Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 383:

For the past two years, he has been training at home, and has never been to the military again.

The Xu family originally thought that the military career of the third child of the Xu family would almost end here...

But who would have thought!

Xiao Junlin would suddenly say that he can cure it? !

"Mr. Xiao, can you tell me how you know about this?"

Xu Junjie asked solemnly.

This is so important!

Regardless of whether Xiao Junlin can be cured or not!

Just saying that since he can know, does that mean that others can too?

This is a secret among their Xu family secrets...

Could it be that there are traitors among them?

356. Xiao Junlin, you must not mess with it

"Mr. Xiao, this is a big deal!

Also please be sure to make it clear! "

Seeing the seriousness on Xu Junjie\'s face, Xiao Junlin shook his head speechlessly and replied:

"Brother Xu, it\'s not a secret at all, right?"

"Your Xu family thinks they\'ve concealed it well, but they don\'t know...

Everyone already knows this, right? ! "

"I was thinking of giving some pointers to the Xu family because of Jingci\'s face.

In case you don\'t know how you died by then!

And I don\'t want to watch Jingci go through the pain of breaking up and dying again. "

"Brother Xu, in fact Xu Junyao is not sick at all, he was just poisoned!"

Xiao Junlin thought for a while, then raised his eyebrows and added, "I really didn\'t want to say so much, but since you don\'t believe me, I have to say more.

The personal nurse assigned to Xu Junyao by the Ministry of War is your key observation object, but I don\'t recommend that you move her now...

The big fish hasn\'t caught the bait yet! ! "

"Hey! Having said so much, this is the end of the night, right? I\'m also a little tired and have to rest."

Xiao Junlin finished speaking.

The Xu family\'s complexion suddenly changed!

Seeing this, Xu Yinian quickly got up and clasped his fists and said, "So, let\'s talk next time!"

"Quick..." He said, beckoning to the people below, and said, "Send Mr. Xiao down to rest."


"Mr. Xiao, this way please!"

The people under the Xu family hurriedly settled down Xiao Junlin and others with trembling.

this big night.

Of course, everyone can only live in Xujia Village!

Although Xujia Village looks like a village on the surface, the layout inside is very perfect.

And also built a lot of rooms.

Living here is more comfortable than sleeping in a hotel...

Xiao Junlin was not polite, and immediately took Zhu Han and Ye Yu to live there.

And after settling him!

The senior members of the Xu family were sleepless all night!

Mr. Xu personally ordered a thorough investigation!

First, it was about the handling of Huakang Pharmaceutical, and then a construction team was called to start construction overnight.

Finally, it is after various technical inspections and monitoring investigations.

Everyone in the Xu family was shocked to find out!

The medicine Xu Junyao takes every day is actually mixed with a special trace element!

This element contains a lot of radioactive energy, and if ingested in excess, it can easily cause death...

But if the dose is well controlled, it will indeed make people feel weak and sore limbs!

And as long as this thing enters the body, it can\'t be checked at all.

It\'s just unbelievable! !

This turned out to be Xu Junyao\'s real cause!

Once the cause is found, the solution is simple.

Because you just need to stop the drug...

Without the subsequent energy intake, restoring health only requires a little cultivation!

When this mystery is really peeled off by everyone.

The Xu family members were all furious at once!

"This fucking!!"

"Check, check for me! I want to know who did this?"

"I wonder if the Lu family did it? Lu\'s second child and our family Junyao have always been in competition.

He didn\'t dare to make a deadly move, so he simply used this kind of indiscriminate method..."