Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 351:

Second come!

Xiao Junlin also had other business affairs to do when he went to Beijing.

With the gradual expansion of the industry under his name, the shortage of talents in the Xiao business empire began to gradually emerge.

This now has ten more mini lithography machines.

The search for more cutting-edge talents must also be put on the agenda as soon as possible!

Only in this way can he continue to expand his empire.

In the original book, there are several in Shangjing, and he is worth recruiting personally, top talents!

And according to the plot of the novel.

When Ye Tiance congratulates Mr. Xu on his birthday, he will come up with several scenes of pretending to be famous. As a real protagonist with a villain system, how could Xiao Junlin make him wish?

So Xiao Junlin really had to leave this time!

After Xu Jingci got the exact answer, she was naturally smiling and no longer worried about going to Beijing...

As long as she can stay by Xiao Junlin\'s side, she doesn\'t mind where she goes!

solved this problem.

Everyone in the conference room suddenly felt light, and then they all started to celebrate.

Xu Junjie even let people book the best hotels and restaurants in Tianhai, and set up a banquet to greet Xiao Junlin.

The words of thanks during the banquet never stopped.

After a banquet, everyone was happy.

Until the midnight banquet is over.

Xiao Junlin did not go back to Dijiang, but slept directly in the upstairs room of the hotel.

In a daze.

He felt as if someone was taking care of him, and he looked a little like Meng Caixuan, the eldest lady of the Meng family...

Everything seemed to fall into place.

While Xiao Junlin was in a trance, something unexpected happened with Meng Caixuan.

"Uncle, thank you..."

Sleeping soundly, Meng Caixuan\'s whispers could be vaguely heard in Xiao Junlin\'s ears.

She, who had absolutely distanced herself from Ye Tiance, completely threw off all the shackles.

She was even more decisive and chose to use this method directly...

Repay Xiao Junlin!


at the same time.

Ye Tiance, who had lost his soul, was walking on the street with a blank face.

It was raining lightly in the sky.

The wind in the middle of the night was a little cold, invading the bone marrow...

Ye Tiance couldn\'t help holding his arms like a lost dog.

In the vast sky and sea, there is no place for him!

Now he can\'t go back to Meng\'s house, and he didn\'t go to the hotel.

Five years!

Five years! ! !

Five full years of hard work!

In the end, it was a bamboo basket to draw water...

It\'s okay to pretend to be coercive, and now even the identity of his own son-in-law and the forces under him have all been burned!

He lost so badly!

Now he is not only embarrassed, but also lost the trust of the entire Meng family in him, and his so-called love is even less worth mentioning in front of Xiao Junlin.


"Lick the dog, lick the dog, lick until the end has nothing!"

"Meng Caixuan, Xiao Junlin, you two husbands and silver women, you are waiting for me!!"

Ye Tiance roared wildly in his heart.

Because of his love and hatred, he is about to completely lose his mind at this time!

He wished he could tear up Xiao Junlin with his own hands!

326. Cooperate with me, I need your help

Just when Ye Tiance was very sad and angry.

A black commercial car slowly parked beside him.

But Ye Tiance, who was still extremely angry, didn\'t care at all.

After the car stops.

The expressionless Xu Wanyue also got out of the car.

The two losers stood silently in the cold wind.

At this time, Xu Wanyue was also very embarrassed.

The atmosphere was a little dull for a while.

She changed her former strength, and she also shed the arrogance that overflowed from her body, and her whole person revealed a silent sense of chill, just like the kind of warrior who was born again from despair!
