Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 583:

"Ah... me, me, its circuit structure is completely wrong!"

"Is it really a chip?"

"Wait! This should be made by a lithography machine with more than 2NM, and only...

Omg, is this 1NM? ? ? "

"Impossible, impossible!!"

"Mai Si can only develop a 5NM lithography machine now. Who else in the world can do this?"

After seeing the specific specifications of this chip.

All the researchers including Liao Guoqiang were dumbfounded! !

With their lips trembling, they knelt down in front of this chip like a pilgrimage!

Everyone seems to have fallen into a state of doubting life.

After more than ten minutes have passed!

These scientific research lunatics just returned from this state of madness.

They were all ecstatic with excitement, and Liao Guoqiang carefully took the chip from Xiao Junlin\'s hand, and then, like passing fire, carefully handed it over to the next researcher!

After getting the chip, all the researchers except Liao Guoqiang left immediately...

Liao Guoqiang looked at their excited backs, inexplicably envious!

But no way, he is the director.

At this time, he is also responsible for receiving the new boss! !

Xiao Junlin didn\'t mind this, and he even expected that these people would leave immediately!

Anyway, this chip was made by him through the lithography machine rewarded by the system.

Although he doesn\'t know much about chips, he can\'t bear to have a plug-in!

When the system gave him these ten 1NM lithography machines, it instilled a lot of skills in operating lithography machines into his mind.

On the way here, he found a place where no one was around, took out the lithography machine in the system space, and made this chip on the spot!

This chip is only the most basic initial version, and there is no other use.

At most, it can be used to store some information.

But it\'s a very, very good example!

A model used to show Xiao Junlin\'s strength! ! !

In fact, in the final analysis, there is not much difference between researchers and the Predators guarding the frontier!

To gain respect in the army, all you need to do is defeat the strongest of them all.

And if you want to get the right to speak among a bunch of researchers, it\'s even simpler...

Come up with something that interests them and they adore!

If Xiao Junlin didn\'t come up with this sample chip, no matter how much Liao Guoqiang revered him on the surface, he would definitely just regard Xiao Junlin as a layman.

That\'s why he made that kind of "seemingly well-meaning" reminder when Xiao Junlin said he would dominate for two years!

But now with this chip, Xiao Junlin is equivalent to sealing the mouths of all researchers!

Xiao Junlin\'s move, while winning the favor of everyone, also made them inexplicably a little more frenzy.

548. It’s been done long ago, I didn’t expose it


"You have the guts to say it again!"

When Liao Guoqiang heard the words coming from the headset, he turned around in awe!

While staring at Xiao Junlin, he couldn\'t help but asked nervously with his lips trembling:

"Mr. Xiao, then, that\'s a chip made with a 1NM lithography machine, right?"

Liao Guoqiang took a deep breath, suppressed his excitement and said, "There can be no mistakes, there can be no mistakes, it is definitely a 1NM lithography machine!"

"I don\'t know where Mr. Xiao bought this chip? I thought it would be impossible for us humans to make such a sophisticated lithography machine even after 30 years..."

"But I didn\'t expect that someone has already made it now!"

"This is a product of the Max Company, right? I think they are the only ones who can make this kind of shocking work!"

"Ah... I always thought they were still making 5NM lithography machines, but I didn\'t expect that I was short-sighted!

People just skipped the front and ran to do 1NM! ! "

Liao Guoqiang said, his voice began to choked, and his eyes were filled with disappointment.

Apparently what the person in his headset said was the same as what he said!

After inspecting the chip, the people from the 123 Institute all preconceived that it was from Mais!

Thinking that everyone\'s efforts to catch up for so many years have become useless, their hearts are very unpleasant...

What is the purpose of living such a poor life?

Isn\'t it just to be able to catch up with Mais, or even surpass them, to fight for their motherland!

But now the gap has become bigger and bigger, how can people accept this?

Seeing Liao Guoqiang like this, Xiao Junlin couldn\'t bear it anymore.

He patted the other person on the shoulder and asked with a smile, "Did I tell you who did this? Why do you all think it was Maisi and the others?

To tell you the truth, this is what we Longguo people did! "

"What what what???"

Liao Guoqiang suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "Impossible, impossible, this is absolutely impossible!!"

"Mr. Xiao, please don\'t make fun of this!"

"When did our Dragon Kingdom master such sophisticated technology, it is impossible for us to not know!!!"