Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 41:

The man\'s name is Hu Zhijie, and he is the chairman of Tianyou Investment Company.

Although this guy does not have as much appeal as the Big Six in Dijiang, his strength should not be underestimated.

Back then, after relying on inheriting his father\'s legacy, he quickly grew bigger and made a lot of investments in all walks of life. How come his worth is now more than 10 billion!

A few years ago, the King\'s Landing Group lacked liquidity, and Hu Zhijie seized the opportunity to invest heavily.

He now owns 11% of the group\'s shares, and the estimated value has to be five or six billion!

"Everyone, don\'t be impatient."

Hearing the other shareholders\' words, Hu Zhijie grinned and said, "Zhang Wudi must have a handle on Xiao Dong\'s hand, so he chose to sell his shares at a low price.

But I am different. I am a businessman, and I ask myself that I have never done anything illegal.

When I invested in the King\'s Landing Group back then, to put it bluntly, it was just to make money, so how could I sell my shares cheaply? "

"Old Hu is right!"

"We are all just seeking money, how can we sell it at a low price? Can\'t sell it!!"

"Yes, don\'t sell it! Dong Hu, you must hold on, we all support you!"

Shareholders breathed a sigh of relief.

This Hu Zhijie is different from Zhang Wudi.

He is a businessman through and through, and he has no personal relationship with Xiao Dong at all, and he has nothing to do with it.

Xiao Junlin\'s desire to use this ultra-low price to acquire Hu Dong\'s equity is simply a dream! !

After thinking about this, everyone\'s faces could not help but be filled with excitement, and they couldn\'t help but speak out words of encouragement to each other.

With a smile on his face, Hu Zhijie looked directly at Xiao Junlin, who was sitting in the first place, and said, "Dong Xiao, have you heard our discussion just now? I didn\'t mean it alone!"

"My old Hu admires your character, that\'s why I took a lot of money to buy shares when the group was in crisis, but in the end, I\'m also a businessman..."

"Seeing that I\'m about to start making real money, but you want to kick me out... Do you think it\'s possible? It\'s absolutely impossible for me to sell my equity right now. If there\'s a chance... I\'d like to buy more. A little!!"

"Don\'t worry..." Xiao Junlin smiled gently and waved to Hu Zhijie: "Come, sit down!"

Seeing this familiar scene, all the shareholders present couldn\'t help but jump in their hearts...

again? !

040. Three daughters, not your own

Seeing the faint smile on Xiao Junlin\'s face, everyone was a little hesitant...

Could it be that he really has the handle on everyone?

Hu Zhijie also slowly restrained the smile on his face, slightly depressed.

Just now, Zhang Wudi was taken away like this. It is impossible to say that he is not guilty!

"Impossible... I\'ve been doing things flawlessly over the years. How could I still have a handle for others to catch?"

"Is he bluffing me?!"

Secretly encouraging himself in his heart, Hu Zhijie simply let go of his posture, walked generously to the seat of Zhang Wudi and sat down.

He really wanted to see what medicine Xiao Junlin was selling in the gourd!

Seeing Hu Zhijie\'s tough attitude, Xiao Junlin didn\'t talk nonsense, nodded and said with a chuckle, "This is yours, take a look first."


Looking at the document pushed in front of him, Hu Zhijie was stunned for a while, then opened it curiously and sneered.

Could this Xiao Junlin really play himself as a fool?

The transfer agreement was written clearly and clearly, and Xiao Junlin was only willing to pay 100 million for his share of equity worth 5 or 6 billion! !

100 million! ! !

"Dong Xiao, my old Hu is really convinced of you!"

"How did you come up with such a shameless agreement?"

"You want to dismiss me for one hundred million. Do you look down on me, or do you look down on yourself?"

"Didn\'t you just catch Zhang Wudi\'s handle and force him to give you the equity at a low price? Come on, I want to see what kind of handle you caught on me!!"

The more Hu Zhijie spoke, the more angry he became, the louder he spoke.

And the price quoted from his mouth also completely stunned the shareholders...

100 million!

If Zhang Wudi just sold it at a low price, then to\'s just a cheap sale!

Xiao Junlin didn\'t get angry when he looked at Hu Zhijie, whose face was flushed.

After all, anyone who sees such a contract at first glance will be **** off...

How to say this is real money, it makes no sense to hand over it and make people put on a smile.

"Old Hu, I\'m very grateful to you for your righteous help to the King\'s Landing Group back then, but to be honest, you\'ve made some money back in the past few years, so let\'s take it as soon as you see it, right?"

"Make money back? Who would think that I have too much money? I put good money and don\'t earn it, what am I going to do?"

Hearing Xiao Junlin\'s words, Hu Zhijie replied coldly with a fat face.

"I heard that you don\'t even have a son in your name, and you are about to face extinction, right?"

Xiao Junlin did not respond to his topic, but asked another topic.


Hu Zhijie stared!

The chairman of the dignified King\'s Landing Group, a rich man with a net worth of tens of billions, actually said such a thing?

Extinct? !

Is it possible to talk about this kind of thing...

Besides, what does it mean to be extinct without a son?