Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 54:

And he Xiao Junlin said a word, who would not give face on both sides of the black and white?

It is inevitable for the prisoners to clean up Xiao Yi, even if they send someone to look after him 24 hours a day, and then distribute a single room, he will not be able to escape when he should come...

"You don\'t need to give him a single room, that\'s it!" Gu Yutang, who had figured this out, said helplessly:

"Whom Xiao Dong wants to clean up, that\'s not something we can protect, let him go!"

"Okay, if you have nothing to do, you can go, we still have a headache in Xiao Yi\'s case...

You ask the second detachment to bring Xiao Yi\'s file over, and I will study it. "

"it is good."

Zhu Han responded and quickly turned to leave.

It\'s just that as soon as she walked out of the office door, she almost bumped into a calm and domineering man...

Behind the man were several bodyguards with their backs and waists, and Zhu Han could even smell a hint of danger from them!

051. Xiao Junlin, so charming

"Xiao Junlin?!"

"Hmm—so handsome..."

Looking at Xiao Junlin who was close to him, Zhu Han\'s eyes lit up slightly.

As the backbone of the criminal investigation of the General Secretary of State, she naturally knew the well-known chairman Xiao Junlinxiao in Dijiang City!

It\'s just that Xiao Junlin doesn\'t know her...

The two almost collided, Xiao Junlin took two steps back slightly, and while looking at Zhu Han, he said apologetically, "I\'m sorry."

"It\'s okay, it\'s okay! Hello, Xiao Dong!"

Zhu Han has a great sense of justice, coupled with a frank character, so he is very fond of Xiao Junlin\'s righteous act of exterminating his relatives.

In addition, Xiao Junlin\'s appearance as a handsome uncle at the moment can especially attract little girls.

So she stretched out her hand subconsciously and said with a smile, "Criminal Investigation Team 6 Zhu Han, I\'m glad to see you here."


Hearing the other party\'s self-registration taboo, Xiao Junlin was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes suddenly lit up!

He just turned around in his head a little, and immediately recognized that this was another heroine in the original book - Zhu Han!

"Miss Zhu, nice to meet you."

Xiao Junlin stretched out his hand and shook Zhu Han lightly.

This elegant and very gentlemanly gesture greatly increased Zhu Han\'s goodwill!

Compared with Zhu Han, who was rambling in his heart, Xiao Junlin was also very happy at this moment.

You must know that the book he entered is a complete brainless and cool essay!

There are so many female protagonists and female supporting roles that it is almost possible to form a football team.

There are many more substitutes! !

And Yu Fengsheng, the male protagonist of the original novel, must be able to pick up several girls every time he changes the map.

Not only are they beautiful in appearance, but each of them is very capable. They are much more powerful than Shen Xiaoyu, the leading female lead who has been staying in the newbie village...

This Zhu Han, Xiao Junlin is very impressive!

In the original novel, she not only has a delicate mind, but also has a resolute and capable style of action.

This is simply a treasure girl...

And Xiao Junlin could see that Zhu Han seemed to have a good impression of him.

So he simply left in no hurry, smiled and asked, "Captain Zhu, what are you doing here?"

As soon as Xiao Junlin said these words, Zhu Han, who was just about to leave, was stunned for a moment. He looked back at the open office door subconsciously, and replied, "I just finished reporting to the director, and I\'m going back to work..." As she spoke, she couldn\'t help but ask back: "Dong Xiao, are you... here for Xiao Yi\'s case?"

"Yes!" Xiao Junlin nodded and replied: "This case is deeply involved, so I will take the time to come and have a look, I hope it will not be too embarrassing for you."

"Well—it\'s really embarrassing." Zhu Han chuckled, wrinkled his nose playfully, and said, "You made our director two big, and he just scolded my mother in front of me just now... …”

"However, Director Xiao... Our director is really anxious these days. Everything in the office has been dropped for several rounds. You have to pay for it?"

"Pay, I must pay!"

"I\'m so sorry for causing you trouble!"

When Xiao Junlin heard Zhu Han\'s words, he forcibly held back his smile, stretched out his hand again, shook hands with Zhu Han, and then said, "In order to express my sincere apologies, I have to invite you to dinner another day. !"

"That\'s what you said? I can\'t hear the polite words..."

Zhu Han smiled playfully again and said, "I\'ll leave now, so I won\'t bother you to find our director."

"Okay, Captain Zhu, see you next time."

"it is good!"

Zhu Han nodded slightly reluctantly...

Watching Xiao Junlin and his party walk into Gu Yutang\'s office, her face couldn\'t help but blushed a little.

"This Chairman Xiao is not as terrifying and cold-blooded as rumored!!"

Zhu Han smiled, and suddenly became more interested in Xiao Junlin.

Not only does he possess the restrained charm of a mature man, but he is also full of the vigor that only belongs to young people. He is also very gentle when interacting with people.

the most important!

Obviously his son is as old as himself, but he looks like he is not even a few years older than himself...

Moreover, every man who saw her in the past wished to accompany her to talk for a while and stay in front of her for a while, but Xiao Junlin was not like that.

When she said that she was still busy, he acted quite firm and spoke interestingly.

In order to express his apology, he even invited himself to dinner? !

What is this all about...