Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 556:

"Huh? What can we do then?"

Xiao Chen frowned and asked what everyone wanted to ask!

And after asking this sentence, he seemed to have aged more than ten years in an instant.

He didn\'t know that he had lost 3,000 luck points, but he could clearly feel that his state was very bad at this time...

Xiao Junlin had already spoken out and ordered them to get out of Beijing within two days.

Are they really going to be kicked out like this?

Like a lost dog?

This is too frustrating!

519. The Xiao family retreats to Xiangjiang

The major families have always followed Xiao Junlin\'s footsteps.

Always put his will first!

Even if they feel aggrieved, what can the Xiao family do?

When their layout was broken by Xiao Junlin alone, the various dark chess they had buried in Beijing for five years would definitely not be able to see the sun tomorrow...

And without these backhands, they would float in the wind like rootless duckweeds in Beijing!

Fighting against major families in such a state is simply hitting a stone with an egg?

They can arrange for the guys from the Chief Affairs Secretary to arrest them if they put any charges on them and find any reason, not to mention that most of their younger members of the Xiao family are not very clean...

How does this play?

If they really want to bite the bullet and stay, they might even lose their own lives!

Whether to walk or not, this is the biggest problem facing the Xiao family now!

But if they leave like this, they are unwilling not to say, even if they withdraw to the overseas base camp, it will only add to the laughing stock!

But if you don\'t leave, with the cooperation of the major families, you can definitely easily discard them...

Even if they hide in the ancestral house and do not go out, they may be killed inexplicably.

By that time, there really is nothing left!

The battle between families has always been so unscrupulous!

Xiao Chen never expected these families to be merciful to them.

"Grandpa, why don\'t we leave?"

Xiao Luo thought for a while, and suggested calmly: "We have completely lost the initiative now, and even the trump cards have been cleaned up by the opponent... At this time, there is no longer any meaning to stay, that\'s just a matter of Are you humiliating yourself?"

"Why don\'t we quit earlier, get our spirits up again, and plan again?

Moreover, Grandpa, Xiao Junlin only said that we should quit Shangjing, but he did not say that we should quit the Dragon Kingdom! ! "

"We can move to a closer place to develop, I think that Xiangjiang is very good!"


Xiao Chen\'s eyes suddenly lit up.

"Xiangjiang? Yes!!"

"Why didn\'t I think of it?" Xiao Chen patted his thigh and said excitedly: "Xiangjiang is also the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, and it has the largest international trade port, which is also convenient for us to transfer materials! We can go to Xiangjiang to seek development!"

"Humph! As long as we give our Xiao family three or five years, I believe that our Xiao family will never be inferior to anyone else, so it\'s decided! We will all retreat to Xiangjiang, and once we find an opportunity, we will fight back immediately!"

"That\'s right! When we were in Xiangjiang, we could also infiltrate the inland through economic invasion. When the time comes to corrode them completely, they will be finished by themselves without us needing to do anything..."

"Yes, I agree too!!"

"Me too!"

Everyone in the Xiao family cast approving glances at Xiao Luo and raised their hands in agreement.

Her proposal is really good!

If they retreat to Xiangjiang, the Xiao family will not only save face, but also will not completely offend the major families in Shangjing to death!

It can attack and retreat and defend, and it is absolutely suitable for dealing with the current situation of the Xiao family.

"In that case..."

Xiao Chen gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "Everyone, pack up, we will collectively evacuate to Xiangjiang tomorrow morning!"

"I promise everyone that one day I will lead everyone to kill them again. Otherwise, you will stay in the ancestral house and stare at that guy Xiao Junlin for me. I must make him look good!"

"Okay, grandpa!"

Xiao Luo was stunned for a moment, and responded quickly.


the other side.

After the Xiao family banquet.

As soon as they followed Xiao Junlin out of the Xiao family\'s ancestral house, the patriarchs of the major families asked their subordinates to unplug all the Anzi that the Xiao family had placed beside them.

This big cleaning lasted until the next day!

All the inner ghosts and spies who were instigated by the Xiao family and inserted in, all evaporated from the world!

And those big and small families who were turned against by the entire family were jointly suppressed by the major families!

One after another, the high-level personnel and family management of various departments were all dismissed and laid off, and the bigwigs in the political, business and military circles were also forced to undergo a super reshuffle!

The whole Shangjing was panicking!

520. The reality version affects the fish pond, upgrade

Ordinary people simply don\'t notice what\'s going on.

But for those who have a bit of skill in Beijing, it is nothing like a bolt from the blue!

Every dignitary was terrified by this turbulent event, and no one knew what happened...