Transmigrating Into a Dog Licking His Father, I Am the Protagonist of Destiny

Chapter 341:

"what happened?"

"Is Xiao Junlin crazy? What the **** is he doing..."

Xu Wanyue felt a little flustered inexplicably.

Voting is about to start!

Why is it that she is panicking?

"This girl can just say a word to the phone? No way!"

"Are you kidding me, who did Director Xiao call?"

Everyone is very curious.

No one can guess what the **** Xiao Junlin is doing!

It looks like the voting is about to start!

With Xu Wanyue\'s previous preparations, once the voting starts, she can definitely win easily.

The Meng family will also be eliminated by her on the spot.

There is absolutely no room for recovery!

But no one thought...

At this critical juncture of life and death, Xiao Junlin was still on the phone, and asked the little girl beside him to call for help! ?

What kind of game is this playing?

Why can\'t they understand it!

Only Xu Wanyue suddenly had some very bad premonitions.

Xiao Junlin\'s phone call just now, he turned on the external function, and Xu Wanyue naturally heard the answer from the opposite side!

That voice is so familiar!


Xu Wanyue suddenly gasped in fright.

This sound!

This sound! !

Isn\'t this Xu Junjie?

But it\'s not right!

Isn\'t Xu Junjie in Beijing?

Why did Xiao Junlin know him, and he still had his phone number!

This this this? ? ?

"You, Xiao Junlin!

Who did you call that call just now? "

Xu Wanyue asked hesitantly.

However, her voice was trembling uncontrollably!

"Didn\'t you hear it, why do you ask for it knowingly?"

Xiao Junlin raised his eyebrows with a half-smile but said, "Come on, continue to vote, and leave the ink quickly! He should be here soon."

"No, it\'s impossible..."

"He he he, he is obviously in Beijing, why is he here?"

"You\'re bluffing me? You want me to retreat without fighting? You\'re dreaming!!"

Xu Wanyue roared hoarsely, but her expression seemed a little grim.

Her appearance made everyone stunned.

It also made Ye Tiance stunned.

this fucking...

Who is Xiao Junlin looking for!

Why did the arrogant Xu family eldest miss just hear that person say "yes" on the phone, and she felt like she was scared to pee?

This is not right! !

Ye Tiance originally wanted to use Xu Wanyue to make Xiao Junlin lose his life!

And look at the previous posture.

This is clearly very likely to succeed!

But why...

Why just a phone call.

Has the situation reversed?

He still thought about being able to come forward to turn the tide, what should he do now?

"Impossible, impossible!!"

"How could he do it? That\'s the big family in Shangjing!!"

"I don\'t believe it, I don\'t believe it..."

Ye Tiance gritted his teeth and cursed in a low voice!

However soon.

The reality directly gave him a painful blow!

The door of the conference room was pushed open again.

A large number of bodyguards roared in.