Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 387:

At this moment, in addition to the "lying trough"...

What else can they say?

Whether it is the other party Wen Lun or Ping Mengxia and the others.

A century-old clan like the Xu family is completely untouchable by them!

If you rush into it, you will be crushed into **** in minutes!

Think back over a year ago.

The power of Fang Wenlun\'s company changed, until he finally lost his job and even lost hope...

This is a big deal, right?

But this company, at best, is just the Xu family...

Subordinate, subordinate, subordinate, subordinate, subordinate company! !

They have vaguely estimated the strength of these big families, and they also know a little bit about their awesomeness!

But the rest of the time, they are actually just like ordinary people, ignorant of the low-key nobles!

They don\'t dare to imagine how terrifying these big families are!

But anyway.

Xiao Junlin is the richest man in Tiannan!

In their eyes, it is already an unattainable existence!

As a result, now he is in close contact with those big families, and he has become the master behind the Longchang Market!

It all adds up.

Enough for the two of them to be numb...

"Well, you don\'t have to be so restrained!"

Xiao Junlin said in a relaxed tone: "I am very casual, don\'t be too nervous!"

"Next, I\'m going to develop in Shangjing, and this place, I\'m not familiar with it, I need the help of capable people!

So while I am looking for a headhunter to help me recruit talents, I am also making follow-up plans for my new company! "

"I\'m free today, so I just wanted to see if I can see you in person?"

"A lot of headhunters have recommended the two of you to me, so I just wanted to ask, you two...

Would you like to help me? "

"Yes, yes! We will!!"

"Thank you Mr. Xiao for looking down on us!!!"

Fang Wenlun and Ping Mengxia looked at each other and immediately became excited!

Such an awesome character actually received them personally.

what does this mean...

Needless to say?

This heaven-sent opportunity was directly smashed in their faces!

If they can\'t be caught, aren\'t they just trash? !


Xiao Junlin\'s crossing the river dragon to go to Beijing in person, it must have a super big move!

Now that I personally ask the two of them, this is to prepare to absorb them and be a confidant!

For them, this is simply the best chance to leap into the dragon gate!

A fool doesn\'t want to...

"Okay, if you want!"

"It\'s fine if you want!!"

Xiao Junlin smiled with satisfaction.

This trip to Beijing...

At the very beginning, the Iron Triangle in the original book was recovered!

It simply made him overjoyed.

360. Personnel appointments! Longchang Group... established

"Don\'t worry, you two!"

"I will never treat my subordinates badly, in terms of salary, you are definitely the best!

How about this? You two, the annual salary is 30 million yuan, and the annual bonus is five points. I guarantee that you will not suffer any losses! "

"Thank you, Mr. Xiao..."

"Thank you Mr. Xiao!!!"

Both of them breathed abruptly!

I looked at each other in disbelief!

Did they hear it right?

thirty million……

Still the base salary! !

Damn, he is indeed the richest man!

Proud! !

You must know that the Asia president of the world\'s top 500 companies is not worth the price, right?

Think of it this way.