly display their group\'s products, which shows that they really have the confidence in this regard. If you don\'t believe it, let\'s just wait and see? How can you be underestimated?"

"Salute to all the scientific research workers of Longguo, your efforts are not in vain, we have surpassed Europe and the United States, hahaha...

Those disgusting Muyang dogs, does your face hurt? "

"I believed in Xiao Dong very much from the very beginning, because I am a native of Tianhai, and Xiao Dong can be said to have grown up step by step!

The richest man in Dijiang, the richest man in Tianhai, the richest man in China, the richest man in the world...

Xiao Dong is awesome! ! "

"How do you say it? People\'s worth of several trillions is really not blown out by bragging! And Xiao Dong\'s contribution to our Dragon Kingdom is obvious to all, worthy of this big boss!"

"The era of being stuck in the neck by Europe and the United States is gone forever!"

"Hehehe, don\'t get too happy so early. Before seeing the real results, who knows if this is a bragging that they find someone to whitewash themselves?"