Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 508:

She has lived for more than 90 years, and she has seen a lot of strange things!

Coupled with being in a high position for so many years, in terms of psychology, he is much stronger than the average person.

So she also figured out the key to the problem at once! !

Xiao Junlin may be a strange person or a living god.

No matter what his identity is, since the other party has goodwill towards them, they must seize this opportunity and hold each other\'s thighs firmly! !

Who would despise their own longevity?


Just when everyone was shocked.

Sun Zhengmiao suddenly said embarrassedly: "Old Madam, Mr. Xiao just said he was leaving, but I didn\'t even want to send him off...

He won\'t be dissatisfied, and come to us to ask his guilt? ? "

"Probably not?"

Before the old lady Sun spoke, Brother Da Ma quickly opened his mouth and comforted:

"Mr. Xiao said he was leaving just now, and he seemed to be in a hurry. He also said that he would send someone to discuss the transfer later."


"How can you let Mr. Xiao send someone to talk?" After hearing this, Grandma Sun suddenly stood up and scolded angrily: "You bastard!

How can you let Mr. Xiao arrange someone to come?

Zhengmiao, you immediately prepare a big gift to send in person, and then bring Huiyang Bank\'s equity transfer agreement.

At that time, remember to tell Mr. Xiao that when the old woman recovers her body, she will definitely come to visit in person! "


Sun Zhengmiao agreed immediately.

There is no dissatisfaction on the old face!

If what the old lady said is true, then this Xiao Junlin is not just a matter of friendship! !

After all, everyone has a time of birth, old age, sickness and death! !

Even if it is to let him be a cow and a horse, he is willing...

475. I want to talk to you about a business

an hour later.

Brother Da Ma left Sun\'s old house with a complicated face.

Sitting in the car, he pondered for a long time, and his face kept changing colors.

First of all, he never imagined that he would be able to see such a miraculous scene during his trip to the Sun family today, and he could even encounter things like life and death!

And then there\'s...

Xiao Junlin really can\'t afford it!

Moreover, he felt that there seemed to be a mysterious door slowly opening to him.

He seems to have glimpsed a glimpse of the truth of this world!

Is there really such a thing as metaphysics in this world?

If Xiao Junlin can really decide a person\'s life, old age, sickness and death, how terrifying is he? Just a click of a finger saved an old man who was dying, this...

Isn\'t this really a myth? ? ?

and also!

Why is such a peerless power far away from the mundane world so keen to make money?

Brother Da Ma recalled in his mind the many industries he had collected about Xiao Junlin, and finally came to a conclusion!

Not working capital.

Xiao Junlin\'s fixed assets have exceeded one trillion! ! !


You must know that a superpower like the Dragon Kingdom has a GDP of only more than 10 trillion a year...

And he not only has a huge industry, but is also ready to enter the Internet at this time!

This is not a good thing for oranges.

However, just as he frowned and pondered, he suddenly felt the body shake violently...

Don\'t wait for him to ask.

The driver turned his head nervously and said:

"Boss, there is a car in front of us."


Big Brother was startled.

He looked up and found that the car was a little familiar...

After being stunned for a while, he suddenly reacted and said excitedly:

"Quick, open the door!

That\'s Mr. Xiao! ! ! "

The driver hurriedly opened the car door, Big Marco got out of the car excitedly, and walked quickly to Xiao Junlin who was standing on the observation deck!

At this time, Xiao Junlin was standing on the viewing platform with his hands behind his back, as if he was looking at the scenery of the distant mountains.

But Big Brother knows...

He is waiting for himself!

"Mr. Xiao!!"