Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 660:

Many speculators in Xiangjiang also took advantage of this wave and ate a lot!

Of course, the one who made the most money was Xiao Junlin. He had already made arrangements before this turmoil started, so he had completely swallowed the biggest piece of cake early on.

He didn\'t make a detailed calculation of how much he would make in the end, but he had to have a trillion or so.

This is just the tip of the iceberg of the Xiao family\'s huge family business!

This shows how huge the foundation of the Xiao family is...


over the next few days.

Xiao Junlin did not go anywhere.

Every day, he just strolls around with the Mondella sisters, and occasionally eats with Wanda to enhance his relationship, and by the way, he will visit the scenery of Xiangjiang!

As for the listing of the oranges, he didn\'t need to worry about it at all.

The stock committee has the power to assist Brother Malaysia in handling the procedures, and all the procedures are green lights all the way, and even Brother Malaysia has completely relaxed at this time...

At the same time, all kinds of campaign activities are also in full swing!

All the media reporters in the whole Xiangjiang are also trying their best to tout the oranges, and a mighty listing storm is brewing!

three days later.

Early Thursday morning!

Tangzili was officially listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

When this new stock has not yet opened, it has been wildly sought after by major institutions and countless investors, and its price has also been soaring all the way...

The original price in Tangerine was 46 Hong Kong dollars!

But before the actual opening, the price of a single share has been fired to a huge 78 yuan!

After the opening, in less than half an hour...

The Gu family in the orange has skyrocketed to an absolute high price of 180 Hong Kong dollars!

This enigmatic market instantly frightened countless speculators.

"Holy shit, this stock is too crazy, isn\'t it?"

"How can it go up so fast?"

"You know what the hell... This stock is a technology giant in the Internet industry of Longguo, with unlimited potential in the future. According to experts\' predictions, it can rise to at least 400 yuan!"

"No, is it really that crazy?"

"Hurry up and buy it, you won\'t lose money!!"

"Then I\'m going to buy some too, no... I\'m going to buy a full position!"

"You bastard, I remember that you seemed to have said that you would never buy stocks in oranges if you died?"

"Hey hey, it smells so good!"

In the exchanges, there are voices of this kind and that kind of discussion everywhere.

Occasionally, there was an uproar accompanied by the amazement of the investors!

Investors one after another are rushing to buy the stocks in Orange, and even major financial institutions are frantically vying for these shares, which indirectly leads to the rising stock price of Orange...

Invisibly, this indirectly reflects the words Xiao Junlin said at the airport when he first arrived in Xiangjiang: "If you have the ability, don\'t buy it? No one is begging you to buy it!!"

632. The popularity has risen, and the halo of the richest man has increased

"Don\'t make such a fuss!"

"Today\'s game is just the beginning. I estimate that it should rise to about 210 Hong Kong dollars today, it should rise to 320 Hong Kong dollars in the next six months, and it will stabilize at 480 yuan in the next five years..."

"What? 480?"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Everyone was stunned.

Many people even directly stretched out their fingers and gestured!

Juzili\'s current total share capital is less than 30 billion. If it really rises to 480, doesn\'t it mean that the future market value of Juzili is bound to exceed 9 trillion Hong Kong dollars?

This is an astronomical number! ! !

And this will also make the wealth of Big Brother and Xiao Junlin skyrocket again, and Big Brother will officially become a real trillionaire!

"Mr. Xiao, the shares in Juzili you held before..." Brother Da Ma thought about it in his heart, and said with some envy: "If the stock price really rises to 480 yuan, then these shares in your hands are A full thirty-nine hundred billion..."

"Damn it, 390 billion?"

"This, moving your finger is nearly four trillion?"

After listening to the big brother\'s words, everyone was in an uproar again!

Everyone was silently stunned.

How can this kind of money-making efficiency be compared with those of the richest people in the garbage?

If you add all the funds of Xiao Junlin\'s other industries, the Xiao family is not even worthy to carry his shoes in front of him...

"Well, who told you that I only have 3.9 trillion?"

Xiao Junlin smiled playfully and teased: "If you think about it seriously, I should have more than 60% of the shares in the orange now. After all, when the shares were evenly divided, Hongmeng Finance also grabbed a lot!"

"So if it goes up to 480, it should be 5.3 trillion on my side."

"I... ah! Grass?"

Big Brother\'s face turned black on the spot.

After the listing was diluted, his equity was stretched by seven percentage points, but Xiao Junlin not only did not have less, but also made more than 1 trillion invisibly...

How can it be the same as playing to make money?


Four p.m.