Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 376:

The Xu family turned out to be the owner of this square!

No wonder!

No wonder they were able to gain a foothold in Shanghai.

What surprised Xiao Junlin even more was that the old man of the Xu family would actually give himself such a chicken that lays golden eggs in order to thank him! !

This gift is too precious.

Xiao Junlin even felt that Xu Yinian\'s gift did not seem to hurt the Xu family, at least it was within the range they could bear!

Combined with what Xu Junjie said at the airport earlier...

Xiao Junlin had to sigh!

This **** is the real super rich man! !

A true century-old clan!

"Master Xu, to be honest, I shouldn\'t have been able to accept this gift, nor should I accept it..."

"But I do have plans to enter Shangjing recently, and I\'m sure I haven\'t deceived your eyes or ears when I think about it?

If so, then I am truly disrespectful! "

Xiao Junlin shook his head and chuckled, then signed his name on the agreement calmly.


After Xiao Junlin signed his name, Xu Yinian couldn\'t help laughing happily, and while laughing, he couldn\'t help but give a thumbs up, admiring: "I always heard that there was a real dragon in Tiannan, but now I see it. Come on, the rumors are true!!"

"My old buddies were still worried that you wouldn\'t accept these gifts. I didn\'t expect it, I didn\'t expect it! Hahaha..."

"Master, I have accepted this gift."

"But as I said earlier, it\'s really too precious! So I thought about it, and I\'m going to give you a gift, no...

I want three gifts back! "

Xiao Junlin said and stretched out a finger.

But he hesitated for a moment, then stretched out two more, and said.


"And a return gift?"

Xiao Junlin\'s voice just fell.

The younger generation who had been sitting respectfully by the side and never said a word, also immediately exclaimed.

Is he going to give back three gifts to the Xu family?

As soon as the Xu family made a move, it was a university town project. What else could Xiao Junlin give back?

Xiao Junlin is definitely not short of money!

But the Xu family is not lacking...

"Mr. Xiao, are you kidding me?" Xu Yinian smiled politely and said, "We really want to thank you for helping us find the little princess, so how can we expect you to give us something in return?"

"Don\'t worry, old man!" Xiao Junlin smiled lightly and said, "These three gifts are things that can save your Xu family. It\'s okay to listen to them, right?"


I heard Xiao Junlin say that he can save the Xu family.

Xu Yinian, Xu Junjie and the others were immediately at a loss.

Their Xu family has been standing in Beijing for a hundred years, and they have not seen any signs of decline. How do they need to be rescued?


With their understanding of Xiao Junlin, they did not dare to neglect him at all!

"Brother Xiao, if you have anything, just say it!"

Xu Junjie spoke calmly, his expression slightly solemn.

He knew that Xiao Junlin was not an ordinary person, so when he said that he could save the Xu family, he immediately became interested!

"Your Xu family seems to be very beautiful, but in fact, it has already been declining, right?"

"Especially the generation of the main line is even more withered, and it makes the Nuo Da Xu family even worse..."

"And the Xu family\'s industry is very scattered, and there are not so many people to take care of more industries, and a little more...

Once Mr. Xu leaves with a kick of his legs one day, the Xu family may fall into a second-rate or even a third-rate family within ten years! "

"Do you agree with my statement?"

Xiao Junlin said with a smile, but the expressions of everyone present changed!

350. Huakang Pharmaceutical

Xiao Junlin finished speaking.

Everyone\'s faces changed!

The atmosphere in the side hall suddenly solidified!

Even Xu Junjie, the head of the Xu family, who has always been brother to Xiao Junlin, couldn\'t help frowning secretly.

After all, this is really bad! !

If it weren\'t for Xiao Junlin\'s great kindness to their Xu family first, and the kindness is not over yet...

If someone else dared to say this, I am afraid that the Xu family would have been angry and drowned! !

This is simply cursing the Xu family!

Although he\'s partly right...

"Don\'t get me wrong, I\'m not cursing you, what I\'m saying is the truth."

Xiao Junlin held the teacup, took a sip, and then continued: "Master Xu, do you dare to say that when you can\'t sleep every day, aren\'t you worried about these things?"

"I really don\'t believe it. With such a big Xu family, no one can really see these potential big problems that are enough to cause the scourge of clan annihilation?"