Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 358:

If you don\'t want to lose money, let them talk to the police superintendents of the Home Secretary! "

"Hmph, see if they dare to be so arrogant?"

The passengers all looked happy, forming a circle excitedly pointing at Guo Jingming\'s family.

The mother and daughter are really starting to be afraid!

This situation is not right...

This time it seems that Sapo can\'t solve it!

"Hey, you, you can\'t do this? We have no money, we have no money...

Besides, we didn\'t throw it into the plane, we were all on the ground, on the ground! "

"That\'s right, little brother, we have no money to pay!?"

"Let\'s fly directly? We promise that there will be no accident, no accident??"

The mother and daughter began to plead.

From time to time, Guo Jingming\'s older sister threw a wink at the young master at the front!

But the crew members shook their heads with wry smiles, and said, "Big sister, it\'s too easy for you to say, but what guarantee do you have? We really dare not fly!"

"All in all, the plane must be overhauled today, so prepare yourself mentally?

Don\'t say we don\'t give you a chance, while the flight attendant and the superintendent haven\'t come yet, if you can find money or something, hurry up and find it..."

"Ah? We have no money to pay!"

"I don\'t care, we don\'t care! Do you have evidence that we threw it? You want to deceive people, be careful I lie on the ground and I will tell you!"

Guo Jingming\'s mother and sister waved their hands desperately in fear, and their faces turned pale.

But just as the flight attendants were about to take them away, Xiao Junlin said decisively, "Hold on!"

"What did they do?

If you need to lose money, I will pay for it!

Let the people go first, do we have something to say? "

"What? Who is this?"

"He will pay??"

"Ah! Hiss-"

All the passengers were immediately surprised, and they couldn\'t help but turn their heads to look at the sudden appearance of the big head!

Seeing this, everyone immediately took a deep breath!

This was from a private jet next to him, and there was a large group of bodyguards beside him, and at a glance behind him, they were all strong men running towards this side.

This looks like a rich family! !

333. That\'s a fool, are you sure?

The appearance of Xiao Junlin gave this farce a bit of a turning point.

The mother and daughter watched the scene in disbelief.

That feeling is like sitting on a jumping plane, going straight up and down.

Is there still such a good person these days?

Hundreds and eighty thousand dollars were taken out easily, how much money was burned?

Originally, they were still going to continue to roll around and mess around, to see if they could get away with it and rely on it...

Now it seems that it is useless!

"Little brother, do you really want to help us lose money?"

The middle-aged woman widened her eyes and asked in surprise.

"Yes." Xiao Junlin nodded lightly with a smile, and said, "You should see it, right? I\'m not short of money, and I can also help you bear all the maintenance costs of this aircraft, as well as the cost of sitting here. The loss of all passengers on the plane, I can even arrange a new plane for you to take you to Beijing right away!"

"Really? Ah..."

"Hahaha! There is still this in these years... Thank you, little brother, thank you, you are such a good person!" The middle-aged woman smiled and almost missed her mouth in excitement.

But most of the people present could understand what she wanted to say.

Don\'t you just want to say that there are still so many stupid people these days?

It\'s a pity that no one can provoke this fool in the presence of this posture...

Naturally, the passengers will not jump out and continue to find fault at this time. Anyway, they can go to Beijing right away!

Looking at the happy expressions on these people\'s faces, Xiao Junlin said again: "But don\'t be too happy first, I will help you with conditions."

"What conditions?" The middle-aged woman\'s heart suddenly tightened.

Just when everyone was puzzled, Xiao Junlin pointed his finger at Guo Jingming and said, "The conditions are very simple, I want him."

"He? Isn\'t that a fool?"

"Ah, this big boss wants a fool? What the **** is going on!"

"That\'s right, that kid is not a big beauty!"

"Hey! Do you think rich people will lack beautiful women? It\'s just that I can\'t figure out why he wants a fool..."

While everyone was talking.

Zhu Han and others also looked confused.

What the **** is Xiao Junlin trying to do?

The young man knew at a glance that it was abnormal, maybe he was a fool...

What use can such a person do?

"You, aren\'t you joking?" The middle-aged woman frowned and asked in surprise, "This kid is a fool, even my grandson can crush him in terms of intelligence.

Are you sure you want him? "