Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 59:

There are even a few big men with relatively vague orientations in each cell. Actually, they actually...

Whenever Xiao Yi thinks of these unbearable pasts, he is so angry that he wants to hit the wall.

This is the nightmare of a lifetime!

The culprit is the Xiao Junlin standing outside! !

"Xiao Junlin, wait for me!!"

"The Lin family won\'t let you go! My mother won\'t let you go! I won\'t let you go either!!!"

Xiao Yi\'s heart-wrenching threat continued, as if this was the only way to make him feel better.

Xiao Junlin outside listened to the abuse coming from the prison, but he just poked out his ears expressionlessly and muttered:

"The little brat even threatened me with the Lin family, what are you kidding?

How did he think his mother was in the Lin family? But it\'s just a sideline, without my support, what is she? ! "

"He thought that the Lin family would fight me Xiao Junlin to the death for him, did he think too much?!"

Xiao Junlin\'s remarks were not very loud, and logically speaking, they should not have spread too far...

But I don\'t know why, whether it\'s Xiao Yi in the prison or Gu Yutang behind him, they can still hear it clearly!

The two of them also had the same sluggish look on their faces at the moment.

Xiao Junlin\'s words...

A double entendre! !

Xiao Yi thought that if he moved out of his mother and the Lin family behind his mother, he would be able to make Xiao Junlin throw the rat, and it would make him afraid.

But he was too naive and thought too simple!

They misestimated Xiao Junlin\'s means and overestimated Lin Yiqing\'s influence in the Lin family...

"You still have the strength to be fierce with me, which means that you seem to be doing well these days!"

Xiao Junlin chuckled and twisted his wrist, teasing: "I think your life is more comfortable than I thought, this is not good, I am not satisfied.

Old Gu, you should know how to do that, eh? ! "

Xiao Junlin raised his eyebrows at Gu Yutang, who was in deep thought behind him, then turned back to look at Xiao Yi and said, "Continue to enjoy your life, all of this is to atone for the wrongs you committed before.

Goodbye, oh...never again! I\'ll keep you in jail for the rest of your life! "

"No no no!!"

"Dad, Dad, I was wrong, please forgive me!!"

"Dad, don\'t go, don\'t go—"

"I really know I\'m wrong, I really know... let me go!!"

"As long as I can go out, I will listen to you, I really know I\'m wrong..."

Seeing that Xiao Junlin was about to leave, Xiao Yi\'s expression changed immediately, and he patted the iron railing hard and begged.

Xiao Junlin stopped, shook his head disdainfully, and asked, "Xiao Yi, do you know why I must put you in jail?"

"Why?!" Xiao Yi looked confused.

To be honest, this is also the place he can\'t figure out the most.

"Because you\'re annoying, you\'re as annoying as a fly, and you won\'t be able to drive away!!"

Xiao Junlin frowned rarely, and scolded: "I don\'t want someone to come over and remind me if I have something to do, I once had such a stupid son, do you understand?

I want to cut all ties with an idiot like you, you know? If it weren\'t for the limited technology now, I would like to draw all the blood of my Xiao family out of your body! Do you understand? "

"I originally wanted you to fend for yourself, I really wanted to! But you come over and over again to challenge my bottom line!"

"Come over and threaten me again and again!"

"Do you think that I, Xiao Junlin, are so stupid that I will let you do my business safely outside? Is I as stupid as you are?!"

Xiao Junlin cursed repeatedly, and Xiao Yi was shocked when he heard it!

It also shocked all the prisoners in the entire prison!

Is this what the boss thinks?

I see that you are annoying, I will **** you, if you threaten me, I will **** you too!

Even his own son is no exception...

056. Always cut Hu always cool

"Fuck, ruthless!"

A prisoner couldn\'t help but sigh, but the next moment his fellow inmates in the cell hurriedly covered his mouth...

The one outside is a super boss who can decide their life and death with a single word, he can\'t afford it! !

Sensing that Xiao Junlin\'s sight was coming, all the prisoners bowed their heads to avoid him, daring not to make eye contact with him.

If it annoys the boss, then the end...


Xiao Junlin snorted coldly, turned around and left.

Xiao Yi wants to go out? Go dream!

Prison is his future home. If he doesn\'t sit in the prison, he can\'t even have the right to die! !

As for whether he will be killed, or whether he will have a mental breakdown and go completely crazy...

Then it has nothing to do with him!

"Dong Xiao, are you done? Let\'s go back to my office to have some tea. I have quite a few private collections there!"

Until this time, Gu Yutang, who had been standing behind Xiao Junlin tremblingly, dared to speak.

What Xiao Junlin said to Xiao Yi about the Lin family before, why wasn\'t he reminding him?

She, Lin Yiqing, a branch of the Lin family, was able to enter the inner hall of the Lin family. Didn\'t she rely on marrying Xiao Junlin?